Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 715

"This is the token of the elder of the spirit array master\'s temple! It records all kinds of information!".

Murong Baichuan gives Lin Feng a token.

Lin Feng took the token.

Spirit array division unions are all over tianwu mainland.

Even the "Four Seas".

There are spiritual array masters\' unions!


With such a token, it will be very convenient to do many things in the future.

You can also use the power of the spiritual array division union.

"There are still some things on my side, so I won\'t stay any longer.".

Lin Feng said apologetically.

Wang Changming said with regret, "we also prepared a banquet to celebrate the coronation of elder Lin".

Lin Feng said, "I\'m really sorry. I\'ll entertain you next time.".

Nangong Hai said with a smile, "elder Lin is excusable, so we look forward to elder Lin\'s invitation.".

"Ha ha, that\'s for sure.".

Lin Feng smiled.

Murong Baichuan and others personally sent Lin Feng out.

"It\'s the president and vice president. They stand up quickly.".

When the captain of the guard saw a group of big people coming out of the spirit array division trade union, he immediately showed an extremely respectful look.

The rest stood up straight.

They just left behind a group of big people coming deep.

"Eh, these big men seem to be accompanying a monk? Is it the new big elder?".

The guards could not help muttering.

Naturally, they also heard that the spiritual array division union was going to crown a new elder.


They are not eligible to enter to visit the coronation ceremony.

Lin Feng and Murong Baichuan came out laughing and talking.

I saw the guard who kindly reminded him not to offend Liu Yu and others.

Lin Feng walked over.

He patted the guard on the shoulder, smiled and said, "how many years have you worked in the spirit array division union?".

"Ten years"

The guard subconsciously replied that he was puzzled when he saw Lin Feng who asked himself.

Isn\'t this the young man who just reminded himself?

I was just worried that the young man was young and would contradict Liu Yu and others.

So he kindly reminded me for fear that the young man would cause great trouble.

"Elder Lin, do you know this man?".

Murong Baichuan asked.

"Elder Lin?".

The guard suddenly burst into disbelief.

Is the young man a great elder?


Is it true that the spiritual array division union has crowned him as the new elder?

How is this possible?

Such a young leader of the spiritual array master Union?

The guard felt that he could not think at this moment.


Full of deep shock.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "a friend I met not long ago.".

"Friend? Elder Lin said I was his friend?"

The guard trembled with excitement.

"The spiritual array master Union will not treat you loyal people badly.".

Lin Feng patted the guard and left with Murong Baichuan and others.

"Zhang Hao! Go to my place later"

The elder in charge of the security system of the spiritual array division union smiled at the guard and said.

The previous lofty and amiable appearance makes people think that this originally harsh guy is a little abnormal.

The guard named Zhang Hao nodded quickly.

The rest of the guards looked at Zhang Hao with envy.

They know.

Zhang Hao is afraid to make a great success this time.

After coming back from the spirit array division union.

Lin Feng found that Sikong didn\'t come back after picking the moon.

"Eh, this is...".

Suddenly, Lin Feng found a letter on the table in Sikong\'s room.

"Maple, I have something urgent here and have to leave. I can\'t wait for you to elaborate. You don\'t have to worry about me. I\'m safe.".

The letter was signed with the word "Sikong".

Obviously, Sikong picked the moon and left it to Lin Feng.

"Who did Sikong see before he went out? Why did he leave in a hurry?".

Lin Feng frowned.

But since Sikong said it was okay.

Let Lin Feng feel at ease.

During this period, the auction house has been promoting the upcoming auction.

Golden Flame fruit is naturally in the publicity materials.

And it has been highlighted.

Many big forces have paid attention to the golden flame fruit.

Such a natural treasure.

It can help monks break through the realm of yin and Yang.

Naturally, it will cause countless people\'s crazy robbery.

Therefore, this auction is very lively.

Auction day.

Countless people flocked to the auction house.

The streets were bustling with people coming and going.

Because there are too many people who want to enter the auction house.

Therefore, people who can enter them are people with heads and faces.

Not everyone can enter the auction house.

Lin Feng entered the auction house with a low profile.

Asked for a VIP box.

When Jiang Chao learned of Lin Feng\'s arrival, he personally came to Lin Feng and brought a plate of lingguo.

He said with a smile, "childe Lin, this is the spiritual fruit ordered by the president. It is called Tianling fruit. It has grown for 3000 years and is of great benefit to cultivation after eating it.".

Thank you for me, president.

Lin Feng smiled.

After talking for a while, Jiang Chao left.

The auction will be held soon.

He still has many things to deal with.

People poured into the auction house.

Many powerful people came one after another.

There are even the strongmen of Taikoo forces.

This auction is an auction that the auction house has prepared for a long time.

Is to see the opening of the God ruins.

Countless monks have a good opportunity to enter the sea world.

Hold a large auction.

Lin Feng opened the auction manual to introduce some items.

There is only a part of the introduction of the auction products, but it has also surprised Lin Feng.

Because Lin Feng even saw the auction of Daoqi on it.

"The auction house is so rich that it can even auction the Taoist instrument. How much is it worth?".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of shocked expression.

Even the lowest order Tao.

I\'m afraid I need a million billion spirit stones, too?

Converted to the best spirit stone.

We also need 100 million top-grade spirit stones.

100 million best spirit stones.

How many masters can this bring up?

Lin Feng got so many storage rings in the realm of yin and Yang.

There are all kinds of treasures he has accumulated over the years. All the pills are exchanged into the best spirit stone at the auction house.

Only 3200 pieces of the best spirit stone were exchanged.

We can see what a terrible concept 100 million top-grade spirit stones are.

Except that Taigu forces can afford such a baby.

General forces.

There is no such a huge amount of spirit stone.

An ancient force like Qingyun sect.

Smashing pots and selling iron can\'t come up with 100 million best spiritual stones.

"Dong Dong Dong......".

At this time, three melodious bells came out in a row.

The original vent auction house.

Suddenly it was quiet.

The auction began.

An old man and a beautiful woman went to the auction table.

They presided over the auction.

"The first auction item, fragments of the tree of the world".

The old man smiled.

"What? Fragments of the world tree?".

Lin Feng suddenly stood up.