Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 727

There is an island ahead. Let\'s go and have a rest.

A monk suggested.

Many people were injured when they ran away.

After many wars, I was exhausted and really needed a rest.

Everyone nodded, dragged their tired bodies and landed on the island.

Lin Feng looked at the people around him.

There are probably more than 200 people.

There were more than 1000 people before.

But most people died miserably.

Everyone landed on the island and hid in a valley to rest.

Taoist priest Shangyuan stood on the mountain and looked at the sea in the distance.

It has long been a bloody sea.

There is a smell of blood in the air.

"Wuliang Taoist respect".

Taoist priest Shangyuan sat cross legged and read the Scriptures for a while to surpass the dead.

After Taoist priest Shangyuan finished reading the Scripture, Lin Feng said, "Taoist priest, take a rest. We have to hurry at dawn.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan sighed and said, "the killing is too serious. Why did the nine pirate kings massacre friars so wantonly? It\'s not like money.".

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "the world is bustling for profit. In the final analysis, it is also for wealth. However, the wealth of monks may not be the wealth of these pirate kings".

Taoist priest Shangyuan thought a little, nodded and said, "benefactor Lin said exactly.".

The two returned to the valley to rest.

Zhan Junhua handed Lin Feng a porcelain vase as a treasure offering and said, "Sir, I have a ground level small pill for healing. Are you hurt? If you are injured, take one and the injury will recover quickly."

Lin Feng couldn\'t laugh or cry.

Zhan Junhua has the character to be a good slave.

Lin Feng said, "I\'m fine. Keep this pill yourself.".

Then Lin Feng closed his eyes and rested.

It was a very restless night.

Too many monks died miserably at sea.

Of course, some people escaped.

However, the nine pirate kings and the sea clan sent pursuers to kill them.

When dawn was coming, black fog came from the ocean and surrounded the island.

The smell of gloom and terror filled the air.

Everyone was awakened.

"No, we\'re surrounded.".

Many people turned pale and looked at the black fog blocking out the sun.

At this time.

Three monks came out of the black fog.

A young monk dressed in white, like a scholar.

A tall and beautiful woman in an attractive pink dress.

The third person is a Hai nationality, tall and burly, with a single horn on his head.

"The deadly scholar Bai wusheng, the pink fairy Yu jiaomei, and a evil Jiao".

A monk said in a trembling voice.

Obviously, he recognized the identity of the scholar in white and the woman in red dress.

As for the monk of the sea clan.

He only knew that he was the evil Jiao family, but he didn\'t know it.

"Why, does anyone know us?".

The deadly scholar Bai Wuming showed a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth.

this man.

They are handsome and elegant.

I really can\'t see that it\'s a murderous sea thief.

Some monks who know their identity are shivering.

A look of despair.

Lin Feng whispered, "elder Zhan, do you know these people?".

Zhan Junhua\'s face was a little pale. He said, "Sir, I don\'t know the friar of the sea family, but I\'ve heard of the white friar Bai Wuming and the red woman Yu jiaomei.".

"Bai Wuling is the disciple of the pirate king longan, and Yu jiaomei is the daughter of Mrs. Yu of the pirate king". Zhan Junhua whispered.

Lin Feng took a breath. He didn\'t expect that these two people\'s identities were so extraordinary.

Such characters come out.

Must follow many masters.

And the evil Jiao of the Hai family is also a top expert.

This is trouble.

Everyone was surrounded.

Want to get out.

It\'s as difficult as heaven.


At this time, the golden feather in the crowd roared.

He took out a great treasure.

This is a dragon seal.

On the Tianlong seal, there are more than a dozen Tianlong.

Bang Bang

The Dragon Seal was sacrificed.


The friars around the Dragon seal are directly blown open.

The flesh, blood and spirit of those friars were swallowed up by the Dragon Seal.


Then, the Tianlong seal quickly became larger, and a breath of destroying the sky and the earth surged out of the Tianlong seal.

The sound of dragon singing resounds through the sky.

A dozen dragons circled around the Dragon Seal.

The breath of Tao.

Surging out of the Dragon Seal.

"Tao device".

Lin Feng was shocked.

This is definitely a Taoist instrument.

The so-called Tao Qi.

It means the instrument of the road.

Such a baby has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

Jin Tianyu is the son of the great Jinxian Dynasty in cangming Prefecture.

Distinguished status.

This time I came to the God ruins, I borrowed a Taoist instrument.

This Taoist instrument is called Tianlong seal.

Originally, when Jin Tianyu wanted to compete for the treasure in the God ruins, he suddenly offered a Taoist weapon.

Kill someone by surprise.

But now.

Life and death crisis.

Jin Tianyu could not wait for that time. He sacrificed Taoist weapons and killed sixty or seventy monks.

The Dragon Seal devoured the flesh and blood spirit of these friars, and then recovered.

Tianlong seal released a divine light to wrap Jin Tianyu, Li Yuer and others.

Then these people will break out.

"Shit, Jin Tianyu killed so many people and activated the Taoist weapon. He wanted to escape by himself.".

Many people shouted abuse.

"This man is really cruel.".

Lin Feng said in his heart.

When he first met Jin Tianyu, Lin Feng felt that this person was not simple.

Of noble birth.

But smile at everyone.

I never seem to get angry.

Such a person is too tolerant. Such a person is the most terrible.

So Lin Feng has been on guard against Jin Tianyu.

And deliberately distanced themselves from Jin Tianyu and others.

Fortunately, I didn\'t stand with these people just now.

Otherwise, Jin Tianyu might have killed him with the Taoist weapon Tianlong seal.

"It\'s a Taoist weapon. We\'re rich.".

Bai wusheng exclaimed in surprise.

He waved his right hand.


The roar filled the sky.

A treasure was sacrificed by this white lifeless sacrifice.

Bai Wuming\'s strength is extremely terrible, so he can directly urge the treasure at the level of Taoist instrument without blood sacrifice.

This is a sky breaking knife.

It\'s called white tiger sky breaking knife.

It is the treasure of the pirate king longan.

When Bai Wuling comes out to chase and kill the fleeing friar, longan gives Bai huliandao to Bai Wuling to defend himself.

The white tiger smashed the sky knife, cut out a thousand feet of knife awn, and killed it towards the sky dragon seal.

"Kill these people".

The little count of evil Jiao sneered.


The sound of killing resounded through the world.

The black fog rolled.

Numerous pirates and sea people.

They all killed Lin Feng and others in the valley.

"Break through, or you\'ll die here.".

Lin Feng offered the black dragon sword, roared and rushed out.

"Boy, die.".

A sea friar with a height of more than ten meters smashed Lin Feng with a huge hammer.

Want to smash Lin Feng into meat mud with a hammer.