Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 745

When a child was born in the village.

A sacrificial ceremony will be held.

This is a ceremony held in many villages in ancient times.

And this mountain village.

No exception.

More than 2000 people in the village gathered together under the leadership of the village head to worship the heaven.

They put all kinds of sacrifices, extremely pious.


In the void, there is a divine light, exciting and shooting.

The divine light shone into the child\'s eyebrows.

This is Fukuzawa.

After offering sacrifices to heaven, children will get the blessings given by heaven.

In the middle of the child\'s eyebrows, a golden trace was left.

Seeing the golden lightning like trace, the old village head burst into tears.

"The mark of God of war, it\'s the mark of God of war"

The whole village was boiling.

The mark of God of war is the most powerful one among the blessings.

A lucky man blessed with the mark of God of war.

The future can become a powerful God of war.

Large tribes thousands of miles away heard about it and sent people to check it.

Then, the whole village was rewarded for the newly born child.

More than 2000 people in the village moved to the big tribe.

Sixteen years later.

Among a group of tribal children who came back from hunting in the mountains and forests on strange animals, one of the most heroic young men is Xing Tian.

He was born sixteen years ago and has grown up now.

He was destined to be the God of war.

"Brother Xing Tian".

A beautiful girl ran to meet Xing Tian in person.

This is the daughter of the tribal chief.

He followed Xing Tian since childhood.

She grew up with Xing Tian.


Maybe soon, the girl will be betrothed to Xing Tian.

In the envious eyes of many people.

Xing Tian stretched out his hand, grabbed the girl\'s small hand and pulled her onto the beast.

The girl leaned against the bosom of Xing Tian.

Xing Tian rode a strange beast and rushed to the distance.

Six months later.

Deep in the mountains and in the daze, there are immortal treasures that startle the world.

Many ancient powers have strong ones coming.

Those big powers.

It is not a force comparable to the tribe.

These powerful people come here for Xianbao.

The tribe also organized a group of people to go to the depths of the mountains, hoping to find some opportunities that big forces don\'t want.

For example, some big forces cut off powerful beasts, and they won\'t want them at all.

But these fierce beasts are extremely precious to the tribe.

Xianbao was born.

Many big forces scuffle.

There are also powerful monsters.

The scene was even more chaotic.

Many fierce beasts took part in the war and were slaughtered.

Tribal people, harvest rich.

Finally, Xianbao flew away.

These big forces chased out.

The people of the tribe got a large number of demon carcasses and returned.

A group of people passed over the tribe on strange animals.

A young childe, seeing the ethereal girl in the tribe, showed a surprised expression, "I didn\'t expect that there are such beautiful and refined women in this wild land. They can take them back to be female slaves and enjoy them. They must have a different taste.".

Young childe\'s origin is extremely great.

He is a direct descendant of some of the oldest forces.

The power is unimaginable.

He took his hand and held the girl in his arms.

"Let go of me......".

The girl struggled in horror.

The people of the tribe were angered and quickly surrounded.

The young childe\'s voice was cold, "no one left".

A friar beside the young childe shot.

The whole tribe, more than 100000 people were slaughtered.

Tribes become a sea of blood.

The girl was devastated and fainted.

The young childe took the girl away.

When Xing Tian and others returned, they saw this sad scene.

Everyone fell into a pool of blood.

Xing Tian rushed to the ruins like crazy.

He found his grandfather, father, mother, sister and all his relatives.

The rest of the people are crazy looking for their relatives.


Everyone is dead.

"Xiaoyue, where are you?".

Xing Tian went crazy to find Xiaoyue. They were engaged last month.

We\'ll get married in six months.

Among the countless bodies, he did not find the girl.

"Xing Tian".

A weak voice came out.

A middle-aged man was hung by his last breath and now he woke up.


Xing Tian ran over and held the middle-aged man in his arms.

This is Xiaoyue\'s father.

"Yes... Too... Up... God... Towards... People... They... Caught... Away... Little... Month".

After saying this sentence intermittently.

The patriarch died completely.

Supreme god!

Maybe no one doesn\'t know this power.

The supreme orthodoxy is the most terrible orthodoxy among the world.

The supreme god Dynasty is one of the most powerful forces.

"Supreme God, we have no hope of revenge.".

The rest wept bitterly, leaving only them, more than a thousand people who entered the depths of the mountains, who did not die.

Buried everyone.

Xing Tian left with endless hatred.

He wants to practice!

He wants to be strong!

Revenge for grandfather, father, mother, sister, relatives and people.

He wants to find Xiaoyue.

But Xing Tian didn\'t know.

That night.

Xiaoyue doesn\'t want to be humiliated.

Before the prince of the Supreme God wanted to defile her.

Xiaoyue bit her tongue and killed herself.

"It\'s really unlucky to throw the body under the cliff and feed the wolf.".

The young childe\'s eyes were gloomy.

when one has passed away!

Xing Tian came to the Supreme shenchao to investigate the events of the past years.

Finally let him find a clue.

It was a son of the Supreme God who did this.

He is the nephew of the emperor.

Xing Tian sneaks into the imperial capital, grabs the other party and forces him to ask about what happened that year.

When she learned that Xiaoyue had killed herself a hundred years ago.

Xing Tian cried bitterly and shed blood and tears.

The emperor\'s son begged Xing Tian to spare him from death.

Will Xing Tian spare him?

Xing Tian cut him to pieces.

But soon Xing Tian was wanted by the Supreme God.

In the long process of escape.

Xing Tian\'s cultivation is getting stronger and stronger.

Many experts gradually gathered around him.

Finally one day, Xing Tian\'s power is strong enough.

Armed with the axe of the God of war, he led countless strong men to launch the most tragic war with the supreme god Dynasty.

This war can be described as a sensation in the world.

The supreme god Dynasty has stood for hundreds of millions of years.

The strength of this force.



Xing Tian dared to challenge the majesty of the Supreme God.

This is the first time in billions of years.

Countless people feel that this time they will die.

But no one thought that in the first war, Xing Tian even cut off the strong at the level of 36 ancient giant gods in the supreme god Dynasty.

Established his reputation as the supreme god of war.


The roar of killing resounded through the sky.

Although the number of friars on Xing Tian\'s side is small, they are magnificent under the leadership of Xing Tian.

These people kill the monks of the supreme god Dynasty, kill the gods when they meet the gods, and kill the Buddhas when they meet the Buddhas.

The idea of war is like the sea.

carry the world before one.

Lin Feng looked at the war in shock. The friars led by Xing Tian were terrible.

Their accomplishments and numbers are not comparable to those of the supreme god Dynasty.

But their fighting spirit is so strong that the world collapses and the stars burst.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Earth shaking cheers rang out.

Every time you shout a kill word.

The fighting spirit of Xingtian Legion doubled.

This is an unimaginable promotion, and the stronger the war will be.

The combat effectiveness they show is more and more powerful.

In this world.

Lin Feng saw Xing Tian\'s life. He was born, grew up, fell in love with Xiaoyue, lost all his relatives, left alone, experienced endless pain and hardships, and finally promoted his cultivation.

Lin Feng doesn\'t belong to this world.

But he was shocked by the war spirit of the world\'s criminal Legion.

The endless sense of war.

Deeply imprinted in Lin Feng\'s mind.


A terrible smell diffused from Lin Feng\'s body.

He opened his eyes.

Lin Feng saw that he had returned to reality from the world in the murals.

The moment he opened his eyes.

The body exudes the terror momentum of shaking the world.

That\'s Xingtian\'s intention of war.

Lin Feng unexpectedly understood Xing Tian\'s war intention.

At the moment when Xing Tian\'s sense of war dissipated.

In the ninth temple, many monks were disturbed.

Feel the war spirit of Xing Tian emanating from Lin Feng\'s body.

Countless monks turned pale.

"What the hell happened?".

All the monks looked at Lin Feng in horror.

They have an illusion.

Standing there did not seem to be a young monk.

But an ancient god of war!