Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 744

"You are so strong...".

The other two monks in the yin-yang realm of lengsha island looked at Lin Feng pale.

They thought Lin Feng was a small character who could be kneaded and killed at will.

I didn\'t know until now.

I was very wrong.

Lin Feng is too strong.

Strong enough that they can\'t fight!

At this moment, the two men were almost frightened.

No more courage to fight.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards them without letting them go.

"We are from lengsha island. If you dare to kill us, lengsha island will not let you go."

Two monks in the realm of yin and Yang threatened.

They want to frighten Lin Feng with lengsha island.

Let Lin Feng let them live.

At the same time.

The two men were full of murderous thoughts, and they made up their mind.

Just get out of trouble.

Then he found the strong man of lengsha island and cut Lin Feng!

To vent their hatred.

But they didn\'t think of it.

Lin Feng didn\'t mean to let them go at all.

Even if lengsha island is moved out?

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He looked coldly at the two monks in lengsha Island, sneered and said, "lengsha island? Is it very powerful?".

The voice fell with a touch of sarcasm.

Lin Feng\'s attack has killed them.

Crack the sky.

In the void.

It condensed into a dazzling blade.

That knife!

Tear the void.

The power is unimaginable.

We fought with you.

Two cold Sha Island friars also showed fierce eyes, roared, left and right, and killed Lin Feng.

Poof! Poof!

But it didn\'t work.

Their flesh was instantly torn by the blade.

Blood splashed.

Two friars of lengsha Island were killed!

See more than a dozen monks on lengsha Island killed by Lin Feng.

The rest of the monks turned pale with fear.

Originally, some of the monks who watched the excitement wanted to fight Lin Feng.

Now I\'m scared to lose half my life.

Lin Feng glanced coldly at the crowd, and everyone was frightened.

Lin Feng didn\'t pay attention to the friars who were watching.

He walked quickly into the depths.

Nine halls.

Since the second temple, there have been babies.

Many people.

Go grab it.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop outside.

He went all the way.

To the ninth temple.

This ninth temple is the largest.

To Lin Feng\'s surprise, the ninth temple was empty.

No baby!

Not even anything!

However, Lin Feng found that there were mysterious pictures in the ninth temple.

These pictures.

The content of the painting is also very strange.

Some pictures seem to be scenes of ancient ancestors offering sacrifices to their ancestors.

Some pictures, dense crowds, seem to be a large-scale battle.

Some pictures are building huge temples to worship gods.

Some pictures are cutting mountains and rivers.

Some pictures, floods, ancient strong people appear to control floods.

Some pictures seem to be pictures of practice. Only the characters on the picture sit on the knees and swallow the essence of the sun and the moon.

All kinds of pictures appear in sight.

Lin Feng was very surprised and didn\'t understand the meaning of these murals.

Many monks scattered around the hall, carefully staring at the contents of the murals and whispering from time to time.


At this time, an amazing wave came not far away. In front of a mural, a young monk sat cross legged.

The wave was transmitted from the young monk\'s body.

He had an epiphany.

Someone exclaimed.


It is an extremely difficult state to enter.

Once you enter the Epiphany state, you can often get great benefits.

"Seeing the mural epiphany, it seems that the mural is not simple".

Many monks hurried to find a place to sit down and observe the murals to have an epiphany.

If you can enter the Epiphany state, you may get great benefits.

Such as friars understand "spirit".

Many people have entered a mysterious state of epiphany.

Wake up and find out.

I have understood the "spirit".

But some friars looked at the young friar with a sneer.

There is no shortage of people in the world who are especially jealous.

Five friars went to the young friar who entered the state of epiphany.

The five people all had a sneer, and one of them made a move and swept at the young monk with epiphany.

"The state of Epiphany is about to be interrupted.".

The friars exclaimed around.

I can\'t help feeling sorry for this young monk.

If the Epiphany state is interrupted.

Then want to enter this state of epiphany.

I don\'t know when to wait.

These people are about to succeed.


There was a surge of divine light in the body of the monk who fell into epiphany.


A giant spirit flew out.

The giant spirit roared and went towards the monk who shot.

"Incarnation outside the body!"

Many monks exclaimed.

The giant spirit God is the outer incarnation of the young monk who fell into the state of epiphany.

It is very similar to Lin Feng\'s Nine Emperor separation.

The monk who shot before changed his face and wanted to get out and retreat.

But it was too late. He was killed by the giant spirit.

Then the giant spirit killed the other four people.

"It has nothing to do with us. We didn\'t do it.".

The four people shouted pale.

"How can you forgive a nest of snakes and mice?".

The giant spirit sneered.

Kill four people.

Bang Bang

Four punches in a row, blow it out.

Four monks were directly killed by the giant spirit God.

Then the great spirit deified into a streamer and penetrated into the young monk\'s body.

"You deserve it.".

Not far away, Lin Feng saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth evoked a faint arc.

Many wrongs will kill themselves.

Those five people want to disturb others\' practice.

Finally killed.

one \'s crime deserves more than death.

Not worthy of sympathy.

Lin Feng sat cross legged.

He observed the murals.


Flashed through my mind.

Sacrifice of ancient ancestors.

Ancient ancestors prayed for rain.

Ancient ancestors hunted.

Ancient ancestors war.

All kinds of pictures.

One by one.


Lin Feng felt that he seemed to have entered a mysterious world.

This is a world too old to imagine.

There are fierce animals everywhere.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know where he is.

Look around.

It\'s an ancient jungle.

You can\'t see the end.


In the distant mountains, fierce beasts roared, and a giant bear hundreds of meters high swept through the mountains and forests.


A kilometer long centipede stands upright.


The mountain forest shook violently. Lin Feng looked down in surprise. He didn\'t know what had happened.

At this moment, a giant stood up.

This is a strange beast with a length of ten thousand feet. I don\'t know what kind it is. I woke up from my deep sleep.

Countless rocks were shaken off by it.

"Where on earth is this? Is it where I view the murals? Has God entered the world in the murals?".

Lin Feng frowned, his heart full of doubts.

Three days later, Lin Feng came to a mountain village.


Not long after Lin Feng came here, a baby\'s cry came from a stone house.

"Gave birth, gave birth to a son".

A woman ran out and told the good news to the middle-aged man waiting anxiously outside.