Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7368

The mystery of the coffin made Lin Feng feel very excited, but now it is urgent to get out of the dilapidated temple and try to open the coffin instead of thinking about these things now.

However, when Lin Feng rushed out with his coffin, he was impacted by more powerful forces. Under the impact of this force, the defense system formed by Zhentian stone tablet became unstable.

Lin Feng himself was also severely impacted. If he hadn\'t been strong, he couldn\'t bear such a powerful impact from the outside world, but Rao was so, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Leave the coffin!"

A deep roar sounded in Lin Feng\'s mind. This deep roar hit the soul directly. I don\'t know what it was. It had a great impact on Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng soon regained his consciousness. His soul level is high. It may be possible to affect him in a short time, but it is almost impossible to complete if he wants to affect him in a long time.

"No matter what force, it is difficult to stop my pace!". Lin Feng said to himself.

He seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, it was an affirmation of himself.

Through some special psychological hints, they can often bring infinite power to themselves. This is Lin Feng\'s experience. Many people may ignore this, but Lin Feng will never ignore this.

Powerful forces surged in and formed a continuous and strong impact. They wanted to destroy Lin Feng\'s defense system and then kill Lin Feng. However, a special coexistence relationship seems to be formed between Lin Feng and Zhentian stone tablet.

This special coexistence relationship makes the connection between him and Zhentian stone tablet reach the peak in history.

This close connection is also an inspiration to the Zhentian stone tablet.

The power of Zhentian stone tablet was completely released.

Although the power released by the outside world is constantly increasing, it has been unable to break the defense formed by the stone tablet. Until Lin Feng is about to leave the dilapidated temple, Lin Feng finds that countless runes appear at the edge of the dilapidated temple. These runes want to completely seal the dilapidated temple and trap Lin Feng in it.

If Lin Feng is really trapped in it, then the unknown and terrible power inside the dilapidated temple will have enough time to deal with Lin Feng.

Time can solve all problems.

But at this time, a powerful force came from the outside, which was the attack released by poisonous ancestors and others.

Poison ancestors probably sensed some situations inside the dilapidated temple and took action in time to meet Lin Feng.

It\'s really a good time for poison Zu and others to take action. They can\'t match Lin Feng\'s rhythm earlier or later. Now they take action just right.

Lin Feng sacrificed the four God seals and bombarded the special runes from the inside. Under the internal and external attack, the special runes were finally broken.

Lin Feng received the seal of the four gods, rushed out quickly, and finally successfully rushed out of the dilapidated temple.

A loud noise came out. When Lin Feng rushed out of the dilapidated temple, the dilapidated temple collapsed completely.

Lin Feng was stunned by this scene. The dilapidated temple was very strange. Even if some structures were damaged, it would not collapse.

But now the dilapidated temple has collapsed. What does it have to do with it?

Is it related to this coffin?

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the coffin carried on his shoulder.

It\'s heavy.

Lin Feng put the coffin on the ground.

"A sarcophagus? Is there any special origin?". Poison Zu and others were very surprised when they looked at the coffin. Before, they entered the dilapidated temple. Although they also tried to feel the situation inside, they didn\'t find the coffin.

Now, Lin Feng came out with a coffin.

As everyone knows, this coffin is definitely not simple, perhaps hiding some amazing secrets.

Lin Feng said, "I\'m not particularly clear about the origin of the coffin. Ask the saint Diao immortal, and he may know one or two!".

Lin Feng took out his heart plate. He said, "Saint marten, come out!".

The heart plate, the saint sable immortal, is no secret to the poisonous ancestors. They have seen Lin Feng use the heart plate more than once.

The saint marten appeared.

"This coffin is absolutely ancient and unimaginable. Why does it give me a familiar feeling?". As soon as the immortal sable appeared, he surrounded the coffin and couldn\'t help muttering to himself.

At this time, an amazing thing happened, and the pointer of the heart disk took the initiative to rotate.

The heart disc is very special. The pointer won\'t rotate easily.

Now the heart disc rotates so fast, is it because there is a special connection between the heart disc and the coffin?

Or does the heart disk sense something special?

Think about it, this possibility still exists.

Lin Feng looked at the immortal mink and asked, "do you know what\'s going on with the change of the heart disc?".

The immortal said, "it has something to do with the coffin. Open the coffin and have a look!".

Lin Feng had planned to open the coffin before, but this coffin is really too strange. You should be careful when opening the coffin. Lin Feng said, "then open the coffin!".

There were no nails in the coffin. It seemed that the lid of the coffin was simply closed.

Lin Feng tried to push the lid of the coffin away, but after trying, he found that he couldn\'t push it away at all. It seemed that there was an extremely close relationship between the lid and the coffin.

This close connection is very special, which makes the overall structure of the coffin almost perfect.

"Is it a rune?". Lin Feng squatted down and carefully observed the connection between the coffin cover and the coffin to see if there was a special rune. If there was no Rune to play a role in it, it was really difficult for people to understand why the coffin cover could not be pushed open?

After carefully checking, Lin Feng didn\'t find any runes, which made him frown slightly.

No runes?


Logically, there should be runes.

Lin Feng looked at the saint Diao immortal and said, "Saint Diao immortal, what\'s the matter?".

The immortal Diao also looked carefully and said, "what you see with the naked eye is not necessarily true!".

Lin Feng said, "maybe the heart disc can play a certain role?".

The saint marten said, "you can really try!".

Then the immortal sable tried to move his heart.

At this time, the pointer of the heart disc had stopped rotating, but under the urging of the saint mink immortal, the pointer that had stopped rotating again quickly.

With the rotation of the pointer, the coffin also produced some strange changes. Light energy fluctuations were transmitted from the coffin. It was impossible to judge whether it was from the inside or from the outside.

When this faint energy wave came out, Lin Feng and others stared at the coffin. At this time, they saw that some Ancient Runes appeared on the coffin.

This is a rune that Lin Feng has never seen. It probably belongs to the rune that has been lost. In fact, for a long time, there are too many runes lost for various reasons.

Some runes are not so powerful, but some runes are not only powerful, but also very mysterious, and even contain some incomprehensible power.

"Runes also appeared at the interface!" Lin Feng saw the changes on the coffin and couldn\'t help but slightly raised his eyebrows.

The rune at the interface between the coffin cover and the coffin is like a lock.

Around the whole coffin, it was covered with runes, which added up to almost hundreds of runes.

These runes are equivalent to hundreds of locks. After all are locked, the coffin can be completely locked.

To open the coffin, you need to break all the locks.

Yes, of course.

There is also a simpler way, that is to find the key and open all the locks.

Lin Feng has no key.

The others have no keys.

The only possible key is the heart disk.

So, can the disc open these locks?

Lin Feng looked at the immortal mink and asked, "can you crack these special runes?".

Saint Diao said, "I\'m sure I can\'t crack these special runes. It all depends on whether the heart disk has this ability!".

Although the saint Diao immortal is the spirit of the heart plate, the saint Diao immortal is not the companion spirit, but the spirit born later. The origin of the heart plate is too old. Several spirits may have been born before the saint Diao immortal.

Therefore, even if the saint Diao immortal is the spirit of the heart plate, he can\'t completely control the heart plate.

Many things, the saint Diao immortal himself has no bottom.

Lin Feng said, "then try it!".

With the passage of time, there was a resonance reaction between the heart disc and the coffin.

This resonance is a positive signal.

Lin Feng thought that maybe he would be happy to see the situation, and the next development is really similar to what Lin Feng expected.

When this resonance occurs, runes are opened.

Before long, hundreds of runes were completely opened.

After all the runes are opened, it is equivalent to opening all the locks. Now Lin Feng will not be subject to any resistance when he tries to open the lid of the coffin.

Everyone\'s eyes looked at the coffin. Now we can open the coffin. Everyone was very curious. Who\'s the body lying in the coffin?

Maybe the answer will be revealed soon.

Lin Feng came to the coffin and tried to open the lid of the coffin.

The sarcophagus is very heavy, so is the lid of the coffin.

As Lin Feng increased his strength, he immediately heard the sound of fierce friction.

A gap opened.

When the gap was opened, a gloomy atmosphere filled the air. When everyone was shrouded in the gloomy atmosphere, they even felt that their bodies seemed unable to move. It was really terrible.