Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 724

"Who are you?".

Lin Feng looks at Zhan Junhua with a virtual shadow.

"My subordinate is an elder of the spiritual array division trade union".

Zhan Junhua said carefully.


At that time, when Lin Feng was crowned the elder of the spiritual array division trade union.

Even four holy level spirit array masters appeared.

The incident caused an uproar.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Feng may become several heirs of the spiritual array division trade union in the future.

After all.

Lin Feng is only about 20 years old this year.

Such a person.

Don\'t call him a mere elder.

Even the elders are expected to make friends with them.

"It\'s from the spirit array master\'s Union. Are you going to break my array?".

Lin Feng asked.

Zhan Junhua trembled with fear and hurriedly said, "my Lord, my subordinates dare not.".

"Then step back.".

Lin Feng\'s voice fell and disappeared.

Array pattern in the void.

And calm.

Zhan Junhua breathed.

"My lord? Did you hear that? A big man like Zhan Junhua calls that young man an adult? Who is that young man?".

There is a deep shock in everyone\'s heart.

"Elder Zhan, you are...".

Seeing Zhan Junhua standing up from the ground, song Yunqing asked in some confusion.

Zhan Junhua now has an impulse to slap song Yunqing to death.

This guy offended elder Lin Feng.

And almost fell into it.

But Zhan Junhua still wanted to give himself a bottle of blood demon liquid in Song Yunqing, so she resisted her anger.

He looked at Song Yunqing and said, "get back. The adults here can\'t be provoked by your blood soul island.".

Song Yunqing and others suddenly changed their faces.

They are very unwilling.

But you can only retreat.

Zhan Junhua, like the door god, stood next to the box as a guard for Lin Feng.

"Isn\'t it? Zhan Junhua has become a guard? I\'m really curious. Who is the guy in the box?".

"Is it the son of the senior level of the spirit array division Federation of trade unions?"

"Young and highly skilled, the spirit array master may indeed be the son of the senior level of the spirit array master Federation of trade unions".

"No wonder Zhan Junhua is so frightened. If he is the descendant of the senior level of the Lingzhen master\'s trade union, he may become one of the masters in the future and control the fate of the Lingzhen master.".

"Zhan Junhua is quite clever. Maybe he will get lucky and take advantage of this opportunity to climb up the mysterious childe.".

Many people talked about it.

One after another, the others began to leave.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what happened outside.

Because he blocked the whole box with a large array and was practicing hard inside.

Time passes day by day.

Lin Feng practices every day, studying the spirit array, refining medicine

Day after day.

A month and a half later.

The fleet reached the deep sea.

This is already the territory of the sea people.

So the fleet moved.

Also careful.


The door of the box was opened and Lin Feng went out.

"See you, my Lord".

Zhan Junhua, who was outside, quickly saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng carefully felt the mental memory left outside, and knew everything that had happened before.

Zhan Junhua had been guarding outside the box for more than a month.

This perseverance is amazing enough.

"Zhan Junhua, right? You did a good job. Go and have a rest.".

Lin Feng said.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, Zhan Junhua was moved to tears.

It seems that I have worked hard here for Lord Lin Feng for more than a month.

All the hard work was not in vain.

Lord Lin Feng, remember your name.

"Thank you for your concern and your subordinates leave.".

Zhan Junhua saluted Lin Feng and left.

Lin Feng came to the deck.

"Eh, such heavy snow?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

I saw heavy snow flying outside.

Many islands are white.

"The marine climate is so changeable. Different sea areas may have different climates.".

A young Taoist came up and smiled.

The Taoist priest Lin Feng had seen it before. He smiled and said, "I don\'t know what Taoist priest calls me?"

"Road sign Shangyuan".

Said the Taoist priest.

"Lin Feng".

"Benefactor Lin also knows my Taoist cultivation skills?".

Taoist priest Shangyuan asked suspiciously.

Lin Feng\'s heart jumped.

From Wuliang Taoist priest, he learned "breaking the array with array" and "dragon searching formula".

These are the traditions of mountain moving Taoists.

Now I don\'t do it myself.

Taoist priest Shangyuan was able to sense something.

This Taoist.

Although it looks young.

But the means.

But it is extremely not simple.

Lin Feng was on guard.

But his face was silent. He said, "I once contacted a Taoist priest and got the guidance of that Taoist priest.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan smiled and said, "that\'s the chance of benefactor. It seems that benefactor is destined to Tao. Do you have any plans to join our dragon and tiger mountain?".

Longhu Mountain is a holy land of Taoism.

It is dedicated to Sanqing.

Taoist priest Shangyuan came from Longhu Mountain.

The origin is really scary.

However, Lin Feng had no intention of becoming a Taoist.

Taoists have a pure heart and few desires.

Lin Feng can\'t live like this.

He smiled and said, "thank you for your kind invitation, but I have my own way.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan shook his head with some regret.

"Taoist priest Shangyuan, nice to meet you.".

At this time, more than a dozen monks came, and a young man in gold smiled and greeted Taoist priest Shangyuan.

"It\'s benefactor Jin Tianyu. Nice to meet you.".

Taoist priest Shangyuan said with a smile.

The origin of this group is not simple.

Jin Tianyu, in particular, is the son of an ancient immortal Dynasty in cangming Prefecture. He is extremely powerful.

"What do you call this little brother?". Jin Tianyu smiled and looked at Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng".

"Golden sky feather".

"This is my younger martial brother Li Shangyuan, Qiu Jian, Pei Tianhong and younger martial Sister Li Yuer.".

Nice to meet you.

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

The others were not as enthusiastic as Jin Tianyu, but just hugged each other.

After a brief exchange, Lin Feng left.

Taoist priest Shangyuan also left soon.

Li yu\'er said in surprise, "elder martial brother, why did you make friends with the boy named Lin Feng? It seems that he is just a friar in the realm of King Wu".

Tone, with contempt.

Jin Tianyu smiled and said, "I often tell you that you should smile to people outside. Although Lin Feng is ordinary now, he can\'t be developed by chance in the future.".

"Thanks for your advice, senior brother.".

Several people nodded quickly.

They all understand what Jin Tianyu means.

In the following period of time, Lin Feng often communicated with Taoist priest Shangyuan, Jin Tianyu and others to cultivate his heart and morality.

This is also a kind of practice.

The fleet entered a black sea ten days later.

The endless Black Sea exudes a palpitating smell.

"The Black Sea, this is the most dangerous place".

Many people look dignified.

The Black Sea is not just a place where sea people are active.

It is said that the nine pirate kings often haunt the Black Sea.

Although the fleet is huge, it should be careful when it comes to the Black Sea.

Encounter the sea clan or pirate king.

The destruction of the fleet is also possible.

"Look, what\'s that?".

Suddenly someone pointed to the sea in the distance and screamed horribly.