Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 711


Lin Feng\'s scream came out of the room.

Lin Feng collapsed on the bed and his face was a little pale.

A wry smile.

Just now.

He tried to understand the contents of the 72 Atlas of heaven array.

But it was backfired.

Fortunately, it\'s not particularly serious.

Lin Feng sat up from the bed and hurriedly ran the Taigu dragon formula to repair his injured soul.

After an hour, it recovered as before.

"It seems that my soul power is not enough to understand the heaven level array".

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and put away the 72 Atlas of the sky array.

"Maple, are you still practicing?" the voice of Sikong picking the moon came from outside.

Lin Feng opened the door, smiled and said, "it\'s over.".

"It\'s a long night. I don\'t want to sleep. How about going to Wanhua building to drink?"

Sikong picked the moon and said.

Speaking of Wanhua building, Lin Feng remembered Bai Shengyi.

I wonder if Bai Shengyi has come to the East China Sea.

Still stay in Aolai country.

"Go and see if the women in the Wanhua building in the East China Sea are water spirit".

Lin Feng said.

"There are exotic features here. It is said that there are some sea women, such as clam women, pearl women and so on, which are enchanting and moving.".

Sikong picked up the moon.

"Oh? These should be demons?".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved and couldn\'t help asking.

"They are not demons, they are sea people".

Sikong Jieyue explained, "the Hai nationality has formed an ethnic group. Although it was born with some ethnic characteristics, it is similar to human beings.".

"Just as the demon is different from the demon family, the demon refers to the fierce beast that turns into a human shape through cultivation, which is called the demon".

"The demon clan, after countless years of development, is even no different from human beings. However, some powerful demon clans flow with the blood of their ancestors. They can return to their ancestors. Once they return to their ancestors, they can turn into monster forms, and their combat effectiveness will be crazy improved".

"This may be the only difference between the human race and the demon race, but in other words, the blood of the demon race can return to their ancestors, but there are also a small number of people in the human race who have characteristic blood in their bodies, and those people also have the ability to return to their ancestors like the demon race.".

Lin Feng nodded.

He knew that Sikong zhaiyue was talking about people with special physique.

Such people.

It is a high probability that one of the hundreds of millions of practitioners can appear.


Among the demon clan, the demon clan friars who can return to their ancestors also exist as rare.

Very rare.

Anyone who can return to his ancestors is equivalent to the kind of people with special physique among the human friars.

They are all geniuses among geniuses and Demons among demons.

Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon in the Wanhua building and had a romantic night.

Nature is an immortal enjoyment.

Lin Feng is not an ascetic monk.


After experiencing "Su Yuexi".

Lin Feng also completely opened his eyes.

Life is short.

Enjoy it when you should.

Which beautiful woman do you like.

Want to fuck her.

Then pursue it boldly.

If you don\'t pursue.

Sooner or later, the woman you like will be fucked by other men.

In that case.

You might as well harm each other yourself.

You can\'t do it among thousands of flowers, and every leaf doesn\'t touch your body.

Then die under the pomegranate skirt and be a ghost.

This is life.

Natural and unrestrained.

as free as a bird

Release your inner desires.

The next day.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon and return to their residence.

Just back, I saw deacon Li waiting outside.

Lin Feng was surprised.

I don\'t know why the deacon of the luggage auction came here?

He hugged his fist and said, "what brings deacon Li?".

Deacon Li didn\'t dare to ask big, so he quickly hugged his fist and said, "brother Lin and brother Sikong, two big people want to see you.".

"Oh, big man?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

In my mind.

Thoughts flashed through.

He was thinking about who the great man mentioned by deacon Li was?

Deacon Li said, "it\'s President Jiang Tiandou of our auction house and senior Murong Baichuan, the general director of the East China Sea World spiritual array division trade union".

"It\'s them!".

Lin Feng nodded.

These two people.

You can really be called a big man.

Jiang Tiandou and Lin Feng have heard of it.

It is said that this person is a senior in the nine veins of the yuan family.

Extremely distinguished.

Murong Baichuan naturally heard of it.

Head of the East China Sea World spiritual array division Federation of trade unions.

A thunderous name.

"I don\'t know where the two predecessors are?".

Lin Feng asked.

"The two adults are in the next courtyard.".

Deacon Li smiled.

The inn where Lin Feng and Sikong Jieyue live is a very high-end courtyard.

Small courtyards are located in the garden with elegant environment.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect Jiang Tiandou and Murong Baichuan to come to the door in person.

He said, "please let deacon Li lead the way for us.".

"Please, gentlemen".

Soon, Lin Feng and Sikong met Jiang Tiandou and Murong Baichuan.

"Ha ha, this is Lin Feng\'s little friend. We have been fascinated by you for a long time.".

Jiang Tiandou and Murong Baichuan looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng was neither humble nor arrogant, and saluted them slightly.

"Sikong, we haven\'t seen each other for many years.".

Jiang Tiandou looked at Sikong and picked the moon.

Sikong picked the moon and saluted, "Grandpa Jiang, it\'s the younger generation\'s negligence. You should visit Grandpa Jiang more.".

Jiang Tiandou sighed and said, "the road is far away and countless dangers. How are you these years?".

"Everything is fine".

Sikong picked up the moon.

It seems that Jiang Tiandou may have some friendship with Sikong\'s elders picking the moon.

But the friendship should not be particularly deep.

Now the communication with Sikong picking the moon is just polite.

Si Kong obviously knew that, so he didn\'t say much.

Murong Baichuan looked at Lin Feng excitedly and said, "little friend, I heard that you have great attainments in array. Today I\'ll experience Xiaoyou\'s array.".

The voice fell and Murong Baichuan stepped out step by step.

In the void, dense array patterns are intertwined.

It was like tentacles winding towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

Before Murong Baichuan finished his three words, he wanted to test his spirit array level.

But Lin Feng has no fear.

Can fight with the spirit array master of Murong Baichuan level.

For his soul array.

Certainly, it has also been greatly improved.


Lin Feng also wants to use Murong Baichuan to test the power of the spirit array combination he deduced from the Dragon searching formula.

Lin Feng raised his right hand.


I saw Lin Feng as the center.

The array patterns twisted.

Those array patterns were combined and swept towards the array patterns condensed by Murong Baichuan.


The two array patterns collided in the void.

A breath of terror.

Out of the air.

"Eh, array combination?".

Murong Baichuan was surprised.

This array combination is the one Murong Baichuan wants to study.

Because he thought Lin Feng\'s array combination was very strange.

However, his array pattern was resisted by Lin Feng\'s array combination, and his old face was not red.

Murong Baichuan hands a little.

Hundreds of array patterns condensed into a Python and directly killed Lin Feng.

"Array beast"!

Lin Feng was surprised.

Murong Baichuan has great array attainments!

Only the heavenly level spirit array master can condense the "array beast"!