Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 7365

Under the urging of Lin Feng, the induction between the main stone tablet and the Zhentian stone tablet above the square has been strengthened. With the continuous strengthening of the induction between the two sides, Lin Feng found that the Zhentian stone tablet began to become active again.

It was going to be quiet before. Now, it seems to see the hope of getting out of trouble, so this earthquake stone tablet has become more excited.

Really seems to have their own emotions.

Lin Feng is not surprised that such an extraordinary thing as Zhentian stone tablet has such a performance.

"Revive more strength and you will be free!". Lin Feng whispered to himself.

Through the main stone tablet, he passed on his words to the stone tablet that shook the sky.

Lin Feng believes that the stone tablet above the square can definitely understand what he meant. As long as he can understand it, it is also an encouragement for it.

The actual situation is the same as Lin Feng\'s guess. The stone tablet on the square seems to be really inspired. The struggle is getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of recovery is also increasing.

At the same time, the resonance between the main stone tablet controlled by Lin Feng and the Zhentian stone tablet in the square is also increasing. This resonance can play an extremely important role in reviving its strength.

It\'s like the power of a god of war is constantly recovering.

There are unknown and terrible forces in this place. Naturally, this force will not easily get rid of this shocking stone tablet, but the scope covered by this force seems to be limited. When it goes beyond this scope, the deterrence brought by this force will be greatly reduced.

However, this does not mean that this unknown and terrible force cannot form other attacks, such as soul attack.

"God is on!".

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out in Lin Feng\'s mind. When the voice rang out, it was like a slap in the head. Lin Feng suddenly found that everyone around him had disappeared, and only himself was left between heaven and earth.

And the surrounding environment is no longer a group of temples.

It\'s a strange environment.

Darkness enveloped heaven and earth.

Such a place has a mysterious smell.

On the nine days, the divine light was bright, which attracted Lin Feng\'s attention. Lin Feng looked up and saw that a God appeared on the nine days.

This God, sitting cross legged, with three heads and six arms, is sacred and mysterious.

The voice just now seems to be the voice of the God.

What God does he seem to be?

This name is very strange to Lin Feng.

"Don\'t you kneel down when you see God?".

The God looked down at Lin Feng with a cold voice.

His voice has an irrefutable willpower in it.

Therefore, when his voice came out, Lin Feng felt an unprecedented pressure, which was aimed at the pressure of the soul.

Lin Feng had an idea in his heart.

That is... According to the existence, kneel on the ground and kowtow to him.

The idea is getting stronger and stronger.

But Lin Feng\'s willpower was too strong. Just when this idea was about to completely prevail, Lin Feng noticed something wrong. With strong willpower, he defeated the idea of kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng woke up completely. Thinking of what had just happened, he couldn\'t help but burst into a cold sweat.

In other words, he was just influenced by this existence.

Therefore, his will and even his spirit have been seriously affected.

If he did kneel down, it would mean that his willpower was completely defeated.

Think about it.

If Lin Feng\'s willpower is completely defeated, what a terrible thing will it be?

It\'s not just that you can\'t fight the problem in front of you.

It can even have a huge impact on the improvement of cultivation in the future, and this impact is a very bad impact. Therefore, theoretically, it is extremely dangerous for Lin Feng to encounter such a situation. Fortunately, this bad situation has not developed.

After defeating the willpower of this terrible existence, Lin Feng looked at the so-called "God" and said coldly, "what God? It\'s just a fictional existence. It\'s just overkill to dare to speak so loudly in front of me!".

When the voice fell, Lin Feng\'s soul power surged out, directly condensed into a spiritual storm, and blasted away towards the so-called God.

Now, Lin Feng\'s soul power has reached the level of Creator.

Such a high-level soul power can\'t imagine the battle. Lin Feng has no timidity about the existence of the creator level.

The God in front of him, as a fictional existence, is really powerful. Before, Lin Feng was negligent and almost took advantage of it. However, when Lin Feng really took it seriously, this existence can never be Lin Feng\'s opponent.

Lin Feng\'s soul swept wildly, and the so-called God also shot. He wanted to break Lin Feng\'s magic attack. The attacks of both sides collided instantly. When the attacks of both sides collided, amazing things happened. Lin Feng\'s soul storm directly broke the God\'s attack with the power of destroying withering and decaying.

This is a creator level attack. It\'s natural to break the attack of the God. At least in Lin Feng\'s opinion, it\'s not a fuss. The God feels incredible.

He knew how powerful his attack was. Lin Feng, a young monk, could break his attack so easily, which really made him feel that everything was untrue, but all this was true.

Lin Feng\'s soul storm swept quickly and drowned towards the God. The God said coldly, "did you ever know that this shaking stone tablet has a lord?".

"What if there is a lord? What I like is mine. Whoever owns this stone tablet, it has been put here for a long time to wait for me to collect it!". Lin Feng responded coldly.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s overbearing words, the God said coldly, "you can\'t imagine the strength of the unknown world. If you are interested, you will take the initiative to leave, otherwise, you will encounter terrible bad luck!".

"Really? Then I\'m looking forward to meeting with the existence you said and seeing how powerful the terrorist existence of these unknown worlds is!". Lin Feng responded coldly. After his voice fell, his spiritual storm directly destroyed the God.