Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 738


In the rear, there was a cry of panic.

A monk shrouded in the black fog made a cry for help.

I hope someone can save them.

But now.

Everyone can\'t protect themselves.

Who will save others?

Bang Bang

The sound of the flesh exploding one after another.

All the blood fog was swallowed up by the ancient stone coffin.

I don\'t know what is in the ancient stone coffin. It\'s so evil.

"Shit, I already said that the coffin pulling in the ice field was very strange. I told them not to move the ancient stone coffin. These people didn\'t listen. As expected, something happened.".

Lin Feng cursed in a low voice.

For people like Lin Feng who didn\'t plan to move the ancient sarcophagus from the beginning.

This is a disaster.

Many people died miserably.

All because of being implicated in those people.

Lin Feng spread his golden wings and flew away quickly in the distance.


The wind swept here.

The speed is greatly affected.

Therefore, the black fog came from behind, getting closer and closer to Lin Feng.

"I don\'t want to die.".

A friar cried in horror.

Even the great loss of escape skills have been displayed.

But still can not successfully escape from life.

Everyone was swallowed up by the black fog.

Then the body of a monk exploded.

"Demon king, help me".

Lin Feng and the demon king send a message.

But he didn\'t get a response from the demon king.

The demon king sat on the solitary grave.

Eyes pierce the void.

Look at the coffin pulling man and the ancient stone coffin.

"Burial coffin".

The demon king murmured, "even if you exchange ten drops of immortal blood, I won\'t do it. If I do, I will be buried in the sky coffin.".

Then the demon king sat there with a very melancholy look and didn\'t move.

Deep eyes.

I don\'t know what the demon king is thinking.

Click, click.

The flesh is cracked.

Lin Feng\'s face was very white.

He runs the ancient dragon elephant formula crazily.

It is also difficult to resist the terrible situation of cracking of the flesh.

"Bronze mirror, come out".

Lin Feng whispered.

He urged the bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror suddenly excited. A bronze light came out to protect Lin Feng.

Bronze mirrors not only have strong attack power, but also have strong defense power.

This is the treasure Lin Feng got from "Mochou cave".

I still remember.

That immortal woman, in order to wait for her lover to come back.

Guard silently.

Until youth is gone.

Xianyan is old.

She couldn\'t wait for her lover to come back.

With endless nostalgia, sadness, and missing.

"Mo Chou" died.

This bronze mirror is the treasure of "Mochou elder", and its power is amazing. After the bronze mirror protects Lin Feng.

His flesh finally stopped cracking.

Lin Feng wants to seize this opportunity and escape from the black fog.


The ancient stone coffin is too weird.

As if he had sensed that Lin Feng was going to escape.

In the dark fog.

A thick chain is condensed.


Swept towards Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was swept out by the black chain.

Move your body sideways.

His face was as white as paper.

He looked gloomy.

His face is very ugly.

The attack of the black chain is so strong that even the shield of the defense system constructed by the bronze mirror will be broken.

Lin Feng got up from the ground, didn\'t dare to stay, and flew away quickly.

At this time, the black chain swept towards Lin Feng again.

More powerful.


Waves of destruction.

That breath made Lin Feng suffocate.

Lin Feng naturally knows that he can\'t escape just thinking of running away.

He held a bronze mirror.

Inspire the power of bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror excited. The bronze light emitted one after another swept towards the black chain.

Bang Bang

The sound of violent collision.

Suddenly it rang.

The bronze mirror excited. The bronze light emitted was shattered by the black chain shock.

The power of the black chain is really strong. It\'s a little outrageous.

The black chain is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, it turned into a mountain and hit Lin Feng.

"It\'s over".

Lin Feng\'s face was very white.

He was unwilling to die like this.

Lin Feng directly burns Shouyuan and urges the bronze mirror.

Generally, powerful magic weapons can increase their power by burning longevity yuan.

Lin Feng burned fifty years.

The powerful power gained by burning Shouyuan poured into the bronze mirror.


Bronze mirrors give off a more powerful smell.

In a bronze light.


A figure appeared.

I can\'t see the figure clearly.

That figure, just a flash away, dissipated in an instant.

The bronze mirror collided with the black chain.

The bronze mirror temporarily resisted the attack of the black chain.

But obviously.

It won\'t last long.

The black chain is too powerful.

The destructive force.

It\'s hard to imagine.

Click, click.

Soon after.

The defense system constructed by bronze mirrors began to fall apart again.

"Do you really want to die here?".

Lin Feng\'s face was very gloomy.

What Lin Feng didn\'t expect happened.

The coffin puller who had been struggling.

When the bronze mirror was activated, he turned his head and looked at it.

Lin Feng saw a pair of eyes.

This is a pair of eyes with endless confusion, as if lost in an unknown world.

Now, those confused eyes have recovered a trace of Qingming.


The coffin puller clapped his hand on the ancient stone coffin.

The ancient sarcophagus shook and the chain broke.

The black fog also began to dissipate.

But soon, the ancient stone coffin sent out a more powerful smell.

Boom, boom

The ancient stone coffin vibrates, and the void will be shattered.

The lid of the ancient stone coffin seemed to be pushed open by something.

"God, what was buried in the ancient sarcophagus? Did he really bury a God? He was struggling to break the ancient sarcophagus. Did he not die?".

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of shock.

The ancient stone coffin is too weird.

The coffin puller wriggled at the corners of his mouth.

It seems like a spell.


Mysterious array patterns twisted on the ancient stone coffin.

There are nine array patterns in total.

The nine array patterns turned into nine real dragons.

Nine real dragons, roaring heaven and earth.


Nine real dragons turn into nine chains and wrap the ancient sarcophagus around.

The existence of ancient sarcophagus.

Stopped struggling.

Everything is calm.

The coffin puller only recovered a moment of Qingming.

He soon became confused again.



Pull the ancient stone coffin.

Marching through the storm and snow.


The earth is shaking.

Ice pull coffin.

Gradually away.

Lin Feng looked at the back of the man who pulled the coffin.

It\'s hard to calm down inside.

Who is he?

Is it really cursed?

Why pull the coffin here?

Rumor has it that he is a sinner.

Is he really a sinner?

Why does he help himself?

This is what Lin Feng wants to know most.

Is it?

Bronze mirrors?

Lin Feng looked at the bronze mirror that had gathered the light in his hand.

In the wind and snow, I stood for a long time without moving.

Until the coffin puller took the bronze ancient coffin and disappeared at the end of the endless ice field.

Lin Feng just came back.

But I don\'t know why, I looked down at the bronze mirror and felt inexplicable sadness in my heart.