Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 731

"Is this the word death?".

Lin Feng looked at Taoist priest Shangyuan in shock.

He understood the word "extinction" by chance from the mysterious devil book!

Since then, he has never been able to understand other words of "Tao".

And now.

He saw the second word.

"Benefactor Lin, good eyesight".

Taoist priest Shangyuan smiled and didn\'t hide it.

Any word of Tao.

It was all condensed when the world was first created.

Want it.

It\'s not easy.

It takes a big chance.

Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan didn\'t stop. They left quickly.

Ten days later.


On an island in the sea.

Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan are practicing.

Lin Feng is practicing the word "death".

The Taoist priest of Shangyuan is cultivating the word "extinction".

Soon after seeing the word "death" of Taoist priest Shangyuan.

Lin Feng proposed to exchange Tao words with Taoist priest Shangyuan.

Can learn one more word.

Taoist priest Shangyuan was also very happy.

He taught Lin Feng the word "death".

Lin Feng taught the word "extinction" to Taoist priest Shangyuan.

Tao word out.

It is the power of rage that destroys everything.

And the word Tao is dead.

Is another source of strength.

This is the power of death.

For some time after that, Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan would exchange their cultivation experience every day.

It is very difficult to understand Tao characters alone.

It\'s usually a coincidence.

Without chance, even if you get the cultivation method, you may not be able to understand success.

So, even with Lin Feng\'s understanding.

I haven\'t realized the profound meaning of the word "death" for more than half a month.

So is Taoist priest Shangyuan.

He has been understanding the word extinction.


That night, Lin Feng once again understood the word "death".

But I still have no clue.

He sighed helplessly.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly felt a cold breath.

He looked not far away.

He saw a palm sized lacquer black poisonous insect.

Like a scorpion or a centipede, it\'s a very strange poisonous insect.

Where the poisonous insect passed.

All the vegetation withered in an instant.

Look at the dead vegetation.

Lin Feng was slightly distracted.

It is full of vitality.

To no vitality.

It\'s just an instant.

"Instantly wither and lose vitality".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and murmured.

His eyes.

But it\'s getting brighter and brighter.

Lin Feng sat cross legged.

Once again, he realized the word "death".

This time, Lin Feng realized a mysterious atmosphere.

That smell.

It seems to be the breath of death, the power of death.

Master the power that can make life wither in an instant.

This is the power of death.

Lin Feng had an epiphany.

His body emits black gases.

Everything shrouded in that black gas.

Including flowers, grass, insects and so on.

All lost their lives.

The flowers and plants withered in an instant.

Small insects are drained of life and die.

"Well, this is...".

Taoist priest Shangyuan seemed to feel something and looked at Lin Feng with a moving expression.

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "this guy\'s talent is really powerful. He has understood the profound meaning of the death of the word Tao so quickly. However, I have also found some ways to realize it for a month at most.".


Taoist priest Shangyuan closed his eyes and continued to understand the word extinction.

A month and a half later.

Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan cross the Black Sea.

They finally came to the depths of the East China Sea.

From a distance.

Huge ships are scattered all over the sea.

Friars can be seen on many ships.

And deeper.

It\'s an illusory world.

That world, the void is twisting.

The mysterious and illusory world.

It is the "God ruins".

Countless monks came for the God ruins.

But now the God ruins have not been opened.


The smell of terror came from a distance.

The sea seems to be shaking.

There seems to be an amazing war.

Go and have a look.

Many monks exclaimed.

Now the God ruins have not been opened.

Therefore, there is a war in the distance. Such excitement will attract countless monks to watch the war.

Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan also flew away.

The war took place a hundred miles away.

From a distance.

The waves are surging.

In the sea, a huge vortex was formed.

The whirlpool enveloped the surrounding land for more than 30 miles.

Huge waves surged into the sky.

The huge twisted vortex will devour an ancient warship.

"That\'s... The pirate ship of the gods".

A friar recognized the pirate ship in the huge vortex.

He was shocked and shouted.

"Yes, it is the pirate ship of the pirate king of the sea area of the gods and the flower in the water of the female emperor".

Then someone shouted excitedly.

It turned out to be a pirate ship with flowers in the pirate king\'s water.

Before, the nine pirate kings and the sea clan attacked Lin Feng\'s fleet.

The fleet.

It can be described as heavy casualties.

Now, someone has launched an attack on Shuihua, one of the nine pirate kings.

This surprised Lin Feng.

The huge whirlpool was so terrible that it seemed to devour everything.

The islands in the distance were sucked by the twisted vortex.

When the islands approach the vortex.

Instantly dismembered.


The island was swallowed up by the vortex.

"What\'s the matter with this vortex?".

Some people wonder.

"Is it a magic cave in the sea?".

Someone said so.

It is said that there are magic caves in the sea.

Once the Magic Cave appears.

Can form a powerful swallowing vortex.

Anything is covered by a swallowing vortex cage.

Will be swallowed up in an instant.

The pirate ship of the gods is retrograde in a huge vortex.

Want to rush out of the vortex.

But obviously, the pirate ship of the gods was in trouble.

"Those huge islands were just shattered in an instant outside the vortex. The gods pirate ship was in the center of the vortex. It didn\'t happen at all. The gods pirate ship was so strong?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Taoist priest Shangyuan said, "the pirate ship of the gods is one of the nine pirate ships, which is a treasure handed down from the ancient times. It is said that the ancient gods used to cross the rumored sea of suffering on this ship.".

Buddhism has a cloud.

the endless sea of tribulations.

repent and be saved.

In myths and legends, there is indeed a sea of suffering.

It is said that if you can cross the sea of hardship.

The friar will complete an unprecedented transformation.

But where the sea of suffering is, it is not what ordinary people can know.

Maybe you can know when you reach the imperial realm.

Lin Feng nodded, "no wonder this pirate ship is so powerful.".


Unable to devour the pirate ship of the gods for a long time, suddenly, an angry roar came out from the depths of the huge vortex.


That roar.

Many monks watching the excitement in the distance could not bear it at all. They vomited blood and fell directly into the ocean from the air.

At this time, in the huge vortex, a behemoth was faintly visible.

The behemoth flipped its body in the ocean.

The whole sea area is shaking violently.

God, it\'s the sea king.

Countless monks shouted in horror.

Sea king.

King of the sea.

It is the most powerful creature in the sea.

A sea king can even destroy an ancient island.

From this, we can see how terrible the sea king is.

Among the sea areas, sea kings are also rare, and there will be no more than five sea kings in all the sea areas.

But here, a sea king appeared, and the sea king also launched a fierce attack on the pirate ships of the gods.