Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 733

"Is he the temple of God?".

"After 50 years of cultivation, you will enter the realm of heaven and earth.".

"Yes, it\'s him. He broke through the realm of nature before he was a Jiazi. Now he\'s only 110 years old. He\'s an eternal giant. Shouyuan can reach 10000 years. His life has just begun. In the future, it\'s unimaginable to make achievements.".

"Temple of heaven, that\'s the famous Taigu force in Tianzhou, and it\'s one of the most powerful Taigu forces among the Taigu forces. It\'s said that emperor soldiers have been handed down.".

Around, many people talked about it one after another.

It is awe and fear to look at the sky.

Such a person, high above the world, is like a God in the eyes of ordinary people.

He was promoted to the realm of creation before he was a Jiazi.

No one knows how strong the sky is now.

"Temple of heaven...".

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and he had heard of this force.

This is an extremely mysterious force.

But orthodoxy is extremely powerful.

A descendant from the temple of God.

All of them are amazing people.

It\'s like this day can\'t.

Less than two years of cultivation.

Cultivation has been so strong.

In tianwu.

It is also a rare existence.

I can\'t say I want to be his woman.

The empress did not seem angry.

She smiled and asked, "is my body beautiful?".

"Beauty, beauty to the extreme"

Countless people were fascinated by the unique style of the female emperor.

Among the nine pirate kings.

Perhaps only the female emperor, no matter how much killing and abuse he committed.

Will be forgiven.


She\'s so beautiful.

So beautiful.

So that people can forgive her all her mistakes.

"Of course beautiful".

Heaven couldn\'t laugh and look at the female emperor.

He thought the empress was like countless nuns.

Attracted by his great posture.

The female emperor smiled and said, "of course, my body is the first beauty in tianwu mainland".

The female emperor smiled and didn\'t know how many people\'s souls were taken away.

"This woman is terrible.".

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He ran the ancient dragon elephant formula to keep himself awake.


I\'m afraid I\'ll be tempted by the peerless face of the female emperor like others.

"Empress, come here now. I will treat you well.".

The sky couldn\'t smile proudly.

Many people look at the sky with envy and hatred.

Including some of the most powerful people.

Even if you\'re not so obsessed with women.

But I can see that heaven can\'t conquer the female emperor.

I can\'t help being very jealous.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

I\'m too confident this day.

Although the sky can\'t be really good.

But who\'s the lady?

One of the nine pirate kings.

Could it be that God could not make the empress die hard for him in a few words?

"The beauty of my body will not be entrusted to anyone. No one is qualified to have a beautiful woman like my body. As for you, naturally, you don\'t deserve my body.".


Many people burst into laughter.

Especially some of the most powerful, they thought that heaven could not conquer the female emperor.

Envy, jealousy and hatred.

Now it\'s impossible to see the female emperor\'s rude blow.

Suddenly, one by one, their hearts were dark and cool.

Tiancan\'t\'s face suddenly became gloomy. He sneered and said, "empress, you\'re just a pirate. It\'s your honor for me to talk to you politely. Do you want me to do it?".

The female emperor said weakly, "do you want to bully my body?".

Seeing the empress\'s pitiful appearance, I don\'t know how many friars\' blood surged up.

I can\'t wait to kill the God who dares to bully the female emperor now.

But reason prevailed over impulse.

The sky can\'t be too strong.

Temple of heaven.

It is an ancient force that ordinary people can\'t offend.

"It\'s too arrogant to regard the female emperor as an ordinary pirate this day."

Taoist priest Shangyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded, and then he said, "maybe it has something to do with his origin. The temple of heaven, but one of the strongest ancient forces in tianwu, is unimaginable. It\'s not incredible not to pay attention to the female emperor.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan said, "the people in the temple of heaven have always been arrogant, but the descendants of this power have arrogant capital because they are too powerful.".

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "I just don\'t know how to solve this matter today?".

Taoist priest Shangyuan said, "if you fight, heaven is not necessarily the opponent of the female emperor."

The sky couldn\'t squint at the poor empress.

The eyes in the eyes are getting hotter and hotter.

He laughed and said, "empress, it\'s no use for you to win sympathy. How can anyone help you? Whoever dares to help you will offend our God Temple".

"What are you going to do with my concubine?". Asked the empress.

"Nature hides you in a golden house".

The sky couldn\'t land directly on the pirate ship of the gods.

He walked towards the empress.

God can\'t just want to conquer the empress.

Even the gods and pirate ships of the female emperor and the forces under the female emperor want to accept them together.

"The gods pirate ship of my body can\'t come up casually.".

The female emperor smiled, "anyone who gets on the pirate ship of the gods will pay a price.".

"Ha ha? Price? Empress, you think too much of yourself. The woman you like is doomed to escape.".

Heaven can\'t be very arrogant.

He reached out and squeezed the snow-white chin of the female emperor.

"Animals, or a powerful animal".

Seeing that heaven can\'t even openly flirt with the female emperor.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

"If you dare to bully me, I won\'t be polite to you.".

The female emperor snorted and saw her slender and beautiful right hand facing the sky.

"Never move"!


A divine light flew out, exciting. It couldn\'t shoot into the sky.

"We\'re going to do it.".

"I wonder if the female emperor can resist the sky?".

Many people looked at the pirate ships of the gods.

Countless monks naturally hope that the female emperor will win.

"Insect carving skill".

The sky can\'t smile.

He swept away with his fist.

Want to break the attack of the female emperor with one punch.


When the energy played by the female emperor can\'t touch the sky.

Suddenly, something terrible happened.

Heaven cannot control your right hand.

Start petrification.

"Eh, this is petrified blood, a very rare blood.".

The demon king in the magic bead made a surprised voice.

But then.

There was silence again.

Petrified blood!

The female emperor is also the owner of special physique!

Turn into stone.

Nature never moves.

The move of the female emperor is really terrible.

"My arm".

At this time, God can\'t finally know how terrible the female emperor is.

He was shocked to find that he could not resist the attack of the female emperor.

After the Kwai\'s hand was petrified, it spread, and soon the arm began to petrified.

Soon, the whole body will be petrified.

"Just be a stone man and sink to the bottom of the sea.". The empress said with a smile.

"How dare you pit me?".

The sky couldn\'t roar angrily.

The female emperor\'s petrochemical power is too strange.

It is totally different from the petrified power of ordinary monks.

If the petrifying power of ordinary monks can\'t petrify themselves at all.

But the female emperor\'s can.

There is no incomparable decision on this day, in order to prevent the body from continuing to petrify.

He cut off his petrified arm.


The arm was cut off.

The sky couldn\'t let out a scream.

He grabbed the broken arm with his left hand and ran away frantically in the distance.

"Huh? Want to run?".

The female emperor smiled and swept away the emptiness of the jade hand.

Strange forces poured out and swept towards the sky.

Obviously, the Female Emperor didn\'t want to let go of the sky.


The sky couldn\'t make a cry of panic.

Because he found that he had been shrouded by the petrified power of the female emperor.

There is no possibility of escape.

The sky couldn\'t help turning white, and his face was full of panic and despair.