Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 725

When they looked, they saw a black shadow in the ocean. It was very fast. They didn\'t know what it was.

Blink and disappear.

"The speed is so fast. Is it a fierce beast in the deep sea?".

Lin Feng frowned.

Li Shangyuan said, "brothers Lin don\'t have to worry too much. Even the sea clan dare not attack such a huge fleet.".

Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t say much.

"Elder martial brother, do you really let that boy go?".

In the distance, a group of people in blood soul island looked coldly at Lin Feng. Li Rong\'s eyes were full of resentment.

Song Yunqing said, "this person is likely to be the descendant of the senior level of the Lingzhen division Federation of trade unions. Now is not the time to start. After entering the God ruins, there are many opportunities, so he is not in a hurry.".

"Then let the boy live a few more days.".

The friars of blood soul Island sneered.

The fleet continued to sail deep.

On a huge Island thousands of miles away, the nine pirate kings and sea people gathered here.

Originally, the nine pirate kings were hostile to each other.

No contact with each other.

But this time, the strong of the sea family summoned the nine pirate kings.

The nine pirate kings are extremely powerful.

Each pirate king is not only powerful, but also masters.

The nine pirate kings are Mrs. Yu, the sea demon king, Rogers, Barbosa, Shuihua, xiaotianfeng, fengshentian, Arthur and longan.

The power of the nine pirate Kings is not limited to the East China Sea.

There are nine pirate kings in the East, South, West and North, death sea, dark sea, endless sea and so on.

Arthur: the most mysterious Lord of the endless sea, the first man in the era of great navigation and the first pirate king in history.

God punished the captain of the pirate ship.

But because of his growing age, his prestige is not as good as before, but he is still one of the nine pirate kings.

Rogers: once a sailor on King Arthur\'s pirate ship, he became the captain of the ship of death by chance. He mastered the ship of death that existed in ancient times. His strength increased greatly and became the pirate king of the sea of death.

Later, when Bossa defected and the ship of death was robbed, Rogers went deep into the nether world, found the rumored hell pirate ship and became the new owner of hell pirate ship.

Barbosa: a confidant of Rogers pirate king and vice captain, but he had a strong desire. On the night when Rogers was drunk, he launched a coup and took Rogers\' death ship away, becoming the new owner of the death ship. Later, he arrived in the South China Sea and became the master of the South China Sea.

Mrs. Yu: the pirate king of the North Sea.

Captain of "evil dragon pirate ship".

He inherited the huge caravan left after his ex husband\'s death, and then gradually developed the caravan into one of the most powerful pirate groups in the North sea world. Three thousand years ago, during the North Sea campaign, he annihilated the other three pirate groups and established the identity of the pirate king of the North Sea.

Sea demon king: the last patriarch of the sea demon family, one of the most mysterious races in the sea family.

The captain of the magic pirate ship.

Based on the remnant of the sea demon clan, it established one of the most powerful pirate forces, mainly active in the dark sea in the central area of the North Sea and the West Sea.

Therefore, it is also known as the "Lord of the dark sea".

Xiao Tianfeng: the rumored son of Fengshen, the captain of storm pirate ship.

The pirate king of the storm sea.

It is also one of the most low-key pirate kings among the nine pirate kings.

Generally, no matter what happens, the storm Pirate Group rarely participates in the operation.

Xiao Tianfeng prefers to sit on the wall.

Fengshentian: it is said that the son of the demon God, the owner of the demon God ship, has a mysterious origin and is the pirate king of the East China Sea.

Longan: it is said that the man born with the eye of Tianlong, the owner of the pirate ship Tianlong, and the pirate king of the West Sea.

Shuihua: the most mysterious pirate captain is the captain of the pirate ship of the gods. It is said that he has the best face in the world and is the pirate king in the sea area of the gods.


"The sea family has such a big shelf that it makes our nine pirate kings wait here.".

Longan angrily patted the table.

Mrs. Yu said faintly, "the sea family is this kind of bird nature.".

The sea demon king said, "Mrs. Yu, are you pointing at mulberry and locust?".

Mrs. Yu glanced and said, "did I scold you?".

"Barbossa, you look so pale. Are you cursed by the death ship? Hahaha, sooner or later, I will get the death ship back.".

Rogers looked at Barbosa with a sneer.

Barbosa threw his mouth and said, "be careful, I\'ll take your hell ship.".

Rogers sneered, "let\'s see if you have this ability.".

The scene was a mess.

"Keep you waiting".

At this time.

A middle-aged man in a Dragon Robe came.

The middle-aged man has two horns.

This is a monk turned into a dragon.

"I thought the Dragon King came in person, but I didn\'t expect to send you.".

King Arthur sneered.

This was when King Arthur crossed the seas.

And the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace.

"My eldest brother wanted to come in person, but because he was busy, he didn\'t come, so he sent me here and asked you to forgive me.".

Ao lie said apologetically.

Barbosa said coldly, "come on, what\'s the matter of summoning us?".

"You pirate kings must already know that the God ruins have been opened?".

Ao lie smiled.

"What if I know? I went to the God ruins once, but now I\'m not interested in the God ruins."

Longan pie mouth.

"No... this time, the God ruins are opened, which is different from the past.".

Ao lie said.

Fengshen asked, "what\'s the difference?".

"The legendary sacred tree of life will appear in the depths of the ruins". Ao lie said.

"What? The sacred tree of life? Hasn\'t the tree of life been completely destroyed in ancient times?".

Barbosa said in surprise.

The other pirate Kings also looked at Ao lie.


The news really shocked them.

"Yes, it has indeed been destroyed, but some of the tree of life has been left behind, and some have been sealed in the depths of the ruins. You should know what the tree of life represents. If we can get it, the tree of life can continuously supply us with longevity yuan. Now we all have a life span of twenty or thirty thousand years, but we rely on it However, we will die of old age, but if we get the sacred tree of life, even if we can\'t live forever, our longevity will be endless ".

Ao lie said.

"Ha ha, the sacred tree of life, great".

The nine pirate kings laughed.

"We need the prohibition in the depth of blood sacrifice to open the prohibition. We need the flesh, blood and spirit of countless monks.".

Ao lie said.

"Friars from three thousand states came from everywhere, and the fleet also sailed to the ruins. At least millions of friars came to each fleet.".

Mrs. Yu smiled and said.

"Then let the monk\'s blood dye the Sea red".

The nine pirate kings laughed.