Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 742

The worm king was killed.

As expected, the swarm became chaotic.

The battle power of the headless insects was greatly reduced, and many poisonous insects were killed.

The swarm could no longer organize a strong combat force and began to retreat, either into the ground or into a hidden place.

"Come on, let\'s go. It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Many monks turned pale.

Being able to survive makes them even feel like they are in a dream.


The monks did not dare to stay and rushed to the four channels to look for opportunities.

"Brother, you died miserably.".

Two young friars knelt in front of the dead Friar and wept bitterly.

Lin Feng stood not far away, looking at the dead monk, full of admiration.

The monk dared to risk his life to fight the worm king, which is enough to be admired.

See that the worm king is invincible.

In order to protect the two younger brothers, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself.

This is blood.

Let him give up his life for his two brothers.

"I\'m sorry...".

Several monks who had fought together and survived patted the two brothers on the shoulder.

Then they left quickly.

"People can\'t come back to life after death. You better live, which is the best reward for your brother.".

Lin Feng said.

They nodded and restrained their brother\'s body.

Also entered a channel.

Dead people.

It\'s gone.

And the living.

We must move forward.

This is the monk\'s way.

Die nine times.

But keep going.

Lin Feng is leaving.

Suddenly, he found that the claw of the green Mantis scorpion king had moved.

"Not dead?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He took out the black dragon sword and made up a sword for the green Mantis Scorpion King.

But this still failed to kill the green Mantis Scorpion King.

The worm king is struggling.

"What a powerful vitality. If it weren\'t for knowing the weakness of the insect king, I\'m afraid everyone would die under the sharp claw of the insect king today. I\'ll try and see if I can burn the insect king with sky fire.".

Lin Feng is about to sacrifice the king of insects burned by the sky fire.


A mind fluctuated and poured into Lin Feng\'s mind.

"Spare my life... Spare me, I am willing to serve you.".

When he heard the sound, Lin Feng widened his eyes.

It turned out that it was the spirit wave transmitted by the green mantis and scorpion king.

The worm king.

It has been cultivated to the point of being able to communicate with human beings.


This insect king is more complicated than Lin Feng imagined.

"Well, since you want to live, open your soul and let me set a soul brand in your soul"

Lin Feng sends a message to the green Mantis Scorpion King.

The green Mantis Scorpion King is unwilling.

But it knows.

If you don\'t obey, there is only a dead end.

So he opened his soul.

Lin Feng successfully branded the soul mark on the soul of the green Mantis Scorpion King.


Lin Feng doesn\'t have to worry that the green Mantis Scorpion King will be bad for himself.

Lin Feng took out a slave bag.

This is what I got when I killed the Beast Master with blood robe.

The Beast Master in blood robe cultivates all kinds of highly poisonous things.

Today, Lin Feng\'s storage ring even contains the highly poisonous thing cultivated by the Beast Master in the blood robe.

There are even many poisonous insects.

Of course, those poisonous insects can\'t be compared with the green Mantis scorpion group.

"Since you are the insect king here, summon all the poisonous insects and be driven by me.".

Lin Feng sends a message to the green Mantis Scorpion King.

How terrible the swarm is.

Lin Feng has already seen it.

If you can drive the swarm.

Even the power of the realm of creation.

A mistake.

Could be hit hard by the swarm.

Even killed by swarms of insects.

Yes, master.

The green Mantis Scorpion King responded.


It sends out special waves and makes contact with the insects hidden around it.


A dense swarm of insects flew out.

Seeing the dark green mantis and scorpion, Lin Feng felt his scalp numb.

Fortunately, these green Mantis scorpions will not attack themselves.

All the green Mantis scorpions flew into the slave bag.

Lin Feng\'s face showed a happy smile.

He put the bag away.

With these green Mantis scorpions.

Even if you encounter a strong man in the realm of creation.

Maybe you can kill each other yourself.


At this time, monks poured into the temple outside.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop either. He chose a channel and swept into the channel.

The passage was deep, and soon the halls on both sides of the passage were found.

Many halls were opened, and extremely fierce battles took place in the halls.

Friars continue to die miserably.

Obviously, something must have been found.

Many friars fought frantically.

"It\'s ironic enough that we fought against the green Mantis group before, but now we want to kill each other immediately.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help shaking his head.

Instead of going into those temples to rob the baby, he went deep.

The deepest.

There is the largest temple.

Boom, boom, boom!

The loud noise shook the sky.

A large number of monks gathered here, trying to open the huge stone gate.

Click, click.


With the efforts of hundreds of monks.

The gate is being pushed open a little.

The 200 meter high gate was finally pushed open a three meter long gap.


Then many monks rushed towards the temple.

Lin Feng also entered the palace.

You see.

The temple is divided into nine parts.

The first temple.

There is only one statue.

This is a statue of a woman.

It\'s her.

Lin Feng was surprised.

After seeing the statue of the woman.

He instantly thought of the mysterious woman he saw when he just entered the hall.

As cold as a Moon Fairy.

Finally disappeared in the courtyard.

This is the woman in front of me.

Her statue appeared in the first place of the nine fold temple.

Except for this statue.

There was nothing else in the first temple, and the monks who entered it did not pay attention to the statue, but rushed to the deep temple.

Lin Feng is about to enter the deep temple.

At this time, the green Mantis Scorpion King came to the mind wave.

"Master, there is a mystery behind the statue.".

"Hidden mystery?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He came behind the statue and saw nothing.

He touched the statue with his hand.

Under the neck, I found some different places. Press hard.


A groove appears.

In the groove, there is a bracelet.

"Storage bracelet?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes widened.

It\'s actually a storage bracelet. This kind of thing is very rare, because the storage bracelets are made of jade, which is extremely difficult, and the technology has long been lost.

Obviously, this storage bracelet has an extremely ancient origin.

"Is it the woman\'s thing?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Storage bracelet? Is it a storage bracelet?".

At this time, more than a dozen monks came. These people looked at the storage Bracelet in Lin Feng\'s hand, and their eyes suddenly showed greedy eyes.