Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 710

"Two adults! Do you see that the array pattern is swirling and suppressed Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan".

Jiang Chao pointed to the door of the VIP room and said.


Murong Baichuan, Jiang Tiandou nodded.

"What do you think, old man?".

Jiang Tiandou asked.

He has no research on the spirit array.

But after all, after years of cultivation, I still have some vision.

Seeing the twisted array patterns, Jiang Tiandou knew that it was not easy to suppress the array patterns of Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan.

Murong Baichuan said excitedly, "what a powerful array arrangement technique. The boy arranged a total of 16 kinds of large arrays, all of which are medium in the ground level. He combined these large arrays together again. It\'s powerful. It\'s really powerful. He combined the 16 kinds of large arrays together in a short time. I didn\'t master such a technique until I became a master of heaven level spirit array.".

Murong Baichuan\'s words moved Jiang Tiandou.

These two people are going to go up and carefully check the structure of these array patterns.

At this time, the roar came from the outside.

"Who dares to insult the people of Xingluo island? Don\'t you want to live?".

The smell of terror filled the air.

A nebula surged in.

Many monks were shocked away.

At this time, two monks came out of the nebula.

Both of them are star robes.

Each breath is deep and powerful.

"Xingluo island! Moyang, Mowu!"

Many people exclaimed.

These two people.

They are all the accomplishments of the yin-yang realm and the five Heaven.

With many years of cooperation, the strength is strong.


Moyang! Mo Wu! Together.

Obviously, Xue Yongyuan came to save Wei Yifan.

"Elder martial brother Mo, help us."

After seeing the arrival of Moyang and Mowu.

Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan immediately begged.

They also saw the hope of extricating themselves from difficulties.

"How dare you humiliate the people of Xingluo island like this? I\'m really impatient, boy. When we save people, we\'ll find you and cut you thousands of times.".

The dark sun roared.


At this time.

The array patterns on Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan fluctuated.

An illusory shadow emerged.

It was Lin Feng\'s shadow.

"Good guy, that boy\'s so powerful soul power that he left an image.".

Murong Baichuan was surprised.

"Look, that guy suppressed Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan. He showed his shadow. What\'s this means? It\'s amazing.".

"This man is too powerful. I don\'t know if Moyang and Mowu can break the big array he left behind.".

There were voices of discussion.

Many people pointed.

Obviously, everyone is also very curious about whether Moyang and Mowu can do what Xue Yongyuan didn\'t do.

"Is that you? Good. Now you wash your neck and wait to die.".

Mo Wu\'s cold eyes swept to the virtual shadow of Lin Feng.

"Are you people on Xingluo island so arrogant? Wei Yifan is like this, Xue Yongyuan is like this, and so are you two. It\'s ridiculous. You want to kill me with your miscellaneous fish like role? Break my array first.".

Lin Feng carried his hands and looked indifferent.

Moyang! Mo Wu\'s face was livid with anger.

In the eyes, there were bursts of killing intention.

The two sneered, "boy, you will feel repentance for your stupid actions and words later.".


The voice fell.

Moyang and Mowu shot.

Moyang shook the mountain palm and killed the twisted array patterns.

Mo Wu is swept away by a star fist.

The monk of the Yin Yang realm and the five heavens shot.

Strong breath.

Many people were shocked and retreated by the powerful breath from Moyang and Mowu.

"So strong".

"I\'m almost out of breath.".

"Get back quickly".

Many of the monks around looked pale, oppressed by the breath from Moyang and Mowu.

Dare not stay, quickly retreat towards the periphery.

"These two people want to break through with brute force.".

Jiang Chao narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Tiandou touched his beard and said, "these two men are not weak in cultivation, but the boy\'s formation is not simple.".

"The boy has a lot of research on the combined array, and the combined array is also very wonderful. Maybe the array he arranged is stronger than expected.".

Murong Baichuan\'s eyebrows showed a dignified expression.

When he first saw the large array arranged by Lin Feng, he seemed to see through the mystery at a glance.

But Murong Baichuan was more and more frightened.

Because when he watched the big array arranged by Lin Feng for the second time.

Although it is still found that there are 16 kinds of arrays.

However, the combination of these 16 arrays is completely different from that before.

Murong Baichuan hasn\'t even figured out what\'s going on.

And this time.

The attacks of Moyang and Mowu have killed the past.


The array patterns interweaved and swept to Moyang and Mowu.

"Break it for me!"

Moyang and Mowu roared loudly.

Powerful attack, blatantly kill.

Want to break the big array arranged by Lin Feng directly.

The forest Maple virtual shadow showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

This large array is the combination method calculated by Lin Feng according to the Dragon searching formula of the mountain moving Taoist.

Sixteen large arrays are combined together, and any two can constantly change the arrangement order.


Can it be solved by the cultivation of the yin-yang realm and the five heaven?

At least.

It also needs high-level monks in Yin and yang to try.


The two sides collided.

Moyang and Mowu were directly swept out by the array pattern.

"How is that possible?".

"I won\'t be dazzled, will I?".

"Moyang, Mowu. That\'s the friar of the five heavens in the realm of yin and Yang. He was also swept away?".

"Is that boy really only about 20 years old? Is this big array too rebellious?"

Around, the sound of exclamation came out.

Everyone\'s eyes were fixed on the virtual shadow of Lin Feng in the void.


A low voice came out.

In the void, Lin Feng raised his right hand.

The array patterns were condensed and pressed towards Moyang and Mowu.

The terrible breath surged out.

That smell.

It\'s suffocating.

"Sacrifice to Wu soul".

Moyang and Mowu looked at each other and shouted loudly.

"Flame world".

"Frozen world".

The two men sacrificed their souls.

They want to use Wu soul to resist the attack of array pattern.

Bang Bang

With the sound of two dull loud noises.

The spirits sacrificed by Moyang and Mowu could not support directly under the attack of the array pattern and were broken on the spot.

Moyang and Mowu were swept out.

His face turned pale.


Array patterns twined towards them.

The two men changed their looks and wanted to avoid.

But it\'s too late.

They are also entangled by array patterns.


Powerful power is transmitted from the array pattern.

That terrible force suppressed Moyang and Mowu.

Flutter, flutter.

Moyang and Mowu also knelt at the door of the VIP room.

Their faces twisted.

Endless humiliation poured into my heart.

Feel the eyes of the monks around.

Moyang and Mowu were so angry that they each spewed out a mouthful of blood.