Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 746

"Xing Tian\'s war intention! It\'s really strong!"

Feeling the strong fighting spirit emanating from his body, Lin Feng smiled on his face.

This is an epiphany.

I got a great chance.

Actually understood the "war intention of Xingtian".

Xing Tian\'s war intention and Lin Feng\'s understanding of the fighting trend before.

Strictly speaking.

All belong to a kind of "domineering".

The so-called domineering!

That is, the man released his domineering spirit without using any means.

Enough to defeat countless people.

Just now.

Although Lin Feng understood the potential and Xing Tian\'s war intention.

However, it is far from being able to transform "potential" and "Xingtian\'s war intention" into real hegemony.

At this time, his understanding of Xing Tian\'s war intention and potential is still very simple, which can only be regarded as some breath of domineering.

If we can make Xing Tian\'s war intention and potential continuously improve his power, he may be promoted to domineering.

"This boy is really lucky. It seems that he has made a great harvest.".

Many people looked at Lin Feng with envy.

Want to harvest everything here.

It\'s not an easy thing.

Requires a strong understanding.

Of course, it takes some luck.

Lin Feng restrained his breath.

He continued to observe the murals.

I hope I can gain something.

Others also hurried to understand the mystery of the mural.

Because two monks have entered the Epiphany state and obtained great benefits.

This deeply stimulated the rest of the monks.

"What do you call this brother?"

A clear voice came.

Lin Feng looked.

It was found that this man was the young monk who had an epiphany before.

This man is not simple. He sacrificed and refined the separation of the giant spirit and God.

"Lin Feng!"

"Mu Zhou"!

They each introduced their names.

Mu Zhou said with a smile, "you have extraordinary accomplishments. When you get out of this abyss and go northeast, there are many opportunities in this area. You can have a chance at that time.".

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

He didn\'t expect Mu Zhou to tell himself the news.

Obviously, these news are likely to be told by the elders of muzhou.

Mu Zhou made such a favor and told himself.

"Thank you"!

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"Ha ha, brother Lin, you\'re welcome. Then I won\'t bother brother Lin to understand the murals here. I\'ll leave first.".

Mu Zhou hugged his fist.

"Brother mu, walk slowly".

Lin Feng also hugged his fist.

Mu Zhou left.

Lin Feng\'s mouth showed a faint smile.

This is the world of practitioners.


There will be many people to make friends.

If the strength is weak.

Who cares?

Just like Mu Zhou, why do so many people in the temple make friends with themselves alone?

It is because Mu Zhou sees the great potential in himself.

Birds of a feather flock together.

The people that Mu Zhou makes friends with must be those he recognizes and are also top talents.

Lin Feng took back his eyes. He turned and looked at the murals.

Lin Feng\'s eyes locked on dozens of pictures of the mural war.

This is the war between the Xingtian Legion and the supreme god Dynasty.

In the world of murals.

Lin Feng only experienced here and was cut off from the mural world.

What happened later is unknown.

"Is Xing Tian in the mural world the one rumored?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He suddenly thought of a myth.

In ancient times, there was a heavenly court that ruled all heaven and all boundaries.

The Lord of heaven is called the "emperor of heaven".

Under the command of the emperor of heaven, there is a god of War called Xing Tian.

In the long reign.

The emperor of heaven has gradually changed from a benevolent monarch to a tyrannical character, killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Xing tiannu questioned the emperor of heaven.

The emperor of heaven, who felt ashamed, wanted to cut the sky and establish power in front of the gods.

But Xing Tian was too powerful. He escaped and integrated his forces to challenge the cruel rule of the emperor.

Xingtian and Tiandi fought at the top of the nine days.


He was beheaded by the emperor of heaven.

Of course, these are just myths and legends.

Is it true?

Lin Feng never knew.

It is hard to say whether the things in the mural world are true or not.

Lin Feng observed and found that the murals behind the war became very blurred.

Many contents have been lost.

So there is no textual research on what happened later.

"No wonder my connection with the mural world was cut off. It turned out that even the murals were missing.".

Lin Feng murmured.

He\'s going to leave.

The opportunity has been obtained. There is no need to stay in this temple.


At this time, there was a terrible smell outside.

Then a monk entered the ninth temple.

This monk.

In his eyes, his killing intention soared to the sky.

"Lengsha island! Lengqianqiu!"

Someone recognized the Friar and immediately exclaimed.

"How did he come here? It seems that he is in a rage. What a terrible murderous spirit.".

"Who provoked this man?".

Many people talked about it.

"Senior brother, that\'s the boy"!

Behind Leng Qianqiu, a monk pointed to Lin Feng.

Lengqianqiu\'s cold eyes looked at Lin Feng. In his eyes, there was a sense of killing.

"Boy, are you the one who killed me in lengsha island?".

Cold Qianqiu\'s eyes are like the sea.

Lin Feng said faintly, "yes, it\'s me! If you want to kill me and win the treasure, you can blame yourself for being cut by me.".

"Well, are you also to blame for being beheaded by me now?".

The cold Qianqiu\'s face was full of a grimace.


Then a breath of destruction came out of his body.

Yin Yang realm six heaven!

Many people looked at lengqianqiu in shock.

What a terrible strength.

"It seems that the boy is just the realm of King Wu? He even let an expert like Leng Qianqiu fight?".

"It is estimated that the boy has a treasure, so Leng Qianqiu killed him himself just in case.".

Many monks were whispering.

Now they all look at Lin Feng with pity.

In their view, Lin Feng could not escape from Leng Qianqiu.

"Boy, die.".

This cold Qianqiu is very direct. He grabs Lin Feng directly and kills Lin Feng with a fierce dragon Xiaotian fist.

Everyone felt that Leng Qianqiu seemed to turn into a giant dragon, open his teeth and claws, and kill Lin Feng in an instant.

Many monks felt the terrible smell from Leng Qianqiu, trembling and pale.

"Hmm? Strength is really not simple. It is worthy of being the six heaven of yin and Yang."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

It would be very troublesome to deal with Leng Qianqiu without understanding the war intention of Xingtian.

Need to use spirit array!

Do your best!

But now Lin Feng understands the meaning of Xingtian war.

Combat power soared!


Lin Feng\'s war spirit!

His body was full of war.

The smell of terror filled the air and made countless people pale with horror.

More terrible things are still ahead.

Lin Feng then ran the "potential".

"Potential" and "Xingtian war intention" are superimposed.

Lin Feng\'s combat power soared wildly again.

His fighting spirit rose to the extreme.

Crack the sky!

Lin Feng whispered and killed him with a knife.

The knife awn instantly killed Leng Qianqiu.

Leng Qianqiu felt the terrible power of the blade, and his face changed greatly. He quickly offered a defense magic weapon to resist.

But the defense magic weapon was torn.


Then, the Dao mang split lengqianqiu into two.

The realm of yin and Yang is cold for thousands of years.

By Lin Feng!

One move, second kill!