Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 713

The East China Sea spirit array division Federation of trade unions is located in the first friar gathering area.

For ordinary friars, the Federation of spiritual array masters is a mysterious and noble place.

Not everyone is qualified to enter it.

Especially today, it is obvious that great events have taken place in the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

Because President Murong and the two vice presidents are instructing the deacons of the Lingxian division trade union to prepare for the "coronation ceremony".

The coronation ceremony is usually held only when major appointments are made.

Many spiritual array masters are talking about the upcoming appointment ceremony.


In the distance, the high sound of dragon singing resounded through the sky.

The three dragons pulled a gorgeous copper car and flew quickly in the direction of the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

Jiaolong pulls a cart.

Attracted a lot of people.

People came and went in front of the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

A dozen monks came down from the copper car.

These people.

Everyone was wearing the robes of the Federation of spiritualists.

Obviously, they are all spiritual array masters.

Countless eyes looked enviously at those noble spiritual array masters.

These people surrounded a 20-year-old woman in the middle.

"It\'s Li Xiyu. It\'s her.".

Many people suddenly exclaimed.

Obviously, many people recognized the woman.

The woman is also a spirit array master.

And the woman was very beautiful.

Just a slight rise in the eyebrows.

An air of superiority.

"Who is Li Xiyu?".

Someone asked suspiciously.

Suddenly, a monk looked at each other like a monster and said, "brother, you don\'t even know who Li Xiyu is? God, your news is too blocked?".

"Cough, it\'s like this. I\'ve been closed for several years and just left the customs, so I don\'t know much about many things.". Said the despised friar with a bitter smile.

"So it is.". Many monks nodded.

One of them said, "Li Xiyu is a genius spirit array master. At the age of 20, he has broken through to the Xuanji higher spirit array master. Now three years have passed. Li Xiyu came to the spirit array master Federation of trade unions. Does he want to certify the identity of the ground level elementary spirit array master?"

"A 23-year-old earth level primary spirit array master? Oh, my God, this is too terrible. This talent is too evil. So, isn\'t it possible for Li Xiyu at the age of 30 to become a medium level spirit array master? Before the age of 40, he will become a higher level spirit array master? Before the age of 50, he may break through the peak spirit array master of the earth level, and before the age of 100, he may even break through the heaven level spirit array master?".

Suddenly, a monk said in shock.

"At the age of 100, it is extremely rare for spiritual array masters to break through the heaven level spiritual array master. After all, there are only a few Heaven level spiritual array masters in the whole tianwu continent.".

Many people marveled.

Li Xiyu is under the stars and the moon.

Go to the spirit array Division General Union.

At this time, Lin Feng came to the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

Originally, Sikong zhaiyue wanted to come with Lin Feng.

But Sikong caiyue received a letter and went out.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and looked at Sikong\'s dignified look before picking the moon. He didn\'t know what was written in the letter.

Go back and ask.

Lin Feng thought slightly.

Lin Feng walks to the Federation of Lingxian division and is about to enter the Federation of Lingxian division.

Suddenly, a cold laugh came, "boy, stop.".

Lin Feng stopped, turned his head and saw more than a dozen spirit array masters coming.

He frowned slightly and said, "what\'s the matter?"

"Don\'t you see we\'re going in? Why are there no rules? Don\'t you get out of the way and wait aside?".

The spirit array master looked at Lin Feng with a proud face.

Because Lin Feng didn\'t wear the spirit array master\'s robe.

And so young.

These people regard Lin Feng as someone who comes to work for the Lingxian division Federation of trade unions.

Each one is a high expression.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows picked slightly.

Just about to say something.

A guard of the Lingxian master\'s trade union nearby grabbed Lin Feng. The guard whispered, "this childe, these people are the talents of the Lingxian master\'s trade union. All of them are xuanjie Lingxian masters, especially the female Lingxian master, Li Xiyu. It is said that she came to certify the local Lingxian master. Don\'t offend them. Offending these people will cause big trouble.".

Thank you for reminding.

Lin Feng nodded.

He glanced at a group of people.

And don\'t bother to worry about anything with them.

Lin Feng retreated to one side.

This group of Wraith joined the Wraith guild.

"Little brother, are you here to certify the spirit array master?".

The guard asked with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

The guard immediately showed a respectful look.

The identity of spirit array master is superior.

The guard pointed to the deep passage and said, "go straight inside along the passage, enter the second temple, wait there, someone will come to ask you some information, and then take you to authentication.".

Thank you.

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

When I came to the second temple.

Li Xiyu and other people have also come here.

In addition to these people, there is a podium in the second temple.

Above the platform, there are three stone statues.

These three stone statues are the stone statues of the three ancient gods of "Taiqing, taixuan and Taitian".

It was the three of them who founded the spiritual array division union.

Let the spirit array master Union last for hundreds of millions of years.

And whenever a major event occurs.

Will worship three ancestors.


The Lingzhen master who scolded Lin Feng was called Liu Yu.

This man is 27 years old. He is a xuanjie primary spirit array master.

Talent is pretty good.

He said, "younger martial Sister Li, does the senior management of the trade union already know that you have broken through the earth level spirit array division? So you have arranged the Taoist platform in advance to crown you?".

"Ha ha, so it seems that younger martial Sister Li is going to become the elder of the Lingzhen division trade union. It\'s really admirable and enviable that she became the elder of the Lingzhen division trade union at the age of 23. In this way, younger martial Sister Li can become the youngest elder of the Donghai Lingzhen division trade union."

A group of people flatter.

Li Xiyu nodded proudly and said, "it\'s nothing. With my talent, I will become the elder of the spiritual array master trade union in 30 years, and I will become the heavenly level spiritual array master in 100 years, and I will be in charge at that time.".

"At that time, Sister Li wanted to think of us.".

Liu Yu said flatteringly.

"Of course I won\'t forget you".

Li Xiyu nodded proudly.

At this time, Liu Yu saw Lin Feng entering the second floor of the temple.

The brow wrinkled immediately.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "boy, there will be a ceremony to crown younger martial Sister Li as an elder later. Are you qualified to stay here? Get out quickly.".

Lin Feng\'s look suddenly sank.

"What? Do you want me to throw you out myself?".

Liu Yu said with a sneer.

Li Xiyu and others looked at Lin Feng indifferently.

They are spiritual array masters who are high above the world. Naturally, they despise ordinary people.

"The president and two vice presidents are here"

Liu Yu is about to do it.

Suddenly someone shouted.

I saw dozens of spirit array masters coming quickly.

The first three two are president Murong Baichuan and two vice presidents Wang Changming and nangonghai.

"See you, my Lord".

Li Xiyu, Liu Yu and others quickly saluted the three big men.

These people saw Lin Feng standing still.

Suddenly one by one sneered.

In their opinion, the boy didn\'t even understand etiquette. He would be thrown out of the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

But what happened next moment stunned a group of people.

General president Murong Baichuan walked towards Lin Feng with a smile and said, "Lin Xiaoyou, you\'re here. You\'ve just been busy communicating with the senior management of the general hall, so you can\'t meet it in person. Don\'t blame you, little friend.".

"Ha ha, is this Lin Xiaoyou? We two old people have been fascinated for a long time.".

The two vice presidents, Wang Changming and nangonghai, are even more enthusiastic.

Li Xiyu, Liu Yu and others convulsed violently.

What the hell happened?

Who\'s that kid?

Even the president and the three vice presidents are so warm and polite.

Obviously, three big people.

It\'s on a par with the young man.

Think of the ridicule and reprimand he just made to Lin Feng.

Liu Yu was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, trembling violently, and his eyes were full of panic.