Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 721

Zhang Qing bowed his head, his eyes were full of killing intention, and his heart was full of hate.

He wanted to cut the man who brought him shame.

But Zhang Qing knows.

He is not Lin Feng\'s opponent.

Must endure!

Heroes don\'t suffer at present!

I have to say, this Zhang Qing.

I can really bear it.

"And you?".

Lin Feng looked at Li Rong with a faint look.

Li Rong\'s mouth twitched violently.

She wanted to beg.

But I saw Lin Feng\'s cold eyes.

Li Rong swallowed all the words she wanted to blurt out.

Li Rong also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to apologize.


"Can you let us go now?".

Zhang Qing and Li Rong asked.

"Go away".

Lin Feng said indifferently.

Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others turned and left quickly.

Their eyes were full of dark expressions.

Lin Feng naturally knows that these people will hate themselves.

But he doesn\'t care.

It is mediocre not to be hated.

Small roles such as Zhang Qing and Li Rong.

Lin Feng didn\'t pay attention to it at all.

"This guy is really strong. He made Zhang Qing and Li Rong kneel on the ground and kowtow to apologize.".

"But doing so also completely offended the blood soul island".

"Brother, you are too naive. If you don\'t do this, don\'t you offend the blood soul island? These people in the blood soul island are evil friars. Since there has been a conflict before, they won\'t give up easily. However, the boy is really determined. It seems that he doesn\'t pay attention to these people in the blood soul island and doesn\'t know who he is.".

"Probably a descendant of the inland forces? But the boy forgot that now he is in the deep sea, and the inland forces have little influence in the sea. I don\'t think this matter will end so easily. Just wait and see a good play."

Many monks whispered.

At this time, Lin Feng added an array combination outside his box.

These boxes have a sound insulation effect.

But it can\'t stop others from preparing to destroy the box.

Lin Feng naturally knew that the people of blood soul island might not end it so easily.

If these people don\'t come, it\'s all right.

If you come, you will not give them good fruit to eat.

Do you think this is a place where everyone can go wild?

Lin Feng immediately entered the box.

The area of the box is about 50 square meters, and the layout inside is very luxurious.

There is even a gathering array.

There is plenty of aura.

No wonder it costs the sky high price of ten top spiritual stones.

It\'s a luxury.

He lay in bed for a while.

Lin Feng began to run the Taigu dragon elephant formula to adjust his breath.

For a while.

Lin Feng estimates that it will take more than two months to reach the God ruins.

Such a long time.

Lin Feng naturally has many things to do.


Then you will learn to study spirit array and refining medicine.

Cultivation can\'t be put down.

Two auxiliary skills can\'t be put down.

Especially the spirit array.

Too important.

While Lin Feng was practicing.

Zhang Qing, Li Rong and others came to another VIP cabin.

Here are some monks from blood soul island.

And they are all monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

Several monks of Yin-Yang realm in blood soul island are talking with a middle-aged monk in his forties.

The middle-aged friar was dressed in the robe of the spiritual array master Union.

Obviously a spirit array master.

His crescent robe.

The appearance of this person\'s identity.

This is an elder of the spiritual array division union.

The robes of the spiritual array master Union are naturally divided into many kinds.

Ordinary spiritual array masters are all white robes.

If you become a deacon, you will be a star robe.

The elder spirit array master is a crescent robe.

The elder and the spirit array master are the burning sun robes.

If you break through the sky, it is the robe of the sun, moon and stars.

The middle-aged man\'s name is Zhan Junhua.

He works in the East China Sea spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

Nature is a high figure.

Even the friars of blood soul island are fawning on Zhan Junhua.

"Elder martial brother, please decide for us".

Zhang Qing and Li Rong came here with pathetic expressions and looked at several friars in blood soul island.

"Elder Zhan is sitting here. Why are you so impolite?".

A blood soul Island friar named Tang Miaosheng said in a deep voice.

Zhang Qing and Li Rong also noticed Zhan Junhua at this time.

Naturally, they also know Zhan Junhua of the Federation of Lingzhen masters.

They quickly saluted, and then said, "it\'s our faux pas. Please forgive us.".

Zhan Junhua smiled and said, "it\'s understandable that he didn\'t see clearly for a while.".

At this time, Tang Miaosheng said, "since elder Zhan doesn\'t blame you a lot, I won\'t punish you anymore. What\'s the matter? Running here in a panic?"

Li Rong immediately sobbed, "elder martial brother, we were bullied by a boy."

"Oh? Does anyone dare to bully the friars of our blood soul island?". Tang Miaosheng looked a little heavy.

"The boy knew that we were friars of blood soul island. Obviously, he didn\'t pay attention to our blood soul island.".

Zhang Qing said.

"That\'s unreasonable". Tang Miaosheng\'s eyes suddenly flashed a dark color.

Tang Miaosheng didn\'t ask Zhang Qing and Li Rong why they clashed with each other.

He is not interested in these.

Because in Tang Miaosheng\'s opinion.

If the other party takes the initiative to humiliate the friars of their blood soul Island, it is to die.

If the monk of blood soul Island bullied the boy, the boy dared to resist.

Also looking for death.


Whatever the reason.

That boy dares to fight the friars in their blood soul Island, which is to seek his own death.

This is why ordinary people dare not offend the people of blood soul island.

Blood soul island.

Don\'t ask right or wrong.

Domineering and cruel.

If anyone offends them.

Whether you\'re right or not.

Will also be retaliated by the friars of blood soul island.

"Several senior brothers are here with elder Zhan. I\'ll come as soon as I go.".

Tang Miaosheng said.

Several other monks from bloodsoul Island nodded.

Tang Miaosheng got up. He looked at Zhang Qing and Li Rong and said, "lead the way, I\'ll meet the boy.".

"Senior brother, come with us".

Zhang Qing and Li Rong lead the way.

The two men had a sneer on their faces.

He said, "boy, I\'ll let you kneel in front of us and beg for mercy like a dog.".

Think of this scene.

They feel happy.

Not long.

They came to the VIP cabin where Lin Feng\'s box was located.

"Look, the people of blood soul island are coming.".

"I\'m not wrong. The friars of blood soul island are here. The people of blood soul island will repay you.".

"Is that Tang Miaosheng of blood soul island?".

"What? He is Tang Miaosheng. It is said that he swallowed the blood of ancient fierce beasts. His combat effectiveness is extremely terrible. He can defeat his opponent across several realms.".

"Yes, I\'ve heard of it. I didn\'t expect Tang Miaosheng to do it himself today. I\'m afraid the boy in the box is going to die.".

Many people talked about it.