Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 726

The night was deep.

There is no bright moon.

The sky was pitch black.

I can\'t see my fingers.

It was late at night and the fleet continued to drive deep.

But at this time, pirate ships surrounded from all directions.

Thousands of pirate ships.

It\'s too much.

Longan stood on the Tianlong pirate ship and looked at the distant fleet with a grimace, "the scale of this fleet is not small. I\'m afraid there are more than 20 million people?".

Thousands of pirate ships quietly surrounded the past.

When approaching the fleet, the nine pirate kings issued an attack order at the same time.

These pirate ships are equipped with the most sophisticated "spirit stone guns".

The power of the attack made by burning spirit stone is amazing.

Boom, boom

Thousands of pirate ships.

Plus the nine pirate king ships.

All attacked.

The spirit stone gun was lit.

An overwhelming attack blasted away.

It can be called destroying the sky and the earth.

"Bad! Enemy attack"!

At this time, the fleet also found something wrong.

The defense prohibition of 36 giant ships was opened.

Bang Bang

Numerous shells landed on the giant ship.

The huge ships were shaken.

Shake violently.

"What happened?".

The practitioners resting in the cabin were startled.

Someone ran to the deck and looked into the distance with a blank face.

Look into the distance.

I saw a dense number of pirate ships, which had completely surrounded here.

"All the nine pirate kings are here"

A friar recognized the pirate flags.

His face turned pale with fear.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. The nine pirate kings are famous.

How did they all run to the East China Sea?

Is it also because of the God ruins?

Now surrounded by the nine pirate kings.

This is trouble.

"Break through, break out with all your strength".

The captain of the giant ship roared in panic.

Even if they often go to sea, it is the first time they have seen such a scene.

The nine pirate kings!

This is like a myth.

Today they came together.

The spirit stone cannons of 36 giant ships were also set up.

Lock one direction.

Start a crazy breakthrough.

But in the end, 36 giant ships were separated by pirate ships.

Under the siege of pirate ships, the prohibition was destroyed.

Then the ship was destroyed.

Countless monks died miserably.

The ship began to split.

A monk flew madly into the distance.

Trying to escape.

However, flying in mid air is even worse.

The dense Lingshi shells flew out.

The monks who flew into the air were killed on the spot.

More than a dozen giant ships rushed out.

Then the ships fled into the distance.

"Demon son, you lead a group of pirate ships to chase.".

On the demon ship.

The pirate king Fengshen said to a woman.

"Yes, father.".

The woman answered.

The woman turned out to be enchanting.

early years.

Lin Feng once saw the enchanting wind.

At that time, the wind was enchanting, and Liu Piaomiao and others besieged the red flame lion dragon king.

Want to get xuanming black Yan fruit.

Later, Liu Piaomiao was injured in the war.

The wind is enchanting and wants to kill Liu Piaomiao\'s treasure.

Lin Feng saved Liu Piaomiao.

The wind is enchanting again.

Worry about the enchanting wind and search for your soul.

Lin Feng was in a hurry.

She told Feng enchanting that she would marry her within ten years.

The wind is enchanting, angry and ashamed.

I was annoyed because I dared to confess my accomplishments to her.

The shame is that she is a woman after all. When she hears a man confess to herself, she will naturally feel shy.

The shy and angry wind enchanting didn\'t shoot Lin Feng, but left quickly.

In the twinkling of an eye, five years have passed.

The wind is enchanting and more charming.

But obviously Lin Feng wouldn\'t think that Feng enchanting was the daughter of Feng Shentian, the pirate king of the East China Sea.

The wind is enchanting and leads more than a dozen pirate ships to chase and kill the giant ship in front.

Other pirate Kings also sent pirate ships to hunt down.

Hundreds of pirate ships chased the escaped ship.

The two sides fought fiercely at sea.

The ship\'s defense system has been fragmented.

You must abandon the ship and escape, or you will die here.

The captain looked pale. He soon gave the order to abandon the ship and escape.

And issued the order.

More than half a million monks fled from the ship to the distance.

"Don\'t worry, sir. My subordinates will escort you away safely.".

Zhan Junhua was so frightened that she turned pale and didn\'t forget to express her heartfelt feelings in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "just take care of yourself. You don\'t have to worry about my safety.".

Countless people fled outside.

"Lingshi Gun Launch".

On hundreds of pirate ships, dense Lingshi cannons shot at the fleeing friars.

Friars continue to die miserably.

Feng enchanting also commanded more than a dozen pirate ships to attack these friars.


The enchanting beautiful eyes of the wind coagulated slightly.

She saw a man in the crowd.

"Is my sister an immortal? It\'s hard to see the king of a country and the ancestors of protecting the country? Did I accumulate virtue and do good deeds in my previous life when I saw my sister here today? It\'s such a great fate in this life?".

"Yes, I just want to marry fairy sister. I believe I will have this ability in the future."

"I admire my sister at the first sight. Does my sister want to kill someone who admires me? If my sister wants to kill me, I won\'t regret it, because I told myself that what I just said is the truth, and I must marry the fairy sister.".

"Within ten years, I can practice Yin and Yang"

"If I succeed, I will propose marriage."


The appearance of a teenager becomes more and more solid in my mind.

Even after five years.

Many words of the youth in the past are still enchanting and have not been forgotten.

She is the daughter of the East China Sea and the pirate king.

Has always been a high figure.

Who dares to talk to her like this?

Lin Feng was the first.

That boy, not only dare to express his love.

I dare to marry myself.

This makes the wind enchanting and has a strange feeling.

Five years have passed.


Even if five years are in a hurry.

But Feng was enchanting and recognized Lin Feng at the first sight.

"He really wants to practice Yin and Yang.".

The wind is enchanting and my face feels hot.

In the future, what if he really comes to propose marriage?

The wind is enchanting and confused.

"Stop, stop.".

The wind was enchanting and quickly gave an order.

Although the people of the demon God pirate group didn\'t know why the little Lord asked them to stop the attack, they didn\'t hesitate and stopped quickly.

"Come on, break out.".

The friars who had been heavily surrounded naturally found the gap and rushed out madly.

"Sir, we are saved"

Zhan Junhua trembled with excitement.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while. This guy was scared like this. He really lost the face of the spirit array division union.

He rushed out with the crowd.

Lin Feng wondered why the pirate ships suddenly stopped attacking.

He looked in the direction of the pirate ship.

Vaguely, I saw a peerless and enchanting woman.

Just too far apart, Lin Feng couldn\'t see her clearly.