Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 732

The sea king is now surprised.

Every Friar\'s face was filled with horror.

No one dare to approach.

All back quickly.

For fear of becoming the target of the sea king.

The sea king is too powerful. He can only avoid such existence when he sees it.

"I don\'t know why this sea king wants to devour the pirate ships of the gods".

A monk said suspiciously.

Sea King!

Wisdom is profound!

The owner of the pirate ship of the gods is the female emperor Shuihua, one of the nine pirate kings.

It makes sense.

The existence of this level.

No confrontation.

But now that there is a fierce battle between the two sides.

There must be a reason.

"Is it because of the pirate ship of the gods? The sea king\'s goal is actually the pirate ship of the gods? This is a divine ship made by the gods in ancient times".

"What\'s the use of the sea king asking the gods to pirate ships? Let me say, I guess the female emperor got some powerful treasure, and the sea king wanted to devour the female emperor and take the treasure as his own.".

"Let me say, I think the sea king has a crush on the female emperor. The female emperor is the most beautiful woman in the world. The sea king may want to conquer the female emperor and let the female emperor be his woman.".

Countless monks are talking.


The loud noise shook the sky.


The vortex is getting bigger and bigger.

The power of phagocytosis emitted by the vortex is also strengthened.

The sea king is powerful.

Many monks were even swept away by the swallowing power of the vortex.

"Help me".

"Help, somebody help me.".

The monks who were swept away by the whirlpool made a cry of horror.

Their pleading eyes looked at the monks around them.

I hope someone can help.

But at this time, who dares to approach?

All back quickly.

More than 100 monks were swept into the vortex.

Just came to the edge of the vortex.

The friars\' bodies exploded directly.

"The vortex has extended to fifty miles. At the edge of the vortex, the bodies of those friars can\'t bear the pressure to explode. How strong is the sea king?".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of shocking expressions.

Sea King!

It\'s really terrible.

Taoist priest Shangyuan was obviously shocked. He said, "I\'m afraid the sea king is one of the most peak combat forces in the world.".

But even if the sea king has played a more powerful combat power.

The huge whirlpool still failed to devour the pirate ships of the gods.

The pirate ships of the gods were wrapped in divine light.

Resist the swallowing of the vortex.


The sky shakes and the sea shakes.

Many people feel a suffocating oppression sweeping through.


Lin Feng was pale and couldn\'t bear the terrible pressure, so he had to retreat again.

Countless monks retreated in embarrassment.

At this time, the head of a fierce beast as huge as a mountain came out of the ocean.

The head was shrouded in black fog. I couldn\'t see what it was.

But everyone knows.

The statue exists.

The sea king.

The Sea King opened his mouth.

To devour the pirate ships of the gods in one bite.

But at this time.

A crisp voice came out of the pirate ships of the gods.

That sound.

It can break a person\'s will in an instant.

That sound is like the sound of nature.

This life.

Listen only once.

Even die without regret.

"Uphold the will of the gods and cross eternity".

When the sound fell.

Among the pirate ships of the gods.

The divine light rose into the sky.

In the divine light, the virtual shadows of the gods appear.

The sea king roared, "the ship of the ancient gods is indeed a treasure.".

The voice fell and looked into the ocean, and the vortex disappeared.

The mysterious and powerful Sea King seemed to be frightened by the virtual shadow of the gods.

calm and tranquil.

That terrible suffocating sense of oppression.

Also disappeared.

Lin Feng breathed.

His face is still a little pale.

He said with a wry smile, "the sea king is too strong. It\'s just a breath leaked out. We can\'t bear it.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan said with a wry smile, "the sea king has a long life, and no one knows what level of strength is. Moreover, I heard that the sea king is also the guardian of the sea area."

"Sea guardian?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Taoist priest Shangyuan nodded and said, "On the other side of the endless sea, there is a more powerful continent. Originally, the continent was together with our continent, but later, the continent split, so the two continents gradually separated and separated by the endless ocean. The monks of that continent are said to be extremely terrible, and the existence of the Sea King level should prevent the creatures of that continent from crossing the endless sea to tianwu continent".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

The land was also mentioned in the jade tube left by my father.

That continent is called Kyushu.

"Look, someone has come out of the pirate ship of the gods.".

Someone pointed to the pirate ship of the gods.

Everyone looked.

I saw a beautiful woman coming out of the pirate ship of the gods.

They are divided into two columns, holding the flower basket in their left hand and scattering the petals in the flower basket in the air in their right hand.

The petals floated away in the wind.

In the air, there is a faint fragrance of flowers.


A woman in a long white dress and a purple ferret cloak came out of the cabin.

When I saw the woman.

Lin Feng held his breath.

It was a beautiful face that could not be described in words.

Any word to describe her beauty.

It\'s all blasphemy and insult to her.

She made a slight movement.

Can make people lose their nature.

She is one of the nine pirate kings.

The empress of the sea.

Water flower!


"It\'s the female emperor, the first beauty in tianwu mainland".

Countless monks have straight eyes.

There are three thousand states in tianwu mainland.

There are so many beautiful women.

Many states have rankings such as Qunfang.


No woman can compare with the female emperor.

The most beautiful woman is in front of the female emperor.

Also eclipsed.

Can only be a supporting role.

Lin Feng even felt that he would be lost in the temptation of the empress\'s peerless face.

Lin Feng\'s heart was awe inspiring. He still had some Qingming and hurriedly ran the Taigu dragon elephant formula.

That\'s when I came back.

The people around, whether men or women, look at the female emperor with infatuation.

"What a terrible woman. How could she confuse so many people?".

Lin Feng was awe inspiring.

At least 90% of the monks are confused.

Not confused, or strong enough.

Or a woman.

"Ha ha, the empress of the sea is really a peerless fairy. I heard that you are a charming martial soul in the rumor and can charm ordinary people. As soon as I see you today, you really deserve your reputation.".

There was a roar of laughter.

In the distance, a man who was as great as God came.

He was enveloped in divine light.

A laugh awakened countless people from the confused state.

"Who are you?" the empress opened her red lips and smiled.

The man smiled and said, "Heaven Temple, heaven can\'t, female emperor, I like you. How about being my woman?".

Heaven can\'t laugh out loud, unspeakable madness and arrogance.

But this man is really terrible. He looks down at the sky and swallows eight wasteland with Qi.