Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 750

"Is this the legendary ladder?".

Someone exclaimed and thought of the heavenly ladder recorded in the Taoist Scripture.

The sky ladder extends to the endless starry world. I don\'t know where it ends.

It is very similar to the steps in the light column in front of you.

"I\'ve also seen the introduction of the ladder. It should be the ladder. That\'s right.".

Said an old monk.

After a brief shock, the female emperor rushed to the ladder first.

When she entered the pillar of light and stepped up the ladder.

Then disappeared.

"How did the empress disappear?".

Many people wonder.

Grandma Tianshan! Taixu way! Jin Yuanlie! Si Qi!

The four strong men never stopped, quickly climbed the ladder and disappeared.

"It\'s not that they disappeared, but that after they climbed the ladder, the ladder hid their whereabouts.".

Said the friar.

"Above the ladder, there must be opportunities"!

Many monks said excitedly.

Then rush to the ladder!

Go away.

But at this time, a strong man appeared, rushed to the ladder, swept out hundreds of people with one palm.


Many people spit blood.

Some friars who were weaker were blown up and killed directly.

The person who made the move was an extremely terrible existence, wearing a black robe and emitting a cold smell.

Seems to be a strong demon.

The powerful devil disappeared into the ladder in an instant.

Then there were three more figures.

As fast as lightning.

Also rushed into the ladder.

"There are four more super strong?".

Lin Feng was quite speechless.

In Taixu road! Si Qi! When Jin Yuanlie besieged the female emperor.

The four did not appear.

But obviously.

They must be watching in the dark.

Now the ladder appears and can\'t wait to rush into it.

After the four super strong men entered the ladder, the other monks rushed in one after another.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng entered the ladder.

Entering the world of the ladder, he found that there was another heaven and earth.

It\'s like an independent world.

Looking into the distance, you can see the blue sky, clouds and the temple floating in the clouds.

Lin Feng quickly walked up the ladder.

Soon Lin Feng found that the higher he went, the stronger the pressure he felt.

Obviously, the ladder is not able to climb to the top indefinitely.

If the cultivation is not enough, you can\'t even go far in the ladder.

A day later.

Lin Feng came to the first day of the ladder.

In the distance, the immortal fog is shrouded, and the halls are continuous.

Many monks rushed to the temples.

"This heaven ladder world has constructed such a strange form? There are many temples in the clouds. What kind of existence is this heaven ladder world?".

Lin Feng frowned.

The demon king said, "this is a heaven ladder world condensed from the thirty-three heavy heavens.".

"Thirty three days?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The demon king said, "the immortal world has 33 heavy days. The difficulty of climbing one heavy day will be greatly improved. However, if you can enter the last heavy day, you will get great benefits".

"The first heaven in the undead world, whether it is the aura of heaven and earth, the materials and treasures of heaven and earth, the inheritance of ancient cultivation and so on, is far from being comparable to the second heaven.".

"And the second heaven can\'t be compared with the third heaven.".

"If it takes 3000 years for a person to practice to reach the realm of God on the first day, it may only take ten years on the 33rd day.".

"A person gets a powerful Taoist instrument on the first day. Maybe he can use this treasure to go everywhere, but if Taoist instruments can be seen everywhere on the 33rd day, this is the gap.".

Lin Feng said, "so, since this is a space condensed from the thirty-three heavy days of the immortal world, that is to say, the higher you go, the more precious and rare the baby will be?".

The demon king nodded and said, "theoretically, it is indeed so.".

Lin Feng suddenly wondered. He asked the demon king some questions on weekdays. The demon king would make himself pay immortal blood.

But today, the demon king took the initiative to answer for himself.

It\'s rare for the sun to come out from the West.

Lin Feng felt that the demon king was only afraid of asking for himself.


I will never take the initiative to explain this ladder world to myself.

Lin Feng said, "do you have anything to ask me?".

The demon king coughed to hide his embarrassment.

He said, "I\'ll take you to the 33rd ladder world later. You go to the 33rd ladder world to see if there is a magic stone? Go and help me get the magic stone.".

"Thirty three ladder world?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He said, "the pressure in this place is very strong. The higher I go, the stronger the pressure will be. In terms of my cultivation, I\'m afraid I can\'t reach the world of the thirty-three heavenly ladders.".

I can help you.

Said the demon king.

"With your strength, find the magic stone yourself.".

Lin Feng said.

He wanted the demon king to leave the magic bead.

As long as the demon king leaves, Lin Feng will leave immediately.

The chance of this place.

I don\'t want it myself.

Can get rid of the demon king.

Is the greatest opportunity.

The demon king said, "the 33rd heaven ladder world will suppress all spiritual things. When I reach the 33rd heaven ladder world, I can\'t come out of the magic beads at all. Even if I can come out, I will be instantly beaten back into the magic beads.".

Lin Feng said, "the nine strong will go to the world of thirty-three heavenly ladders. I don\'t want to die.".

Tianjun said, "you don\'t have to be afraid at all. The 33rd heaven ladder world is a forbidden law space. Their mana can\'t play out, but can only play the power of the flesh. You have practiced the Taigu dragon and elephant formula, and the flesh surpasses the gods and demons of the same level. Although those people are much stronger than you, they can\'t run their mana. Relying on the flesh alone, they are not necessarily your opponent".

"If I fight alone, I may be able to defeat them with my flesh, but it\'s nine people. I\'m taking too much risk when I go up.".

Lin Feng said faintly.

The demon king gnashed his teeth angrily. He said coldly, "boy, don\'t you just want to get benefits? Just say it"!

Lin Feng said, "is this your attitude of asking people to do things? You\'d better correct your attitude, because I have the right to refuse to cooperate with you.".

"Boy, in ancient times, you didn\'t even have the qualification to talk to me?". The demon king said coldly.

"Archaic era? Are you the existence of archaic era?".

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

The demon king shut up.


The demon king said, "if you promise me, how about I save you once if you encounter a crisis of life and death?".


Lin Feng smiled. Although it would be dangerous to go to the 33rd ladder world, it was worth the risk to get a chance for the demon king.

Lin Feng never stopped in the world of the first heaven ladder. He continued to go up.

33 times the ladder world.


There\'s nothing good down there.

When Lin Feng came to the 15th weight, he felt amazing fluctuations coming from the depths of the 15th weight space.

Lin Feng is planning to enter the 15th space.

Suddenly, at the entrance of the 15th heavy space, a friar immediately attacked Lin Feng and blew Lin Feng\'s chest with his palm, trying to kill Lin Feng here.

This man is too fast.

That terrible slap came in an instant, and Lin Feng could not avoid it.