Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 743

"Boy, stop!"

A dozen monks stopped Lin Feng who wanted to leave.

"No, I was preempted by the people of lengsha island.".

Let\'s wait and see.

There were some monks standing not far away, looking coldly.

Obviously, those people also saw that Lin Feng got a storage bracelet.

Evil thoughts came into my heart.

After all.

Lin Feng is just a person.

It won\'t take much effort to deal with it.

Only the friars of lengsha Island took the lead to make them afraid.

Lengsha island is a famous ancient force in the East China Sea.

Although not as powerful as the three saints and four immortals.

But the strength should not be underestimated.

With such a powerful force as the backing, the friars of lengsha Island naturally have no fear.

Lin Feng lightly swept to the friars in lengsha island and asked, "what\'s up?"

"What you just got is a storage bracelet?".

One asked.

"Yes". Lin Feng nodded.

See Lin Feng unexpectedly answer so simply.

These friars in lengsha Island were very surprised.

Then another monk of lengsha Island sneered and said, "in that case, hand over the storage bracelet and we\'ll spare you.".

The monks of lengsha island looked at Lin Feng with a high expression.

It seems that Lin Feng only dares to say "no".

These people will kill Lin Feng immediately.

"I wonder if the boy will hand it over? If we hand over the storage bracelet to these people in lengsha Island, we will have no chance at all.".

"Should he? After all, he\'s just a person. If he dares to resist, isn\'t he looking for death?".

Many people talked about it.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s answer made these people look stunned.

"Get out"!

Just one word.

Simple and decisive.

Not only those friars in lengsha island had an incredible expression.

Even the monks who were watching were shocked. It was obvious that Lin Feng dared to let the people on lengsha Island roll.

This boy, don\'t you see that there are three strong men in the realm of yin and Yang on lengsha island?

Dare to let the friars of lengsha Island roll away.

The boy doesn\'t want to live?

A group of monks in lengsha Island twitched at the corners of their mouths.


Their eyes were full of evil spirits.

They looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng, a friar at the peak of the little Wuwang realm, dared to let them roll.

This is already a capital crime.

"Something that doesn\'t know how to live or die".

A monk from lengsha Island shot Lin Feng.

These monks in lengsha island are very strong.

Anyone who dares to annoy them.


This is the world of the jungle.


Sometimes it\'s simple.

You can kill without any reason.

This is the world of practitioners.

What\'s more?

Kill Lin Feng.

You can also get storage bracelets.

The monk chopped Lin Feng with his palm.

This palm is like a cold knife.

Many people even vaguely felt that they saw a knife cut through the void.


The knife awn.

Split Lin Feng in an instant.

"Cold Sabre palm technique, an ancient secret technique inherited from lengsha Island, is said to be extremely sharp and cut iron like mud once it is successfully practiced.".

"How powerful is this cold Sabre? Isn\'t that boy going to be split in half?".

"Well, I\'m afraid I\'ll be killed by the second.".

Some monks who were watching were communicating.

Many people look at Lin Feng as if they were looking at the dead.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng was absolutely unable to resist the blow.

"I don\'t know what to do, let you go, don\'t you hear me?".

Facing the attack of the monk lengsha Island, Lin Feng gave a cold drink and directly breathed out.

Exhale the sword.


The lengsha Island friar who attacked Lin Feng was pierced in his chest.

Fly out upside down.

Fell to the ground.

He\'s dead.

"Spit out one breath and kill a friar at the peak of King Wu\'s realm?".

"My God, that boy is too good?".

Many monks shouted in shock.

They thought Lin Feng would die in the hands of the monk on lengsha island.

But unexpectedly, Lin Feng killed each other in an instant.

Breathe out and kill!

What is this?

Isn\'t that incredible?


Such an incredible scene!

But it really happened in front of us.

"Boy, you\'ve hidden your strength. Let\'s go together and cut this boy thousands of times."

A monk in the yin-yang realm of lengsha Island shouted coldly.


Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Facing the siege of these experts.

His attack was simple.

Out in one breath.

Poof poof

More than a dozen monks were pierced one after another.

A monk from lengsha island.

Died on the spot.

Breathe out and kill!


This means!

Only by condensing their own strength to the extreme can they exert it.

Originally, people just heard of spitting murder.

But I haven\'t seen it.

Today, I saw the means of exhaling to kill.

The friars in lengsha island are all masters.

But was killed by a spirit.

Of the dozen monks in lengsha Island, only three monks in the realm of yin and Yang have not died.

They are strong.

Resisted Lin Feng\'s breath.

"Damn it, kill him with flying sword.".

The eyes of the three monks in the realm of yin and Yang were full of sense of killing.

Roared one by one.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Violent fluctuations swept the world.

Three treasures appeared.

Every treasure.

All emit amazing energy fluctuations.

"Top treasure! And it\'s still three!".

"It\'s a powerful wave and terrible breath. It\'s worthy of being a peak treasure. Now, the boy is dangerous. It\'s hard to resist the attack of three peak treasure flying swords unless he can take out a more powerful magic weapon".

"A more powerful magic weapon? Don\'t you need to take out the Taoist weapon? The Taoist weapon is not something that ordinary people can have.".

"Doesn\'t that mean the boy will die?".

Many people talked about it.

See the peak treasure flying sword offered by three friars in lengsha island.

The onlookers knew that Lin Feng was only afraid of more or less bad luck.


Three top treasures, flying swords, quickly killed Lin Feng.

Come on!

The speed is too fast!

Cut it in an instant!

To kill Lin Feng on the spot.


Facing the attack of three top treasures.

Lin Feng sneered and hit him with his fist.

Bang Dang! Bang Dang! Bang Dang!

Three dull loud sounds came out in a row.

Three flying swords of the highest treasure level were smashed out by Lin Feng with a pair of iron fists.

"The flesh shakes the magic weapon?".

"Is this still human?".

Seeing this scene, many monks who were watching were almost not scared to death.

Lin Feng has rushed to a monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

He gave a long roar.

Exhale like a sword.


The monk in the yin-yang realm of lengsha island was cut off by Lin Feng\'s breath.

The headless body fell to the ground.

Died on the spot!