Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 748

Jinwu elder!

Great Xia imperial uncle!

It\'s these two!

Lin Feng had seen them before and entered the abyss with the female emperor.

The elder of Jinwu nationality is called Jin Yuanlie.

He is a supreme elder of Jinwu nationality, with high status.

The origin of the Jinwu nationality is extremely great.

According to myths and rumors, the ancestor of the Jinwu family is the emperor of heaven.

At the end of ancient times, the world of heaven fell into an unprecedented scuffle.

This great chaos is known as the "battle of the ancient gods".

How did the war start?

The fuse is the Jinwu nationality.

We can vaguely learn something about the situation at that time from myths and legends.

The emperor of heaven had ten sons.

Ten sons live in Fusang trees. They are called Jinwu by the world.

Jinwu means "the incarnation of the sun" in ancient times.

Every day a golden crow wakes up and flies to the sky, which can be turned into a God\'s day.

On weekdays, it is a round of God\'s day.

However, the top ten Jinwu do not want to be bound by this kind of restriction. They ignore the restrictions imposed on them by the rules of heaven and earth.

The top ten Jinwu chose to take off at the same time, resulting in the scene of taking off on the 10th.

Ten days into the sky, the earth was baked dry.

Countless people died because of the drought.

Among the archaic races, there is a race called the witch race.

Twelve ancestral witches have appeared in the witch family, all of whom are like ghosts and gods.

A hundred years after the launch on the 10th, a very outstanding leader of the witch clan appeared.

The leader is called "Yao".

It is called "Emperor Yao" by the world.

Emperor Yao ruled over a large area of territory. Seeing that countless people in the territory died miserably due to drought, Emperor Yao couldn\'t bear it.

Emperor Yao went through a lot of hardships to find the top ten Jinwu and begged the top ten Jinwu to let the people live.

Ten golden black anger.

Kill Emperor Yao!

Emperor Yao died miserably, and countless races in Taigu were devastated.

Because Emperor Yao can be called "holy emperor".

Be diligent and love the people.

But died miserably in the hands of the top ten Jinwu.

Emperor Yao\'s son, Hou Yi, ten, vowed to avenge his dead father.

Hou Yi later found a mysterious meteorite outside the sky and forged "Sun shooting divine bow" and "Sun shooting divine arrow".

This sun shooting God bow is Hou Yi\'s bow, which is called one of the ten forbidden weapons in ancient times.

Hou Yi pulls a bow and shoots an arrow!

Shoot down nine days!

This is the story of Hou Yi shooting the sun.

The emperor of heaven was angry.

Chop Hou Yi.

Many races in Taigu were completely angry.

First, Hou Yi\'s father, Emperor Yao, was killed by the top ten Jinwu for the sake of all the people in the world.

Now Hou Yi was beheaded.

Many ancient races led by the witch race launched an unprecedented war against the heaven ruled by the emperor of heaven.

And this war swept all over the sky, and countless races participated in the war.

The heavens were destroyed.

Countless ancient gods fell.

This is the famous battle of the ancient gods.

The end of this war also announced the end of the most dazzling archaic era.

And this Jin Yuanlie.

Maybe it was the descendant of Jinwu who was not shot by Hou Yi.

Even if endless years pass.

The blood of the Jinwu nationality has long been thin.

But still strong.

The Daxia empire was a force established at the end of archeology.

Ups and downs for hundreds of millions of years.

between which.

Several times.

However, this empire has been rebuilt again and passed on to the present. It is already the top force in tianwu mainland.

"Are you three going to besiege me? I\'m really afraid.".

The empress looked pitiful and pitiful.

I don\'t know how many practitioners want to rush up to protect the female emperor at this moment.

However, the area where the female emperor fought with the three great powers was inaccessible to ordinary people.

Not close yet.

It has been instantly torn apart by the fluctuations of the war.

"Now the empress is in a bit of trouble.".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Tut Tut, I didn\'t expect that you are still an amorous seed? Have a crush on the female emperor?".

The demon king tilted his mouth.

Lin Feng said faintly, "so what? So what if not?".

"Yes, interrupt your thoughts as soon as possible. Can you get into the eyes of the female emperor with this cultivation?".

The demon king hit Lin Feng impolitely.

"Shit, no one treats you as a mute.".

Lin Feng cursed the demon king in his heart.

Of course, he dared not scold him at the demon king.

The demon king has revived his consciousness since he swallowed the Taoist spirit.

More and more weird.

Lin Feng naturally won\'t provoke him.



At this time.

The three great powers launched a powerful offensive against the female emperor.

"Golden black claw".

"Supreme heaven breaking fist".

"Taixu Shinto chop".

The three strong men shouted loudly at the same time.

Jump up.

Everyone\'s offensive.

All swept away like a storm.

Bombard the empress.

The female emperor fought with one against three and fought with the three strong men.

The three great powers are magnificent.

The Vietnam War is getting stronger.

The female emperor is only a person after all.

The cultivation time is far less than the three strong ones.

She was subdued by the three strong men.

Many monks who watched saw the empress suffer in the war.

One by one wished they could help the female emperor now.

Some monks even shot.

But the final result was to be killed instantly under the attack in the aftermath of the war.

"Empress, how long can you hold on?".

The three strong men sneered.

"It\'s too early to be proud?".

The empress\'s eyes were cold.

She waved her jade hand.


The divine light surged, and the ships of the ancient gods flew out.

The eyes of the three strong men brightened when they saw the ancient ship.

"In the ancient times, Emperor Yao united with the gods to build this ship. Then Emperor Yao took this ship with the gods, crossed the ancient god sea and found my ancestors. Later, they were beheaded by my ancestors. Originally, the ancestors wanted to collect this ancient ship, but who thought that this ancient ship was really powerful and escaped with Emperor Yao\'s body and the ancient gods.".

Jin Yuanlie\'s eyes were hot. He talked about a secret of the ancient times.

The ship of the ancient gods is not simple and hides world shaking secrets.

Do it.

The three strong players shot at the same time.

They want to kill the empress.

Take the ancient ship!

At this time.

Old ships get bigger.

The female emperor stepped on the ancient ship.

"Inherit the will of the ancient gods, and the immortal will of the ancient gods will come down.".

The voice of the empress.

For a moment.

A mysterious shadow appeared above the ship of the ancient gods.

Those are the ancient gods.

They gathered together.

They were pushing a sarcophagus.

In the sarcophagus lay a brave man.

The man seems to be the "Emperor Yao" who was killed by the top ten Jinwu.

The will of the ancient gods came.

The ancient lights swept towards the three strong ones.

Bang Bang

The three great powers were all shaken out.


The three strong men hummed angrily. Before they came, they brought the treasure.

Three pieces of peak track.

Taixu sword!


God bell!

The three great treasures were sacrificed and collided with the ships of the ancient gods.


giant earthquakes and landslides.

The halls collapsed.

This kind of collision was so terrible that countless monks retreated towards the outside in embarrassment.

The two sides collided and attacked dozens of times, and the earth was sunk.

Click, click.


The earth collapsed.

Then, endless divine light poured out from the ground.

Everyone looked into the cracked earth.

When you see what appears in the cracked earth.

Everyone looks different.

Even the female emperor, Jin Yuanlie, Taixu Dao and Si Qi, the four strong men, looked at the deep part of the cracked earth in shock.