Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 747

The whole temple!

in perfect silence!

That\'s a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

I was killed by one move.

Is that too bad?


This is what really happened in front of us. Several friars in lengsha Island sat down on the ground and turned pale.

"Spare my life! Spare my life"!

The friars knelt on the ground and begged Lin Feng to spare them from dying.

Lin Feng glanced at these people.

Several friars in the realm of King Wu.

Kill them.

Also dirty their own hands.

Lin Feng left the temple.

Many people have just recovered.

"God, who is that boy? Is it really just the realm of King Wu? The realm of King Wu kills the six heaven of yin and Yang?".

"How could it be the realm of King Wu? I guess it must have hidden cultivation accomplishments".

"But the boy looks like he is only about 20 years old. If he hides his accomplishments and can kill lengqianqiu in the six heaven of Yin-Yang realm, isn\'t his realm higher than lengqianqiu?".

Many people talked about it one after another, full of shock and emotion.

"This man is so powerful"

Among the crowd, a pair of eyes stared at Lin Feng\'s back and couldn\'t help murmuring.

It was a woman in a long blue dress with a pure and moving face.

A pair of eyes, like autumn water, are pitiful and delicate.

Any man who sees such a pure and delicate woman is afraid that he will have the impulse to hold her in his arms and love her well.

Lin Feng had left the temple at this time.

Outside, there was a black fog.

Monks came one after another and entered the temple.

Some friars also swept in other directions.

The halls are continuous.

I can\'t see the end of the temple at a glance, and I don\'t know how many temples are here.

I don\'t know how many years it will take to build such a huge temple.

There are so many buildings here. I don\'t know what this place was in the past.

Must have hidden a great secret.

Lin Feng took out the storage bracelet. He planned to invade it with his mind.


Suddenly, a woman\'s cry came out of the storage bracelet.

God thought inside.

Lin Feng almost threw the storage Bracelet out.

Because he sensed a woman who was full of death.

Like a fierce ghost climbing out of hell.

Lin Feng quickly took back his mind.

It feels much better.

"What kind of bracelet is this? It scares me? It\'s not a simple storage bracelet.".

Lin Feng frowned.

He sent a message to the worm king and asked, "worm king, do you know who left this bracelet?".

The worm King replied, "tell the master that this bracelet is said to be left by a person who built this group of temples."

"Who built such a large group of temples?".

Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Well... My subordinates don\'t know.".

The worm King replied.

Lin Feng nodded.

He then sent a message to the demon king, although he didn\'t expect the demon king to answer himself.

But also with a try attitude.

"Demon king, do you know this bracelet?"

Lin Feng shook the storage Bracelet in his hand.

The demon king sat on the solitary grave, raised his eyelids and looked at the bracelet in Lin Feng\'s hand.

He looked surprised and said, "it seems to be a bad luck bracelet.".

"Doom bracelet?".

Lin Feng immediately felt chilly all over.

It\'s obviously not a good thing to dare to call such a name.

The demon king said, "the bad luck bracelet is said to be the treasure of the ancient god of weak water. Later, the ancient god of weak water was driven into the endless sea of weak water, and he will never be reborn. The bracelet of the ancient god of weak water was soaked in the sea water of weak water day by day, and the gas of bad luck was entangled. From then on, it became a bad luck bracelet.".

Lin Feng looked confused and asked, "who is the ancient god of weak water?".

The demon king said, "Weak water, one of the ancient gods, was originally the owner of endless weak water, but later, weak water fell in love with a man, who was transformed by a heavenly demon. Weak water, as an ancient god, was confused by the heavenly demon, which made the endless weak water sea contaminated with the smell of demons. Therefore, it aroused the anger of the gods. The gods used their magic power against the sky to turn the weak water sea into a terrible death place, After the ancient god of weak water was suppressed, he was tortured forever.

Lin Feng said, "that bad luck Bracelet shouldn\'t do me any harm?".

The demon king gloated and said, "it\'s said that whoever gets the bad luck bracelet will be haunted by bad luck. It\'s not a good thing for you to get the bad luck bracelet.".

Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

He said, "I lost it.".

"Some things can\'t be lost if you want to lose them.".

The demon king glanced at Lin Feng\'s arm. There was an ancient demon ring, he said meaningfully.

"What should I do now?".

Lin Feng asked.

"You can\'t open the bad luck bracelet with this cultivation. Maybe when you are strong, the bad luck bracelet will get in touch with you.".

The demon king said.

Lin Feng was quite helpless and had to put away the bad luck bracelet.


At this time, terrible waves came from the depths.

Two sacred lights collided in the void.

There are top experts fighting.


Lin Feng was surprised.

One of the two top fighting masters is the female emperor.

Another person.

He is a middle-aged man, very brave and powerful.

"That\'s Taixu Dao, the strong one in the temple of heaven, and the great elder martial brother that heaven can\'t".

Friars around recognized the identity of the friar who fought with the female emperor.

Days ago, I was so arrogant that I wanted to accept the female emperor as my own woman.

Finally, she was almost beheaded by the female emperor.

Although he escaped his life, he lost an arm.

Heaven cannot be valued in the temple of heaven. After all, he has only practiced for 110 years and has broken through the realm of creation.

Future achievements are unlimited.

But now if you lose an arm, the potential will be greatly reduced.

This will naturally cause the wrath of the temple of heaven.

"Female emperor, it is said that your ancient gods\' ship has a world-shaking secret. I am very interested in taking the ancient gods\' ship to find the way to the undead world.".

Taixu Dao\'s voice was cold. His fist shook the world and roared at the female emperor.

"If you want a ship of ancient gods, I won\'t agree.".

The female emperor\'s combat power was also extremely strong. She waved her jade hand, played a galaxy competition and swept to the Taixu road.


The two sides roared together, and the void was shattered.

"The empress is so strong.".

Lin Feng squinted at the empress.

Tianwu is the first beauty in the mainland.

Peerless enchanting!

Cultivation is against the sky!

Men should conquer women like the female emperor.

The two sides are playing the same game.

"It\'s not easy to defeat my concubine.".

The empress smiled.

"If we add the two of us, can we kill you?".

A cold voice came.

An old man and a middle-aged monk stepped out of the void.

Their breath is terrible.

The momentum radiated.

The halls are shaking.

Heaven and earth are shaking.