Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 736

Lin Feng rushed into the huge twisted vortex.

the sky and earth were spinning round.


Lin Feng felt that he was thrown out by a powerful force.

The next moment.

He appeared in a cold world.

Look around.

It snowed heavily.

There are glaciers everywhere.

Monks have been transported here.


This is random transmission.

Taoist priest Shangyuan and Zhan Junhua were transferred to other places.

"Is this the God ruins?".

Many monks looked around excitedly.

The white world.

heavy snow.


It\'s like an eternal tone here.

"It is said that the God ruins is a small world, but the powerful people use powerful means to connect this small world with the East China Sea. The twisted vortex is the link between the East China Sea World and the God ruins".

A monk said so.

"Little world? What\'s this?". Lin Feng asked.

The friar explained, "the heavens are divided into three thousand worlds, then the middle world and the small world. The three thousand worlds are eternal, and the middle world and the small world are not as large as the big world. Both the middle world and the small world rotate around the big world, which is the law of the operation of the stars in the universe".

"What about the rumored immortal world?".

Lin Feng continued.

"The undead world is a world above the three thousand worlds, countless middle worlds and small worlds. For a moment, it is ethereal. I don\'t know where it is or whether it really exists.".

The friar explained.

One after another, people asked this middle-aged monk many questions.

The friar answered them one by one.

Soon after, the monks who landed in the ice world flew away.


So everyone has lost their way.

Many people chose a place where they thought they could leave the ice sheet.

Lin Feng and thousands of monks flew in the same direction.

The snow is flying.

A cold wind swept through.

Many people were shivering with cold.

The cold here is different from the general cold.

The cultivator can\'t bear it.

If it\'s outside, even if it\'s snowy.

Practitioners will not feel cold.

But here.

Many people have turned blue with cold.

"Why is it so cold here?".

Some people are confused.

An old friar said, "Shenxu has its own rules of order. The rules of order in every place of Shenxu are different. The ice field world we live in is likely to have cold rules of order. In the outside world, the rules of order act on the whole huge world. Therefore, when the rules of order work, we don\'t feel very cold in the outside world, but here, the rules of order are too close to us , we will feel cold, and even like ordinary people, we will freeze to death if we stay in this cold environment for a long time.

The army continued to March deep.

Soon after, they were attacked.

The ice sheet cracked.

A snow-white beast with a height of more than ten meters rushed out from under the cracked ice field world.

The friar fought with these terrible creatures.


Roaring, a fierce beast waved his huge claws and patted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng collided with this fierce beast.


He was patted out with a claw by the terrible beast.

"Too strong?".

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

He just felt the blood rolling all over his body.

Almost didn\'t spit out a mouthful of blood.

"This is the ancient ice and snow Warcraft. In the outside world, this race has long been extinct. There are such terrible beasts here. Hurry up. We are not the opponents of these beasts.".

A friar recognized the identity of the fierce beast and shouted pale.

Everyone quickly fled to the distance.

This inherited the strong existence of the blood of the ancient fierce beast.

And social creatures.

There is no way to fight.

Even if Da Neng comes.

I\'m afraid I\'ll die.

A group of people fled quickly.


Lin Feng and others fled the terrible area.

They all breathed.

By this time it was dark.

They found a glacier mountain and rested in it.

"Cross... Cross... Flood... Waste... Ten thousand... Ancient...".

The faint sound.

Suddenly floating in the air.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and showed a puzzled expression.

"Did you hear anything?".

Lin Feng looked around at the monks.

Many people were awakened.

Thought there was some danger.

This ice world is also a dangerous place.

You must be careful.

Otherwise it\'s easy to die here.

"Where\'s the sound? You won\'t have auditory hallucinations?".

A monk listened carefully.

But I didn\'t hear anything. I couldn\'t help saying.

Lin Feng went to listen carefully to the vague voice at this time.

But I can\'t hear it anymore.

"Did I really hear wrong?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help muttering.

The next day.

Everyone set out again.

The wind swept through.

A blizzard fell.

Everyone stared at Blizzard and walked hard.

In the roaring wind.

It seems to be mixed with a dignified and ancient voice.

"Even if... For hundreds of... Generations... Round... Return,... It is... Difficult... To redeem... His... Crime......".

Lin Feng heard the voice again.

Although weak.

But it\'s clearly audible.

"I seem to hear a voice.".

A monk said in surprise.

This time, not only Lin Feng heard the voice.

Even the other monks heard it.

"The air is mixed with sounds. Where did the sound come from?"

A monk said with a cloudy and sunny face.

In this dangerous ice field world.

Hear such a sound.

It\'s really hard for everyone to rest assured.

A blizzard raged.

Many monks with uneasy mood continued to move forward.

Three days later.

"Thousands of... Robberies... Hundreds of... Difficulties,... None... All... Sins... Evil, wash... All... Water in the dark... River... Is difficult to... Melt... Solve... You... Committed... Sins... Sins...".

The mysterious voice came again.

This time, I heard more clearly.

Everyone\'s face was very ugly.

Mysterious sounds that appear one after another.

Where did it come from?

This makes everyone feel uneasy.

Lin Feng frowned. He had a hunch.

It seems that something is going to happen.

Soon after.

The earth shook violently.

The storm and snow became more and more violent.

"Look, what\'s that?".

A monk pointed to the distance and shouted in shock.


Everyone\'s eyes looked, and then his face changed suddenly.

In the storm and snow.

A tall man with chains.

Behind him.

Is pulling a mysterious sarcophagus.

Every step he takes.

The whole ice field world seems to be shaking.