Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 722

"Elder martial brother, it\'s the box. The boy must be hiding in the box.".

Zhang Qing and Li Rong point to Lin Feng\'s box.

"Well...". Tang Miaosheng nodded.

"Get out of the way.".

People from blood soul Island open the way.

Clear a road.

Tang Miaosheng walked towards the box where Lin Feng was.

"I don\'t know how Tang Miaosheng will deal with the boy after he is caught by Tang Miaosheng later?".

"Tang Miaosheng is cruel and cruel. At least he will break the boy\'s legs.".

"I think Tang Miaosheng is likely to abolish the boy\'s Dantian.".

Many people are talking about it.

Obviously, everyone is not optimistic about Lin Feng.

Tang Miaosheng is famous.

Swallowed the blood of ancient beasts.

The combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

This is also the reason why people are not optimistic about Lin Feng.

In everyone\'s opinion.

Although Lin Feng is very strong.

But Tang Miaosheng is also a monster.

And it\'s a monster worse than Lin Feng.

Two powerful characters collided.

Naturally, the more powerful one won.

"Boy, get out.".

Zhang Qing stood at the door and shouted arrogantly.

Now Tang Miaosheng is in charge.

So Zhang Qing\'s courage grew.

But there was no response from the box.

Because Lin Feng activated the sound insulation prohibition.

The sound can\'t pass in.

"Boy, do you think you can hide by hiding inside as a shrinking turtle? If you don\'t come out, I\'ll kick the door and find you out."

Zhang Qing sneered and shouted.

He kicked at the box door.

At this time.

An array pattern appeared and swept towards Zhang Qing.

"Array pattern! Good guy! This is the technique of void condensation array. Is that boy still a spirit array master?".

See the sudden array pattern.

Many people exclaimed.

The spirit array master is also mysterious and superior to these practitioners.

The same is the realm of yin and Yang.

But if you still have the identity of spirit array master.

Their positions were immediately very different.

Zhang Qing obviously didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was still a spirit array master.

See the array pattern.

Zhang Qing\'s look changed greatly.

He retreated quickly to avoid the attack of the array pattern.


I\'ll return at this time.

It\'s too late.

Zhang Qing couldn\'t avoid the blow of the array pattern.

He was swept out by the powerful array pattern.

A splash.

Fell to the ground.

Click, click.

I don\'t know how many bones were broken.


"So good?".

"My God, what level of array is this? It has such powerful power? Anyway, Zhang Qing is also a monk in the realm of yin and Yang. He was defeated in an instant.".

Many people exclaimed.

Although Zhang Qing\'s realm was piled up with pills.

It can only be regarded as the most common monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

But the realm of yin and Yang!

Is the realm of yin and Yang!

It\'s so easy to defeat a monk in the realm of yin and Yang!

It really makes people have a strange feeling.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the blood soul Island friars trembled with fear.

Fortunately, Zhang Qing just kicked the door.

If it was them.

Isn\'t he lying on the ground now?

"Younger martial brother Zhang, how do you feel?".

Tang Miaosheng looked at Zhang Qing and asked.

"Elder martial brother, many bones on my body were broken. Elder martial brother must avenge me.".

Zhang Qing looked at Tang Miaosheng with a wail.

"Younger martial Sister Li, take care of younger martial brother Zhang.".

Tang Miaosheng looked at Li Rong.

Li Rong nodded quickly and went with the others to check Zhang Qing\'s injury.

And this time.

Tang Miaosheng walked towards the box.

"Tang Miaosheng is going to do it himself.".

"Tang Miaosheng is a triple heaven cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang, but because he swallowed the blood of ancient fierce animals, he got a great opportunity. Even the friars in the five Heaven realm of yin and yang are not Tang Miaosheng\'s opponents.".

"That\'s right. Tang Miaosheng can easily challenge beyond his level! Now Tang Miaosheng is going to take action. It\'s absolutely easy to break the boy\'s array.".

Many monks whispered.

Tang Miaosheng raised his right hand and condensed an energy fingerprint.

Shoot to the box.


At this time.

The large array arranged by Lin Feng is activated.

The array patterns twisted.


The array pattern collides with the energy fingerprint condensed by Tang Miaosheng.

Tang Miaosheng\'s energy fingerprint was broken by the array pattern.

"Tang Miaosheng\'s attack has been broken. Can it be that Tang Miaosheng can\'t crack the array pattern?".

Suddenly, a monk said in surprise.

"It was just a tentative attack. Tang Miaosheng hasn\'t really made a move yet. The good play is still behind.".

A monk explained.

"Who dares to disturb my practice?".

At this time.

Pattern interweaving.

A figure.

Show up.

This is a young monk.

It\'s him, the young friar in the box.

Many people recognize Lin Feng.

See the unreal shadow.

Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others suddenly showed a gnashing expression.

They suffered a lot from Lin Feng.

Nature hates her teeth.

"The boy may be more powerful than we thought.".

A monk said so.

Tang Miaosheng looked coldly at Lin Feng\'s virtual shadow and said, "boy, if you dare to offend my blood soul Island, it\'s like looking for your own death. Today I broke your ban, caught you out and wasted your limbs. This is the end of offending my blood soul island.".

Lin Feng\'s virtual shadow said coldly, "if you want to die, just do it.".


Tang Miaosheng\'s eyes suddenly sank and went away with three fists in a row.

Bang Bang

The fist shook the void.

A powerful force.


The array pattern arranged by Lin Feng also shows its power.

The array patterns went towards Tang Miaosheng.

The two sides immediately collided.

Tang Miaosheng\'s fist technique was broken by Lin Feng\'s array pattern.

Tang Miaosheng was swept out.


I saw Tang Miaosheng at a disadvantage.

Everyone was stunned.

This is something no one thought of.

Everyone thought it must be Tang Miaosheng who easily broke the array pattern, and then pulled Lin Feng out.

Tortured Lin Feng.

After being repulsed, Tang Miaosheng\'s look suddenly became gloomy.

He felt his face damaged.

Tang Miaosheng turned into a bloody axe and killed the dense array lines.

"Blood shadow axe kill! This is the secret skill of blood soul island. Tang Miaosheng can turn himself into a bloody axe. He has cultivated this secret skill to the level of great success".

Seeing that Tang Miao turned into a bloody axe, a monk immediately exclaimed.

Then another monk shouted, "look, Tang Miaosheng is going to tear all the array lines.".

The Friar\'s voice just fell.

The numerous array patterns collide with the bloody axe made by Tang Miao.

The array pattern condensed into an "out" shape.

This is an array combination that Lin Feng has just studied. He tries to integrate the avenue breath of Tao Zi Mie into the array combination.

The power of the array combination will be greatly improved.


With a dull loud noise.

Then, a figure flew backwards like a short-term kite.

It was Tang Miaosheng.

One hit collision.

Tang Miaosheng was hit hard.

The whole body is covered with dense wounds.


The flesh cracked like porcelain.

Tang Miaosheng roared. He wanted to avoid those array patterns.

But the dense array pattern suppressed the past.


Tang Miaosheng knelt directly on the ground and couldn\'t move.

"Provoke my majesty, kneel here and repent.".

Lin Feng\'s empty shadow looked coldly at Tang Miaosheng kneeling on the ground.

Then it dissipated.

Everyone was shocked.

The whole VIP cabin.

in perfect silence!