Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7366

After the God was destroyed, Lin Feng\'s spirit returned and everything returned to normal. He felt that it should be easier to collect the Zhentian stone tablet in the square now. From now on, Lin Feng continued to urge the main stone tablet and stimulate the power of the Zhentian stone tablet.

The power of this stone tablet on the square is still recovering. In a short period of time, the power of recovery has been extremely strong.

When the strength of recovery reached a certain peak, the Zhentian stone tablet seemed to get rid of some constraints and rise directly into the sky.

"The stone tablet of Zhentian is about to rush out...". Poison Zu and others couldn\'t help shouting.

They probably know how many Zhentian stone tablets Lin Feng has collected, including 18 Zhentian stone tablets. Every time he collects one more Zhentian stone tablet, the power of these Zhentian stone tablets will be greatly improved. In itself, these Zhentian stone tablets complement each other.

So if you really collected this stone tablet, this opportunity is too important for Lin Feng.

There are still forces to restrict this Zhentian stone tablet from flying out of the central area of the square, but since the God was defeated by Lin Feng, there is no force to stop the Zhentian stone tablet from coming out.

After five consecutive shocks, the square\'s restraint on the Zhentian stone tablet has become minimal.

This is an excellent situation for Lin Feng. Lin Feng continues to urge the main stone tablet to further strengthen the connection between the main stone tablet and the Zhentian stone tablet in the square, which can further stimulate the Zhentian stone tablet, and after the connection is formed, it is more conducive to the Zhentian stone tablet to break the shackles of the square.

The development of things also shows how correct Lin Feng\'s action is.

When the stone tablet on the square hit the bondage for the sixth time, it finally rushed out of the central area of the square and completely regained its freedom.

However, what Lin Feng didn\'t expect was that after regaining his freedom, this Zhentian stone tablet didn\'t mean to merge with the main stone tablet, but rushed out directly and wanted to leave here quickly.

Lin Feng soon recovered. He showed a sneer. How could he let this stone tablet leave?

If you are really run away by this stone tablet, there is no place to cry if you want to cry.

Lin Feng quickly chased him. His speed was too fast. There was no way to get rid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "the 18 stone monuments are still a community of destiny after all. Therefore, you should gather together and follow me to do some big things, rather than running away and cooperating with me honestly. Naturally, there is nothing. Otherwise, don\'t blame me for being rude to you!".

Lin Feng said these words to the spirit of the Zhentian stone tablet.

The Zhentian stone tablet itself will not run. It must be because of the spirit.

In fact, some of the Zhentian stone tablets mastered by Lin Feng also gave birth to spirits, but Lin Feng did not erase these spirits. He felt that it was not easy for the Zhentian stone tablet to give birth to spirits. As long as Ling honestly cooperated with him, he would not deliberately target the spirits of Zhentian stone tablets.

If these spirits don\'t cooperate with him or like to make some moths, Lin Feng doesn\'t mind erasing these spirits.

This stone tablet of Zhentian is obviously unwilling to cooperate with Lin Feng. After Lin Feng caught up with it, countless terrible runes poured out of this stone tablet. These runes were condensed into special talismans. The power of this talisman is very powerful and is an extremely powerful means of attack. These talismans quickly came towards Lin Feng town.

"Stubborn guy...".

Lin Feng said in a cold voice. He quickly fought with the Zhentian stone tablet. It has to be said that this Zhentian stone tablet was really powerful. He couldn\'t win this Zhentian stone tablet after more than ten rounds of war. Finally, Lin Feng relied on the main stone tablet to suppress this Zhentian stone tablet, and finally suppressed this Zhentian stone tablet.

Lin Feng did not immediately refine the stone tablet, nor did he immediately erase the spirit of the stone tablet, because it takes time, not something that can be completed in a short time, and now it is not suitable to do these things. Lin Feng temporarily suppressed the stone tablet in time and space. When things here are almost handled, Find another opportunity to refine this Zhentian stone tablet. At that time, there will be ten Zhentian stone tablets, which is another step away from collecting 18 Zhentian stone tablets.

Lin Feng\'s mood is quite good.

Poison Zu and others flew over one after another, and then congratulated Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I didn\'t expect to meet a stone tablet here before. I\'m really lucky, and I feel that this temple group is not simple. Maybe there are other opportunities!".

Hearing the speech, they couldn\'t help nodding.


It\'s different here.

Even the zenith monument appeared.

It is natural for some other treasures to appear.

We can\'t help but look forward to it.

In such a special place, the opportunities may belong to the category of counter heaven opportunities. Now, the members of the strongest heaven regiment have reached the realm of quasi creator. The next breakthrough is the realm of Creator. Throughout the ages, there are countless friars in the realm of creator, but there are many friars in the realm of quasi creator, Although there may be many reasons why these monks in the realm of quasi creator can\'t break through, one thing can\'t be ignored is that their savings are not strong enough.

We don\'t expect to have Lin Feng\'s savings. If they have Lin Feng\'s savings, they can\'t break through the realm of the creator.

If you have about 1% of Lin Feng\'s savings.

At that time, if you impact the realm of the creator, you may have a great probability to break through the realm of the creator.

How to increase your savings?

Nature is constantly looking for new opportunities to increase their savings.

We are looking for some temples in this group. Some seem to be dilapidated, but they give people an extraordinary feeling. Poison Zu proposed to check some temples to see if there are any good things, but this proposal was rejected by Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng feels that some temples seem extremely wrong. Once you enter them, you may encounter very terrible things. For the time being, you\'d better observe more and make a decision.

After searching for some time, Lin Feng and his party stopped in front of a collapsed temple.

He has no special feeling about this temple.

The reason why he came here is that the sage Diao immortal just gave a voice and said that he needed something here. Therefore, Lin Feng brought everyone here.