Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 751


This blow killed Lin Feng and blew Lin Feng out.

Lin Feng only felt his blood rolling and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

If someone else.

Attacked by this palm.

Death is certain!

That is Lin Feng.

Cultivate the ancient dragon and elephant formula, and surpass the gods and demons of the same level.

"Not dead".

The monk who shot looked surprised.


Lin Feng roared and suddenly burst into an inch.

He rushed to the man in an instant.

Then, blow it with one hand.

The monk\'s face changed greatly.

He didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s speed to be so fast.

At this moment, it is too late to use powerful means to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.

He can kiss with his hands across his body.

Here comes a move, iron lock Hengjiang.



Lin Feng\'s blow killed the Friar\'s arm.

The monk flew out upside down.

His face turned pale.

Click, click.

Broken arm.

Lin Feng entered the 15th heaven ladder world.

He didn\'t stop and killed the wounded friar.

"Boy, I think you dare?".

There are more than a dozen monks not far away.

Obviously these people are together.

These people suddenly shouted coldly, with a strong sense of threat.

"What dare I?".

Lin Feng sneered and cut out a crack in the sky.

The dazzling blade is condensed.

Killed the friar.


The friar let out a cry of horror.


But the next moment, his body was torn in two.

"How dare you kill the people of huoyun island? No one can save your life in heaven and earth.".

A blue friar shouted coldly.

This person should be the highest in this group.

"Huoyun island? It used to be the huoyun island of the three saints and four immortals in the East China Sea?"

Lin Feng glanced at these people coldly.

The three immortals and four islands are the seven most terrible forces in the East China Sea world except the sea clan.

Lin Feng, the famous name of huoyun Island, has naturally heard of it.

This is an evil force.

Very evil.

kill in cold blood.

Obviously, Lin Feng guessed that there must be babies in the 15th heaven ladder world, so these people want to swallow the babies alone.

Then these people saw themselves coming up too.

Suddenly attack and kill yourself.

In this way.

You can steal these babies.

"Boy, kill yourself. If we do it, you\'ll die worse.".

The blue friar sneered.

"A bunch of things that don\'t know how to live or die".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and killed the crowd directly.

What if there are many people?

What if there are many strong people?

People come to kill!

Buddha to kill Buddha!

Come and kill the ghost!

Come and kill the demon!

Who blocks who dies!

Together, kill him.

The blue Friar\'s name was Hong Mingxuan. He drank coldly.

Shua Shua!


A dozen experts surrounded Lin Feng.

These people.

Unexpectedly, all of them are accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang.

Obviously, this is the elite force of huoyun island.

They went out on a mission together.

So many strong people come together.

Do any task.

All handy.

"Boy, die.".

These friars in huoyun Island grinned and killed Lin Feng with all kinds of precious treasures in their hands.

Flying sword.

Magic weapon. Shoot.

Facing the attack of these people, Lin Feng looked indifferent. He offered a bronze mirror.

Lin Feng directly activates the bronze mirror.

Shua Shua

The bronze light swept out.

Those bronze lights were killed on the magic weapon that killed Xiang Lin Feng.

Click, click.


One magic weapon was directly smashed.

Bronze mirrors are worthy of "bronze ware".

It\'s too powerful.

Under the attack of bronze treasure.

More than a dozen magic weapons were destroyed in an instant.


Seeing the bronze in Lin Feng\'s hand, LAN Mingxuan and others suddenly burst out greedy eyes.

Bronze ware is worth grabbing.

"Sacrifice Wu soul to kill him".

LAN Mingxuan shouted coldly.


These friars of huoyun Island sacrificed their martial spirits one by one.

The beast roared.

This is the sacrifice of the beast\'s soul.

The black fog surged.

This is the dark soul.

The magic soldiers roared.

This is the weapon soul.

All kinds of martial spirits were urged.

More than a dozen friars of huoyun Island, led by LAN Mingxuan, scattered around and besieged Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. Facing the attack of LAN Mingxuan and others, he still urged the bronze mirror.

Rays of light shot out from the bronze mirror.

The power of the bronze mirror was fully demonstrated.

The blue light pierced the soul of a monk from huoyun island.

Then, the blue light continued to shoot at the friars of huoyun island.

These fire cloud Island friars\' faces changed greatly. They didn\'t expect the power of bronze mirrors to be so powerful.

These people took refuge in embarrassment.

But now it\'s too late to avoid the attack of cyan light.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The sound of piercing the flesh came out.

A monk from huoyun island was killed.

"Spare your life"!

LAN Mingxuan pleaded with a pale face.

But Lin Feng looked indifferent and had no intention of sparing him.

The bronze mirror sweeps out a blue light again and kills lanmingxuan.

"Is that the friar of huoyun island? More than a dozen yin-yang experts were killed?".

In the distance, friars came to the 15th heaven ladder world one after another. When they saw the killed LAN Mingxuan and others, their faces were pale.

Lin Feng took away the storage ring of LAN Mingxuan and others, and then quickly flew in the direction of energy fluctuation.

Others want to pass, but want Lin Feng to be so terrible. Isn\'t it death to compete with Lin Feng for the baby?

So the monks changed their direction and flew in another direction.

After flying for about half an hour, Lin Feng saw a fairy tree in a canyon.

This fairy tree is surrounded by Fairy Light and grows more than a dozen red fruits.

I saw a lot of essence from the fruit.

Essence overflows into the air.

The whole body\'s 18000 pores are open, crazy absorbing the essence in the air.

"Tiancai Dibao! Jingyuan fruit!"

Lin Feng\'s face showed a shocked expression.

It\'s such a baby.

The essence fruit can provide a lot of energy for friars. It is said that even the effect of the best spirit stone is far from being comparable to that of the essence fruit.

Lin Feng quickly collected more than a dozen essence fruits.

He was about to leave when three streamers came from a distance, which fell down.

These are three young friars, two men and one woman, each looking arrogant and arrogant.

"It\'s the essence fruit".

A male friar was surprised.

The other person looked at Lin Feng, looked down at Lin Feng and said contemptuously, "you picked the essence fruit? Now hand it in?".

Lin Feng said faintly, "why hand it in?".

The monk\'s look suddenly sank, "the dog like mole ants is also qualified to ask me why?".