Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 723

"Ah, let me go, boy, I\'ll kill you.".

Tang Miaosheng\'s face twisted.

Tang Miaosheng was the genius of blood soul island.


Now kneel on the ground.

Lose face.

Where did he suffer such humiliation?

Tang Miaosheng roared angrily and struggled.


He couldn\'t get away at all.

The big array arranged by Lin Feng is too powerful.

Can Tang Miaosheng crack it?

"Senior brother Tang was suppressed".

Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others were almost scared to death when they saw this scene.

Tang Miaosheng is a powerful existence that even the five heavenly friars in the realm of yin and yang can defeat.

But now.

Was suppressed.

What level of spirit array master is that boy?

The spirit array is so powerful.

The monks who were watching around also recovered at this moment.

Looking at Tang Miaosheng kneeling in front of the box.

Everyone\'s face was full of incredible expressions.


This is indeed true.

Tang Miaosheng was suppressed.

Kneel on the ground.

"What level of spirit array master is that boy? The big array is too powerful?"

"The spirit array master needs experience accumulation, so it\'s very difficult to break through. The boy looks only about 20 years old. Why can he arrange such a powerful array?".

"If you can suppress Tang Miaosheng, that guy should be a spiritual array master at the ground level?".

"The earth level spirit array master in his twenties? God, this is too evil?".

Many people talked about it.

His face was full of shock.

This kind of thing.

Who would believe it?

But it happened right in front of you.

No one can believe it.

"Come on, go back to elder martial brother song and others for help. I\'ll cut the boy thousands of times.".

At this time, Tang Miaosheng calmed down a lot. He looked at Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others.

They didn\'t dare to hesitate and hurried to find several other monks in the yin-yang realm of blood soul island.

VIP class three.

Song Yunqing took out a porcelain vase, handed it to Zhan Junhua and said with a smile, "elder Zhan, this is the blood demon liquid refined by a supreme elder of our blood soul island. After refining, it can greatly improve the soul power, which is of great benefit to the spirit array master".

Zhan Junhua\'s eyes lit up suddenly. He said modestly, "it\'s the so-called no merit without reward. I can\'t accept such a valuable thing.".

Although I said I couldn\'t accept it.

But his eyes did not leave the porcelain bottle containing blood magic liquid.

Obviously, Zhan Junhua was just polite.

He wants the blood devil liquid very much.

Song Yunqing said with a smile, "elder Zhan, it\'s fate that we met on this giant ship. Although we were not familiar before, now we confide in each other. Should we be regarded as close friends? Isn\'t it normal for good friends to give each other some gadgets?"

Song Yunqing is very talkative.

A few words narrowed the distance with Zhan Junhua.


He also found the reason for Zhan Junhua to accept the blood demon liquid.

Zhan Junhua smiled and said, "brother song is right. It\'s common for friends to give each other small things. In that case, I\'ll take this blood demon liquid.".

Zhan Junhua put the blood demon liquid away.

This is not a little thing.

This is a priceless treasure.

Want to buy something you can\'t even buy.

With this bottle of blood demon liquid, the soul power can be greatly improved.

In this way, the baby that directly improves cultivation is the most rare and expensive baby. Many times, there is no market for price.

Zhan Junhua became a lot more enthusiastic after taking the things.

They talked happily with song Yunqing, Wang Haiyang and Liu junsen.

At this time.

Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others came in a hurry.

"Senior brother, something happened...".

The two men were sad.

Song Yunqing looked a little heavy and asked, "what happened? Junior brother Tang Miaosheng?".

Zhang Qing said in a venomous voice, "it\'s the little beast. The big array he arranged hit me seriously, and senior brother Tang Miaosheng was suppressed. Now he\'s kneeling outside the box.".

"What? Is there such a thing?".

Song Yunqing\'s face suddenly sank.

Li Rong said, "elder martial brother, the big array arranged by that boy is too powerful to crack.".

"Big array? It\'s also easy. I\'ll help you crack the big array.".

Zhan Junhua smiled.

He just took the blood demon liquid.

Happy mood.

In Zhan Junhua\'s opinion.

It\'s not easy to crack just one array?

"Thank you, elder Zhan.".

Song Yunqing and others quickly thanked.

Then a group of people quickly came to VIP cabin 1.

When they came here, they saw Tang Miaosheng kneeling on the ground from a distance.

The faces of song Yunqing, Wang Haiyang and Liu junsen suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Who the hell is this boy? I don\'t know how to live or die. After elder Zhan breaks the boy\'s array, I will torture the boy to death.".

Song Yunqing said darkly.

"Look, song Yunqing and others from blood soul island are coming.".

"Song Yunqing is a strong man in the six heaven realm of yin and Yang. Wang Haiyang and Liu junsen around him are also the cultivation of the five Heaven realm of yin and Yang. Do these people want to break through the array by force?".

"No, look who\'s around Song Yunqing?".

"Is that elder Zhan Junhua of the spirit array division union?".

"Yes, it\'s Zhan Junhua. They invited this man. The boy\'s big array will be broken. The boy\'s really powerful is the big array. If the big array is broken, song Yunqing and others will take action at that time, and the boy will be captured by song Yunqing and others. At that time, I\'m afraid he will die.".

Many people began to talk.

"Elder Zhan...".

Many monks also flocked to Zhan Junhua and said hello to Zhan Junhua.

The elders of the spiritual array division trade union are all superior beings.


Zhan Junhua nodded proudly.

Soon, the group came to the box.

"Zhan Junhua broke the battle in person. The boy is really going to die."

Many people whispered.

Zhan Junhua glanced at the array pattern outside the box and sneered, "boy, come out quickly. For your sake, the elder will say some good words for you. If you don\'t appreciate it, when the elder breaks your array, you will be caught by several Taoist friends of blood soul Island, and the elder won\'t intercede for you".

There was no sound from the box.

Zhan Junhua\'s face suddenly became gloomy.

He felt ignored.

Zhan Junhua said coldly, "since I don\'t appreciate it, don\'t blame me.".

Zhan Junhua walked to the box with array patterns on his palm.

He was about to crack the big array arranged by Lin Feng.

Suddenly, the lines outside the box twisted.

Lin Feng\'s virtual shadow emerged.

Zhan Junhua, who was originally arrogant and ready to break through, saw Lin Feng\'s virtual shadow.

His eyes almost popped out.

Then the whole body trembled violently.

"Big, sir... You, why are you here?".

Zhan Junhua obviously recognized Lin Feng\'s identity and trembled with fear.

With a splash, he knelt on the ground.

"What happened? Why did Zhan Junhua kneel before fighting?".

The monks around felt that they were going crazy.

Zhan Junhua is an elder of the spirit array division trade union.

Even the friars in the realm of creation will be polite when they see Zhan Junhua.

But Zhan Junhua was so scared that she knelt on the ground.

Why on earth?

Is it because?

Everyone looked at the empty shadow in front of the box in horror.

Zhan Junhua saw the virtual shadow.

Just kneel.

"Is it really the virtual shadow that scared Zhan Junhua to kneel on the ground? If so, who is the young childe? He scared such a big man as Zhan Junhua like this?".

Everyone\'s eyes were fixed on the box and were guessing Lin Feng\'s identity.

Everyone\'s heart was deeply shocked. They thought everything they saw was a dream.

But obviously, all this is really happening in front of us.