Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7367

The sensing ability of the saint Diao immortal is still very strong. He can sense things that others can\'t sense many times. This probably belongs to his racial talent, which must be admired by the saint Diao immortal.

But there is something here that attracts the saint mink immortal.

The immortal sable is unable to make a final judgment for the time being.

This is quite normal.

Without seeing what specific things are, it is really difficult to judge what attracts you.

Lin Feng did not act rashly, because although the temple in front of them was very dilapidated, it still gave people an extremely not simple feeling.

Half of the dilapidated temple has collapsed. Theoretically, the special structure or special danger formed by such a temple has not completely disappeared. We must be more careful.

Otherwise, some dangerous things are easy to happen.

Poisonous ancestors and others are also observing the temple, trying to see the particularity of the temple.

"Maybe you can throw a stone and ask the way!". Lin Feng thought of a way.

It\'s not complicated to throw stones and ask for directions. It\'s just to send a puppet or undead into it to see what kind of danger they will encounter. Through the perception of the puppet or undead, we can know the specific danger inside.

After knowing the specific danger inside, the rest seems to be much simpler.

If you really enter it, you also know how to deal with the danger inside.

But sometimes it doesn\'t always succeed.

Because there are special laws in some dangerous places, which will isolate the transmission of all information. Even if the puppet or the dead find some dangers in them, they can not be transmitted to the master.

The danger here can even sense the special breath of its master through puppets or undead.

When the puppet or the master of the dead enters it, the danger here will be more dormant, and then a thunderous attack may be launched against it at some time.

Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. It is natural to throw stones and ask for directions. We must make certain choices.

Lin Feng still plans to try the method of throwing stones to ask the way.

He sent out a puppet and entered the dilapidated temple.

Before long, Lin Feng lost contact with the puppet.

The puppet also failed to get out of the dilapidated temple.

Lin Feng knew that the dead was probably destroyed. This situation made Lin Feng\'s eyebrows frown tightly. He didn\'t get any information feedback.

In this case, throwing stones and asking for directions should be developing in a bad direction. It\'s really a pity.

This method doesn\'t work. It seems that we can only break through the dilapidated temple?

Before, Lin Feng had been to a stone hall, which was full of dangers, so he didn\'t want to venture into a place like a dilapidated hall.

But since there is no other better way.

What they don\'t want to do also needs Lin Feng and them to do.

At this time, poison Zu said, "young master, let me go in with the prison demon saint!".

Lin Feng thought and nodded.

In fact, the strength of the members of the strongest tiantuan has become very strong. There is no need for Lin Feng to do many things in person. For example, exploring a dilapidated temple is an extremely dangerous thing, but Lin Feng feels that there should be no big problem for the strongest tiantuan to do. After all, their strength has been improved.

If the strength has not been improved as before, Lin Feng will not let them do such a thing, but will choose to check it in person.

Of course, poison Zu and others go to the front station first. If they really can\'t solve it, they can do it by themselves at that time.

Lin Feng said, "just go to four or five people. The rest stay outside and get ready to pick them up anytime, anywhere!".

Poison Zu, the evil saint of the prison, Alonso and the evil Saint entered the dilapidated temple. Lin Feng and others waited outside. The time passed. When poison Zu entered the dilapidated temple, Lin Feng\'s contact with them was very weak. Soon, it was almost impossible to have any contact.

Half an hour after they entered, Aragon said, "young master, they will not have an accident for so long? Why is there no news? Do you want to send someone else to check it?".

Lin Feng said, "even if there is a problem, with the strength of several of them, they can\'t be won quickly. Moreover, even if this dilapidated temple can isolate the leakage of breath, after all, it is already broken. Even with such extraordinary ability, it\'s impossible to isolate the breath 100% at this time. There must be leakage of breath!".

"So, in theory, if a big war breaks out, we should be able to detect it outside. Wait patiently for a while!".

Hearing the speech, they nodded.

Another half an hour has passed.

There was a wave in the dilapidated temple.

At first, the fluctuation was strong, but it weakened rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The reason for this is easy to guess. It should be because the forces inside the dilapidated temple are rapidly suppressing poison ancestors and others, who will soon be unable to support them.

The four strong ones.

Are quasi creator states.

There is even a strong old man like the prison demon saint, whose strength is unfathomable.

Still about to be robbed, it\'s hard to imagine what kind of danger there is inside?

It was so terrible that it almost caught the prison demon saint and others.

"Do it, support them!". Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, everyone shot one after another and a powerful attack was brewing.

All the attacks came together.

Then he shot at the dilapidated temple.

Countless runes emerged from the dilapidated temple. Those runes are very special.

Not only special, but also very powerful.

Those runes form a special defense system and want to resolve the attacks of Lin Feng and others.

However, Lin Feng\'s attack is too powerful.

Plus these runes are broken.

Although the power is still very powerful, compared with the peak period, it has actually declined very badly.

In such a strong contrast, the defense system formed by these runes could not resist the attack of Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng their attack, mercilessly killed these runes, and directly destroyed these mysterious runes.

After destroying the runes, their attack then bombarded the dilapidated temple.

The dilapidated temple collapsed in a large area and the overall structure was damaged.

Whoosh, whoosh

From the collapsed position, four friars flew out quickly. These four friars were none other than the poisonous ancestor, the great prison demon saint, Alonso and the evil saint.

At this moment, the four people are all hurt, their breath is messy, and they are relatively depressed. It is obvious that they will become like this after an extremely fierce war.

But fortunately, it came out safely, without danger, and the situation was pretty good.

"What happened?". Lin Feng asked.

"We were attacked by an unknown existence with terrible power. We were almost sealed in it and couldn\'t come out. At the critical moment, the temple was broken, and we rushed out!". Said the prison demon saint.

Everyone is a little moved. Is it so dangerous inside?

Let the big four be so passive.

The big four didn\'t even know what was attacking them, so they said it was an unknown attack.

Is it really just a simple, unknown attack?

Things may not be as simple as they see, and they are much more complex than they think.

Lin Feng said, "I\'ll go in and have a look. You\'ll meet me outside!".

Xia Donghuang said, "master, do you want us to go in with you?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "the situation inside is complicated. I can deal with it alone!".

In fact, poisonous ancestors and others explored the situation inside in advance. Lin Feng explored it again. He already had some knowledge of it in his heart.

Lin Feng quickly entered the dilapidated temple. When he entered it, he felt a cold breath and began to block the dilapidated temple. It seemed that he wanted to completely seal the people who entered it.

Sky fire!

Lin Feng\'s voice was cold, and with a big hand, all the more than ten kinds of sky fires he controlled flew out. These sky fires were filled in the temple, burning brightly, and the dark forces were quickly ignited. The originally dark temple is now much brighter.

But at this time, Lin Feng still felt something was wrong. A terrible force came quickly and wanted to attack him. Lin Feng\'s defense magic weapon had been used before and was seriously worn out. He was recuperating and had no way to use these defense magic weapons for the time being.

Therefore, we can only rely on ourselves to resist the attack here.

Lin Fengyi is brave, but he is not afraid. Moreover, he also holds the treasure of Zhentian stone tablet. He secretly activated the Zhentian stone tablet.

After the Zhentian stone tablet was activated by Lin Feng, virtual shadows of stone tablets emerged around Lin Feng\'s body. These virtual shadows of stone tablets guarded around Lin Feng.

The powerful defense system formed by the virtual shadow of these stone tablets helped Lin Feng resist the unknown and terrible attack.

"What\'s that?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes could not help but coagulate slightly. He saw something. In the deep part of the temple, it was originally a shrine, perhaps offering something like a statue, but now there is no such thing as a statue, only that thing. The temple is quite dark, the line of sight is blocked, and he can\'t see clearly, but from the outline, it seems to be a coffin?

Lin Feng skimmed towards the deep position.

Bang Bang

He was subjected to a more terrorist attack.

The unknown and terrible attack is constantly brewing, constantly impacting the defense system outside Lin Feng, which makes Lin Feng feel great trouble.

After five or six times of continuous impact, the virtual shadow of the Zhentian stone tablet constructed outside Lin Feng\'s body directly collapsed.

It is obviously unrealistic to deal with the attack here only by your own means, and you need to resist it with the help of foreign objects.

The foreign objects mentioned here refer to things such as defense magic weapons. Only with the help of such things can we successfully resolve terrorist attacks from the outside world.

So Lin Feng summoned the stone tablet of Zhentian,