Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 749


It turned out to be a huge altar.

A huge altar covering more than ten acres of land.

This made everyone feel shocked and moved.


There is such a huge altar.

Is this the altar left by the strong in the ancient times?

Lin Feng looked carefully.

Around the altar, there are huge statues.

Some of the statues are like gods and Buddhas.

Some statues are the appearance of ancient ancestors.

Some of the statues are like demons.

Part of the statue is the statue of the ancient demon family.

These statues guard the altar in all directions.

Every statue is lifelike.

And on the altar.

There are numerous ancient array patterns.

Those array patterns are like the body of a real dragon.

The whole huge altar is densely covered.

"How could such an altar appear?".

Lin Feng murmured.

He suddenly thought of his epiphany in the temple and entered the mural world.

In the mural world.

He had seen such an altar.

It was a sacrificial platform built by ancient ancestors during their sacrifice.

Of course, there is no way to compare it with the scale of the altar.

The four strong men stopped fighting, and they quickly flew to the altar.

In all directions, monks poured into the direction of the altar.

"What would happen if such a huge altar could be activated?".

Many people are muttering to themselves.

The inner shock is hard to describe in words.


The secret of this altar must be amazing.


What kind of secret is hidden still needs to be discovered by everyone.

The four strong men were also observing the altar, frowning and thinking.

"Real dragon, white tiger, Xuanwu, rosefinch, bright snake!"

Lin Feng looked at a corner of the altar.

The virtual shadow of the five sacred beasts is carved here.

Five sacred beasts.

It\'s not easy.

Represents the supreme sacred beast Avenue.



For the leader of countless fierce beast races.

"This is King Kong, arhat, Bodhisattva, ancient Buddha...".

And not far away.

Lin Feng found Buddhist pictures.

"What on earth is this altar used for? It has carved all kinds of pictures?".

Lin Feng frowned.

At this time, the four strong men wanted to urge the altar.

But it failed.

It was difficult for them to activate the huge altar.

More and more monks heard the news and came quickly.

No one was shocked when they saw the huge altar.

Three days later, a voice of catharsis came from outside.

"It\'s grandma Tianshan...".

Someone said.

This caused a great sensation.

Tianshan Mountain is located in Xizhou.

This is an ancient power with a long history.

And very mysterious.

Tianshan grandma is the leader of Tianshan.

Soon after, under the stars and the moon, an old woman came.

The old woman, with a bibcock and a cane and snow-white hair, was not angry.

This old woman is grandma Tianshan.

The arrival of grandma Tianshan caused a great shock.

Because grandma Tianshan is a powerful spirit array master.

Moreover, it is widely said that grandma Tianshan has reached the level of Holy Spirit array master.

I wonder if the rumor is true?


Whether the rumor is true or not.

Grandma Tianshan is at least a master of the heaven level peak spirit array.


At the Lingzhen normal university meeting held in Zhongzhou a thousand years ago.

Grandma Tianshan once appeared and showed her powerful spirit array master realm.

At that time, grandma Tianshan was already the top spirit array master of Tianshan level.

Now the millennium has passed.

Who knows how strong grandma Tianshan is?

"Tianshan Taoist friend!"

Jin Yuanlie, Taixu Dao and Si Qi all hugged grandma Tianshan.

Grandma Tianshan smiled and saluted them back.

The female emperor stood not far away. She didn\'t know grandma Tianshan.

"Taoist friends of Tianshan Mountain came just in time. Look at the altar here. What\'s the secret?".

Jin Yuanlie couldn\'t wait to ask.

Grandma Tianshan said, "don\'t worry, Taoist friends, let me observe.".

Grandma Tianshan walked on the huge altar.

She observed the lines and pictures on the altar, frowned slightly from time to time, and was obviously thinking.

"Grandma Tianshan is probably a holy order spirit array master. She should be able to see the mystery of the altar.".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved and couldn\'t help thinking of it.

He sent a message to the demon king and asked, "what do you think of the altar demon king?".

The demon king said, "I naturally see the mystery of this altar. If you want to know, you can exchange a drop of immortal blood.".

"Then forget it"!

Lin Feng shrugged.

Undead blood is so precious that he won\'t spend undead blood to trade with the demon king.

What\'s more?

Grandma Tianshan may be able to discover the secret of the altar.

There is no need to make a deal with the demon king.

"Tianshan Taoist friend, can you see the mystery?".

Taixu asked.

Grandma Tianshan said, "In ancient times, sacrificial platforms were built. There are five types of sacrificial platforms. The first is an ordinary sacrificial platform, which can offer sacrifices to false gods such as mountain gods, the second is a psychic sacrificial platform, which can offer sacrifices to small gods such as river gods, the third is a Avenue sacrificial platform, which can offer sacrifices to real gods such as the Dragon King, the fourth is a heaven sacrificial platform, which can offer sacrifices to ancient giant gods, and the fifth The altar is called the fate altar. It is said that the fate altar is the most mysterious one. It is engraved with gods and Buddhas. Endless creatures are on it to communicate fate. From my old body\'s point of view, this altar is the legendary fate altar. Even in the ancient times, the ancient giant gods who can arrange the fate altar are as rare as rare. I just don\'t know who arranged this altar ?”。

"Altar of destiny"!

Many people were shocked.

The word "destiny".

It makes people think.

Si Qi couldn\'t help asking, "don\'t you know that Tianshan Taoist friends can open this altar of fate?".

"The altar of fate, even in ancient times, is full of mystery. Once it is opened, no one knows what will happen. Maybe we will all be buried here.".

Grandma Tianshan said in a sad voice.

Her words changed the color of countless people.

Si Qi, Taixu Dao, Jin Yuanlie could not help but frown.

Taixu Dao gritted his teeth and said, "we have seen such a mysterious fate altar in ancient times. If we don\'t carefully check what secrets are hidden in this fate altar, we will regret all our life, so please Tianshan Taoist friends find a way to open the fate altar".

"Yes, please Tianshan Taoist friends.".

Taixu Dao and Jin Yuanlie also said.

"In that case, I\'ll try to open the altar of destiny.".

The voice fell.

Grandma Tianshan flew into the air and hit thousands of array patterns with her leading crutch in her hand.

Those array patterns all poured into the altar of fate.

"How strong! What a powerful soul force it takes? To control so many array patterns? It seems that the rumor that grandma Tianshan broke through the Holy Level spirit array master is not groundless".

Lin Feng looked at grandma Tianshan with shocked eyes.


At this time, I saw the fate altar shaking violently.


The dense temples in the distance were all excited, and huge beams of light came out.

from all sides.

All are huge beams of light, all of which shine on the altar.

"Stars support the moon"!

Lin Feng was surprised.

In the darkness, the shining temples are like stars.

The huge altar is like a bright moon.

After countless rays of light poured in, the real dragon array pattern on the altar of fate came back to life.

Countless array patterns emit amazing fluctuations.



A column of light as thick as a mountain shines from the altar of destiny.

The light column rushed to the nine days, as if connected with the endless starry sky.

In the huge column of light, there is a step leading to the depths of the endless starry sky.

"God, the altar of fate has changed. Where does the step lead?".

Countless shocking eyes looked at the mysterious steps in the light column.

Inside the magic bead.

The demon king sitting on the solitary grave saw the mysterious step.

He showed a surprised expression, "it\'s......".