Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 714

"Who the hell is he?".

Li Xiyu and others were full of confused expressions.

So young.

Looks like the youngest of all the people present.

What qualifications does he have.

Let the president and two vice presidents treat such big people so warmly?

What qualifications does he have.

On the same generation as the three great men?


Doubts arise.

Although I doubt Lin Feng\'s identity.

But Li Xiyu and others know.

Lin Feng must be a great person.

They quickly recalled whether they had a language conflict with Lin Feng before?

Although I just despised this man in my heart.


There is no language conflict.

Thought of here, a little relieved.

Li Xiyu and others looked aside. Liu Yu, who was trembling with fear, was a pair of compassionate eyes.

"Lin Xiaoyou, the three of us have communicated with the senior management of the general hall, and now the order has been issued. Let\'s go and officially appoint Lin Xiaoyou as the chief elder of the Lingxian master\'s hall."

Murong Baichuan said.

"Excuse me.".

Lin Feng smiled and hugged his fist.

You\'re welcome.

Murong Baichuan smiled.

The four walked towards the platform.

"Who is this?". Li Xiyu asked an elder level spirit array master nearby.

The elder whispered, "this is the new elder of the spiritual array division trade union.".

"How is that possible?".

Li Xiyu exclaimed in disbelief.


At the very least, you must be a high-level spiritual array master.

Lin Feng.

A friar in his twenties.

Is he a high-level spirit array master?


A senior elder said in a deep voice.

Li Xiyu also knows that she has lost her manners and apologizes quickly.

And right now.

She looked at Lin Feng and lost her mind.

Think of your pride all the time.

Unparalleled talent.

In front of the young man.

It\'s hardly worth mentioning.

Li Xiyu had a deep sense of frustration.

The rest of the people were stunned.

The guy they despised before.

Is it the new elder of the spirit array division trade union?

By this time, Lin Feng had come.

Lin Feng swept to Liu Yu and said faintly, "I don\'t know if I\'m qualified to stay here now?".

Now Liu Yu also knows that Lin Feng is about to become the elder of the Lingxian master\'s temple.

Such a person.

He can\'t offend at all.

Liu Yu was so frightened that his legs softened and flopped on his knees.

"What\'s going on?".

Murong Baichuan looked a little heavy.

Murong Baichuan people are old and refined.

What have you never seen?

From this simple conversation, we can generally guess what happened.

Eyes, can not help but become cold.

If it\'s because of a group of small characters.

Let Lin Feng have a gap with the spirit array division union.

Who can take such responsibility?

Many people saw Murong Baichuan for the first time with such a terrible cold expression.

The heart is not cold.

Li Xiyu and others were also trembling with fear.

Although they did not have a direct conflict with Lin Feng.

But they came with Liu Yu after all.

Li Xiyu and others are worried about Lin Feng because Liu Yu hates them.

An elder of the spiritual array division union wants to clean them up.

It\'s so easy.

"It\'s all my fault. I don\'t know Mount Tai. I bumped into my adult. Please forgive me.".

Liu Yu\'s face was pale.

Keep kowtowing and apologizing.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

This Liu Yu is really a waste. He was scared like this.

He has no mind to quarrel with Liu Yu and Li Xiyu.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Baichuan and said, "nothing. There were some misunderstandings before. Since this person apologized, it passed.".

"Since elder Lin spared you, get up.". Murong Baichuan said.

"Yes, thank you for your life."

Liu Yu got up from the ground with gratitude.

Lin Feng glanced at Li Xiyu.

This Li Xiyu is still very beautiful, and has indeed broken through to the first level spirit array master of the earth level.

Talent can be called evil.

After all, she is only twenty-three years old.

It\'s only two years older than Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "there are days outside the sky and people outside the people. Remember my words, otherwise, it will inevitably cause great disasters in the future.".

Reprimanded by a man younger than himself.

Li Xiyu didn\'t feel uncomfortable at all.

Instead, she admired Lin Feng very much.

I think Lin Feng is broad-minded.

Li Xiyu said quickly, "yes, elder, I remember. I will be humble in the future.".


Lin Feng nodded.

Next, under the auspices of Murong Baichuan, Wang Changming and nangonghai.

He began to crown Lin Feng as a great elder.

According to convention, Lin Feng first worshipped three ancestors.


The runes on the podium are twisted.


A distorted picture appears.

In the picture, a hazy fog world appeared.

At the end of the foggy world.

Four old figures sat cross legged.

"God, it\'s the ancestors. Do they want to crown elder Lin in person?".

The two vice presidents, Wang Changming and nangonghai, were full of shocked expressions.

Even Murong Baichuan is the same.

They didn\'t expect the four ancestors to appear before.

As for the rest.

Are full of shocking expressions.

Even the spirit array master at the elder level has not seen the four ancestors mentioned above.

Now, I see it.

Everyone is deeply shocked.

Lin Feng even let the four ancestors of the Lingxian division trade union appear in person. It can be seen that the four ancestors attach great importance to Lin Feng.

"These are the four ancestors of the general hall and the four Supreme elders of the spiritual array division trade union. They are all spiritual array masters beyond the heaven level.".

Murong Baichuan whispered in Lin Feng\'s ear.

"Spiritual array master beyond heaven? Holy spiritual array master?".

Lin Feng was shocked.

These should be the four most accomplished spiritual array masters in tianwu mainland.

"Are you Lin Feng?".

An old voice came out.

"Younger generation is"!

Lin Feng said humbly.

"Sure enough, as Baichuan said, you have great talent and ability. Now, I ask you on behalf of the spirit array division trade union whether you want to become the elder of the spirit array division trade union?".

The old voice came out again.

"Younger generation is willing"!

Lin Feng holds his fist.

"Well, from today on, you will be the elder of the spiritual array master\'s temple.".

The old man nodded.

A divine light flew out of the fog world.

Blessing on Lin Feng.

"It\'s a sacred guardian. The four ancestors blessed elder Lin with a sacred guardian.".

"Holy guardian, it is said that those blessed with holy guardian will be protected by the four ancestors".

"It seems that the four ancestors paid more attention to elder Lin than we thought.".

Many people talked and looked at Lin Feng with envy.

Even Murong Baichuan, Wang Changming and nangonghai all look envious.

Holy guardian, even they were not blessed by the four ancestors.

Lin Feng got the sacred protection of the four ancestors.

It is said that the divine guardian can rob heaven and earth.

Moreover, in times of danger, it can also urge the divine guard to save lives at critical moments.

"The world is big, work hard.".

The four ancestors looked at Lin Feng.

"Remember, younger generation".

Lin Feng bowed.


The foggy world became illusory.

Soon after.

Then disappeared.

The just means were manifested by the four ancestors with anti heaven mana across endless time and space.

After they crowned Lin Feng, they withdrew their mana.

I don\'t know what level of existence these four ancestors are.

Means connect God!

Public participation in nature!