Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 737

Ice pull coffin!

How shocking.

Everyone\'s face changes color suddenly.

The man.

Who the hell is it?

Has he been in the ruins? In this God ruins, holding the coffin and walking aimlessly?

The storm and Blizzard became more and more violent because of his arrival.

Many monks will be blown away by the strong wind.

"It\'s hard... Time... To... Grind... Destroy... Sin... Sin... In... Forever... In... Pull... Coffin... In front of... Line, and use... Remnant... Life... To redeem... Sin... Sin".

The mysterious voice resounded above the ice sheet.

I don\'t know where it came from.

"Is that voice talking about him?".

Lin Feng looked at the great man.

He was disheveled and couldn\'t see clearly. He took the ancient stone coffin and walked step by step.

Many people quickly retreated to both sides.

He looked suspicious.

"The rumor is true.".

An old friar looked at the coffin puller and was shocked. He couldn\'t help saying.

"What rumors?".

Suddenly someone asked.

The old monk said, "it is said that there is a sinner who has been punished in the ice field world of Shenxu. He has a long life, but he can\'t leave the ice field world. He can only pull the coffin here until he is tired to death in the ice field world.".

"So, is the legend true?".

Someone looked at the friar who pulled the coffin on the ice field and couldn\'t help saying.

The old friar nodded and said, "yes, it may be true.".

"What is in the sarcophagus he is holding?".

Another friar asked, looking at the sarcophagus with flashing eyes.

That sarcophagus is very old.

Maybe there\'s something amazing.

of course.

If there is a corpse of a peerless strong man, such as a God, or even a strong emperor.

That\'s too valuable.

The "original bone" can be found in the body.

Can be inherited.


At this time, some people have evil thoughts.

Lin Feng said faintly, "no matter what\'s in the sarcophagus, we shouldn\'t peep.".

"Seeking wealth and wealth insurance".

A monk said so.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while.

At present, it is not a problem in wealth insurance at all.

It\'s too weird to pull coffins in the ice field.

Once you start, I\'m afraid something terrible will happen.

But see the greed in the monks\' eyes.

Lin Feng didn\'t say anything.

When a person\'s heart is filled with endless greed and desire.


Whatever you say.

The other party won\'t agree.

On the contrary, they may be hostile to those who kindly remind them.


The earth is shaking.

The sarcophagus is too heavy.

Ice pull coffin.

It\'s like pulling an ancient magic mountain.

Every step.

Are extremely difficult.

The great man pulled the coffin.

Gradually close to Lin Feng et al.

At this time, everyone\'s face changed slightly.

They see.

The man was staring at nine stone nails.

Nine stone nails.

Through the man\'s body.

The blood on the stone nail has even dried up.

"Forbidden God nine seals"!

Cried a monk in shock.

"Nine forbidden gods? What is this?".

Many people looked at the monk suspiciously.

The monk said, "this is an ancient secret skill. It is said that the nine seals of the forbidden God can easily seal a God. This is an extremely terrible means. Once sealed by the nine seals of the forbidden God, he will lose his divine power.".

"Does that mean you will become an ordinary person?".

A monk couldn\'t wait to ask.

The friar explained, "I don\'t know if I become an ordinary person, but it should be difficult to give full play to my strength.".

"In that case, we can do it.".

Soon, many monks\' eyes lit up and stared at the ancient stone coffin.

Greed is growing in many people\'s hearts.

"Don\'t underestimate the ancient stone coffin, and don\'t underestimate the coffin puller"

Someone reminded his companions.

Not everyone is dominated by greed.

Many people are still cautious.


It\'s too weird to pull coffins on the ice sheet.

There may be some evil things.

"What are you afraid of? When you open the sarcophagus and get the baby, then you will know how right my choice is.".

The persuaded friar refuted his companions in this way.


Finally, some monks did it and were unwilling to wait.

His eyes were full of greedy eyes.

More than 60 monks rushed to the ancient stone coffin.

Ice pull coffin! Even through the ages, I won\'t stop to rest.

The coffin puller dragged the ancient stone coffin behind him.

In the ice and snow, barefoot.

Step by step.


A friar sneered at the coffin puller and tried to force him to stop.

The powerful attack swept directly at the coffin puller.

The coffin puller took their attack, and he did not resist.

Drowned by the attack of more than 60 monks.

"There is no resistance? It seems that it is really sealed off. The flesh is hard to resist the attack. Isn\'t it inevitable that you will die?".

Many monks muttered.

At this moment, I can\'t help feeling a little excited, because I find that there is no danger.

So I want to take a share.

At this time.

The energy dissipates.

As you can see, the coffin puller did not suffer any harm.

He still holds the ancient stone coffin.

Step by step.

What a powerful body.

Many people took a breath.

The man who just pulled the coffin did not deliberately resist the attack of more than 60 monks.

The flesh is even undamaged when subjected to such a powerful attack.

Shocked everyone.

There was a look of horror on everyone\'s face.

Is the body of the coffin puller so strong?

It\'s shocking.

However, seeing that the coffin puller had no other changes, the monks who attacked the coffin puller breathed out.

Someone said, "it seems that the coffin puller is really cursed, so we can\'t do anything except pulling the coffin. In that case, we don\'t have to be afraid of the coffin puller. Our goal is to open the ancient stone coffin directly.".

The Friar\'s proposal was approved by everyone.

They rushed towards the ancient sarcophagus.

Let\'s go and have a look.

Nearly a hundred more monks flew out.

Lin Feng didn\'t move. He watched from a distance.

The coffin pulled by the ice field was too weird. He was unwilling to touch the existence of such a monster.

Nearly 200 monks rushed to the ancient sarcophagus.

The faces were greedy.

But when they rushed to the ancient sarcophagus.

Something terrible happened.

Bang Bang

I see.

A Friar\'s body exploded directly.

Into a mist of blood.

The blood mist shrouded in the void.

It emits a strong smell of blood.

The rest of the monks who rushed to the ancient stone coffin fled outside in great fear.

But no one can escape ecology.

Everyone\'s flesh is blown open.

Nearly 200 monks died miserably in an instant.

The blood fog in the void was swallowed up by the ancient stone coffin.

"Oh, my God, what\'s in the ancient stone coffin? It swallowed the blood mist formed by the explosion of the monks\' bodies?".

Everyone was moved to see this scene.



The ancient stone coffin trembled slightly, and the void was shaking.

The smell of destroying heaven and earth emanated from the ancient stone coffin.

That breath seemed to destroy this heaven and earth.

Then, the magic fog gushed out and swallowed up the monks in the distance.

"No, run away..."

Everyone turned pale with fear at the sight.

The ancient stone coffin is too weird to devour everyone.

No one dared to stay for a moment, turned and fled to the distance.

However, the black fog obscured the sky and soon caught up. Many monks were involved in the black fog and their bodies were directly blown open.