Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 712

The array beast is fierce and fierce!

This beast is very powerful.

Obviously, at this moment, Murong Baichuan also showed real means to deal with Lin Feng.

"What a powerful array beast".

Lin Feng gave a long roar, and he condensed one array pattern after another.

Lin Feng exerted his soul array skills to the extreme.

He can urge 36 kinds of large arrays to form a combined large array.

Of course, this is an extremely powerful loss of spiritual power.


Now, in order to fight against the array beasts in Murong Baichuan, we have to show our ability to press the bottom of the box.

Thirty six kinds of large arrays form a combined array.

Directly swept to the array beast gathered in Murong Baichuan.


The attacks of both sides immediately collided with each other.

Violent waves surged out.

Murong Baichuan\'s array beast was resisted by Lin Feng\'s combined array.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Tiandou was shocked and speechless.

Murong Baichuan displays "array beast".

Obviously, the power mastered by the "celestial spirit array master" has been used.

Originally, Jiang Tiandou thought Murong Baichuan made a mountain out of a molehill.

According to Jiang Tiandou.

Although Lin Feng has great attainments in array.

However, Murong Baichuan only needs to display the spirit array master level of medium or high earth level.

You can beat Lin Feng.

But now I know how wrong I am.

Even if it\'s not a spirit array master.

At this moment, Jiang Tiandou also knows the terrible part of Lin Feng\'s large array.

After the array beast is resisted.

Murong Baichuan\'s eyes lit up suddenly.

He laughed and said, "good boy, you can use 36 kinds of large arrays. Your ability is amazing. However, if you only use these means, you can\'t break my array beast".

The voice fell.

The beast suddenly roared.

The breath in the body suddenly increased.

The array beast roared and rushed forward.

One claw.


The combined array constructed by Lin Feng was torn by the array beast.

"This beast is stronger than I thought.".

Lin Feng was shocked.

The array beast is equivalent to the "spirit" cultivated by ordinary friars.

Very spiritual.

Connect with the master\'s mind.

If Lin Feng cultivates to heaven level spirit array master.

He can also cultivate his own array beast.

Now facing the attack of array beasts.

Lin Feng felt the difficulty.

"Make every effort to unite the high-order combined large array to crack the array beast"

Lin Feng bit his teeth.

With his current ability.

The condensed high-order combined array is very difficult.

But Lin Feng plans to have a try.

The more pressure.

Lin Feng often has more motivation.

Even once.

Even facing a heavenly level spirit array master.

For so long.

In the eyes of others, it can definitely be called glory even if it is defeated.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t want to be a loser.

Is the heavenly level spirit array master great?

Trying to beat me.

It\'s not easy.

Never give up!

never give up!

This is Lin Feng\'s belief.

He began to arrange a high-order combined array.

The soul power that moves Murong and Baichuan comes out.

Lin Feng has no reservations.

The lines are condensed.

"What a powerful soul wave...".

Feel the soul wave emanating from Lin Feng.

Murong Baichuan and Jiang Tiandou were moved.

If Lin Feng is a high-level soul array master in the realm of yin and Yang, he has such a powerful soul power.

They won\'t be shocked.

But Lin Feng is just a friar in the realm of King Wu.

Have such terrible soul power.

Is that too evil?


The word "demon" can\'t even describe Lin Feng.

"The combined array formed by the condensation of nine high-order arrays" was displayed by Lin Feng.

This is the limit that Lin Feng can reach at the present stage.

Because soul power consumption is too large.

Lin Feng\'s face was very pale.


Lin Feng was not disappointed by the power of the combined array formed by nine kinds of high-order arrays.

Bang Bang

This high-level combined array collided with the array beasts condensed from Murong Baichuan.

After more than a dozen collisions in a row.

The combined array arranged by Lin Feng and the array animals in Murong Baichuan dissipated.

"Maple son is so strong! His accomplishments in array can be described as amazing".

Sikong picked the moon and was shocked.

Although Murong Baichuan did not exert all his strength.

But now that the array beast is sacrificed.

Then there should be 70% force.

Lin Feng is just a high-level spiritual array master.

But he broke the array beast condensed by the seven success forces of Murong Baichuan.

This is incredible.

Isn\'t that true.

Wait until Lin Feng breaks through to the top of the earth level.

Murong Baichuan will be defeated by Lin Feng.

What if Lin Feng breaks through to the holy array master?

Sikong caiyue could think of this.

Jiang Tiandou can naturally think of this.

Jiang Tiandou\'s heart also raised huge waves.

"We must make good friends with this son, and his achievements in the future are unlimited".

Jiang Tiandou couldn\'t help thinking.

"Ha ha, awesome, really awesome! It\'s the first time I\'ve seen your combination array. Who inherited it?".

Murong Baichuan asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "if I say that these combined arrays are developed by myself, will the elder believe it?".

Murong Baichuan was stunned.

Then he looked more dignified than ever.

Murong Baichuan didn\'t think Lin Feng was joking.

If what Lin Feng said is true.


Lin Feng is too terrible!

Jiang Tiandou naturally understood.

He even believed Lin Feng\'s words.

The existence of human aging and refinement.

One can see at a glance whether the man is lying.

As an outsider, Jiang Tiandou.

Is it easier to judge whether what Lin Feng said is true? Or are you kidding?

"I believe"!

Murong Baichuan took a deep breath and said.

"Ha ha".

Lin Feng laughed.

But nothing else.

Duel with Murong Baichuan array today.

Let Lin Feng harvest a lot.

Originally, he tried to combine the earth order and high-order arrays many times, but failed again and again.

And this time.

Under great pressure.

Lin Feng succeeded.

"Little friend, have you ever been willing to join our spiritual array division union?".

Murong Baichuan asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I have joined a sect practice and will not join other forces, so please forgive me.".

"Little friend, don\'t be busy refusing. The spirit array division trade union is a relatively loose organization.".

"Of course, the spirit array division trade union gathers the spirit array division all over the world, but its appeal is also the largest organization in tianwu mainland".

"Even if you have power behind you, you can join the spirit array division trade union, just like many people who are not mercenaries, but have gone to the mercenary association to certify mercenaries".

"The spirit matrix division trade union does not restrict any spirit matrix division in the trade union. On the contrary, the spirit matrix division in the spirit matrix division trade union can enjoy many privileges of the spirit matrix division trade union. Even the spirit matrix beyond the heaven level can be found in the spirit matrix division trade union headquarters".

Murong Baichuan road.

Lin Feng was surprised that the Lingzhen division union was really powerful.

You can join the spiritual array master trade union without being restricted by the spiritual array master trade union.

Instead, you can get the resources of the spiritual array master Union.

In the future, you can break through the sky level spirit array master, and even get the sky level spirit array and the array beyond the sky level spirit array in the spirit array master Union.

Hearing Murong Baichuan\'s words, Lin Feng was already palpitating.

He asked, "so, what does it take to get these powerful arrays?".

"We need to do some high-level tasks, but rest assured that these tasks will never be harmful.".

Murong Baichuan solemnly said, "with Xiaoyou\'s ability, only by joining the Lingxian master trade union can you get the best training and resources. Moreover, I can make the decision to make Xiaoyou become the elder of the Lingxian master trade union.".

"Oh, elder?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is obviously a high position.

"The elders as like as two peas are divided into two groups: one is the elders who work in the League of workers, and the other is the real power. They are the nominal elders, who do not have the real power, but they can enjoy the same treatment as the elders."

Murong Baichuan road.

"Is the famous elder very powerful?".

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Murong Baichuan said with a wry smile, "of course it\'s great! The elder has only 732 people in the Federation of spiritual front masters. If he wants to go out to work, he can serve as the deputy general director of a large area. For example, the Federation of spiritual front masters in 72 regions in the North has one general director and two deputy general directors."

"If you want to get real power, you can be the deputy general manager. You should know how huge the contacts of the spiritual array division trade union are. If you can be the big elder, countless strong people will come to make friends with you...".

Murong Baichuan didn\'t go on.

Because he believes Lin Feng already knows how to choose.

Indeed, it is the same as Murong Baichuan said.

If you are the elder of the spiritual array division union.


Status will rise.

You know.

Qingyun sect doesn\'t have a spirit array master who can serve as a big elder in the spirit array master Federation of trade unions.

If Lin Fengling is the elder of the Federation of trade unions, his identity will be revealed.

The top leaders of Qingyun sect have to curry favor with Lin Feng.

Don\'t talk about ancient forces like Qingyun sect.

Many ancient forces want to curry favor with Lin Feng.

"Thank you for your introduction. There will be a good report in the future.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

See Lin Feng so good at being a man.

Murong Baichuan\'s face was full of smiles.

He so strongly recommended Lin Feng.

First, cherish talent.

The second is to get such a favor.

"Ha ha, you\'re welcome. I\'ll go with two deputy general managers to appoint you as the elder. In the evening, you can complete the certification by going to the East China Sea spirit array division Federation of trade unions. At that time, you will become the elder of our spirit array division Federation of trade unions.".

Murong Baichuan said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

It is not a trivial matter to appoint a spiritual array master.

This is a big thing.

Naturally, some necessary procedures are required.

Lin Feng and Sikong take off the moon and leave.

Murong Baichuan and Jiang Tiandou didn\'t stay long and left soon.

Jiang Tiandou returned to the auction house.

Murong Baichuan went back to deal with the appointment of Lin Feng as the elder.

This matter needs to be reported to the spirit array division Federation of trade unions.

Then he waited for the news from the Federation of Lingxian division, so it took some time to officially appoint Lin Feng as the 73rd elder of the Federation of Lingxian division.