Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 730

Jin Tianyu and others obviously want to store the ring.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "what? Do you want a storage ring? How much do you want?".

"Hand in two thousand storage rings and you can naturally leave. If you don\'t hand them in, don\'t blame us for turning our face and not recognizing people.".

Jin Tianyu smiled grimly.

Jin Tianyu obviously didn\'t intend to hide his own nature.

Originally, Jin Tianyu was just pretending to be kind to others.

When he killed nearly 100 monks with the Dragon Seal.

Jin Tianyu knew that his true face had been exposed in the eyes of the people.

In that case.

There\'s no need to keep pretending.

Jin Tianyu\'s greedy nature.

Now it is fully revealed.

"There are only about 2000 storage rings in total. Do you want to go? You have a big appetite.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help sneering.

"Two thousand storage rings are not worth your life?".

Jin Tianyu tilted his mouth and looked like Lin Feng and Taoist priest Shangyuan.

Lin Feng has three people here.

Zhan Junhua was injured and fainted.

In the view of Jin Tianyu and others, Lin Feng is only a friar in the realm of King Wu.

This cultivation.

They don\'t care at all.

Well, only Taoist priest Shangyuan can have the power of World War I.

There are five experts on their side.

Taoist priest Shangyuan is not easy to deal with Lin Feng?

"A group of scum still want storage rings? Don\'t say two thousand, I won\'t give you one.".

Lin Feng\'s mouth was filled with a sneer.

"Boy, die.".

"Boy, what do you think you are? A friar in the realm of King Wu dares to refuse elder martial brother Jin. It\'s shameless.".

"There will never be a lack of guys who overestimate themselves and don\'t know how to live or die.".

"Give you a chance to live, but don\'t know how to cherish it, then you can only leave your life here.".

Li Shangyuan and others sneered at Lin Feng.

Like looking at a dead man.

"Ha ha, I don\'t think I know your plan? You just want to get these storage rings and then give them to us. Aren\'t you afraid to give them to us first and destroy them before we die?".

Lin Feng sneered.

These people killed so many monks in order to escape.

Obviously, among the monks they killed, there were some powerful people.

If this matter comes out, it is bound to cause great trouble.

Therefore, Lin Feng doesn\'t think Jin Tianyu and Taoist priest Shangyuan will let him go.

"Hum, since you\'ve seen through, you can kill them directly.".

The golden sky is bright and cold.

"Wuliang Taoist priest! Almsgiver Jin, you are completely possessed by the devil. In that case, almsgiver Lin and I have the obligation to subdue the devil and defend the Tao today.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan sneered.

Before Taoist priest Shangyuan started, he said that you have been possessed by the devil, and then he said that we have the obligation to subdue the devil and defend the way.

In a few words, he put himself in the position of justice.

Standing on the moral high ground.

Kill Jin Tianyu.

Even if the ancient immortal Dynasty behind Jin Tianyu knows this in the future.

Dare you take revenge for Jin Tianyu?

If you dare.

Isn\'t it that the immortal Dynasty is the same as Jin Tianyu and others.


If this is the case, this force will be destroyed in the near future.

"Li Shangyuan, you solve the boy. We solved Shangyuan Taoist together.".

Jin Tianyu gave a long roar.

In Jin Tianyu\'s opinion.

The only threat is the Shangyuan Taoist priest from the Taoist dragon and tiger mountain.

Lin Feng is just a small role. He can crush it with his fingers.

"Don\'t worry, senior brother. I can kill the boy within three moves".

Li Shangyuan said with a smile.

Then he swept to Lin Feng.

With a blow.

"Immortal devil fist!"

With this punch, the immortal light on the left and the magic light on the right.

In the immortal light and magic light, a statue like an immortal and a devil appeared vaguely.

This is the shadow of immortals and demons.

Master the two powers of immortals and demons.

Li Shangyuan is the cultivation of double heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

Show this move, immortal magic fist.

The power of this immortal devil fist suddenly appeared.

The immortal demon shadow stepped on the sky and came as if he were one with Li Shangyuan.

Li Shangyuan\'s face was full of sneers.

As if he had seen Lin Feng killed by this move of immortal magic fist.

Lin Feng sneered.

Crack the sky!

The sword cuts the world!

Sword merge!


Blade and sword Qi.

Across the world.

In the void, merge into one.

The power is so powerful that people are shocked.


The immortal demon virtual shadow was torn in an instant.


Li Shangyuan cried in horror.

The next moment.

Blood splashed.

Li Shangyuan was split in half.

"No, younger martial brother Li died. The boy hid his accomplishments.".

Qiu Jian\'s face changed greatly.

Jin Tianyu looked extremely gloomy. He said coldly, "younger martial brother Qiu, younger martial brother Pei and younger martial Sister Li, you three go to kill him. I\'ll hold Shangyuan. You kill him, and we\'ll solve Shangyuan.".

"Yes, elder martial brother...".

The three did not dare to stay after they got the order.

They all came towards Lin Feng.

"Boy, die"!

The three laughed grimly.

"Boom, boom...".

A violent attack broke out suddenly.

Swept the world and killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt the pressure when the three masters besieged him.


Don\'t forget it.

Lin Feng is also a spirit array master.

He plays against people and rarely uses the spirit array.

Now, Lin Feng began to condense the array.

He sneered and said, "today, let you know the end of angering a spiritual array master.".

The voice fell.

In the void.

The array patterns are intertwined.

Those array patterns went towards the three men Qiu Jian, Pei Tianhong and Li Yuer.

The three people who were originally closely linked were immediately separated by the big array.

"No, it\'s the spirit array"

The faces of the three became ugly.

They want to crack the spirit array, but it is difficult to do so.

How many of them can break Lin Feng\'s array combination?

"Go to hell".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and rushed to Qiujian.

Now the three are separated.

You can break each one.


Soon, the sound of tearing the flesh came out.

Autumn sword was cut.

Soon after.

Pei Tianhong\'s scream came out.

Pei Tianhong was beheaded.

Li yu\'er had already scared the dead.

She cried in horror, "don\'t kill me. Please spare me. I\'d like to be your slave. Please spare my life.".


Lin Feng looked indifferent and decisive. He didn\'t let Li yu\'er go because of Li yu\'er\'s plea for mercy and directly killed Li yu\'er.

Seeing this scene, Jin Tianyu had already turned pale with fear.

He didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was such a terrible spirit array master, and his cultivation was very strong.

Where does Jin Tianyu dare to fight again? Turn around and run away.


At this time, Taoist priest Shangyuan was very powerful.

Endless divine light surged out, and in the divine light, the word "death" was condensed.

The word "death" was suppressed.


Jin Tianyu\'s flesh was directly blown open.

He died miserably.