Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 709

"Elder, Xue Yongyuan, who came to rescue Wei Yifan, was also suppressed by master Lin\'s array."

Deacon Li hurried to Jiang Chao to report.

Jiang Chao tried not to take care of it.

But let Lin Feng and the people of Xingluo Island solve their grievances by themselves.

But now I was shocked to hear the report of Deacon Li.

He didn\'t expect things to get worse and worse.

Even Xue Yongyuan was suppressed.

This is Xue Yongyuan and Jiang Chao.

He knows that Xue Yongyuan is not simple.

Although young.

But he has high attainments in array.

Why did Xue Yongyuan kneel on the ground?

Could it be that the big array arranged by Lin Feng is so powerful?

That guy looks about twenty.

Or a spirit array master above the earth level?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chao felt bursts of horror in his heart.

A 20-year-old earth level spirit array master? Is that too evil?

"Are you right?".

Jiang Chao asked.

Until now, he can\'t believe it.

Deacon Li said, "elder, even if my subordinates are wrong, so many people are here. Are they all wrong? It must be Xue Yongyuan. My subordinates are sure.".

Jiang Chao said quickly, "tell me more about the situation at that time.".

Deacon Li said, "at that time, Xue Yongyuan wanted to break the ban imposed on Wei Yifan by the childe Lin, but who ever thought that when Xue Yongyuan started, the ban on Wei Yifan revived, broke Xue Yongyuan\'s array pattern in an instant, and then suppressed Xue Yongyuan.".

"Awesome, really awesome!"

Jiang Chao clapped his hands and said, "it\'s said that Xue Yongyuan is about to break through the earth level spirit array master! But the array pattern left by Lin Feng instantly suppressed Xue Yongyuan. The array pattern at the beginning of the earth level can\'t reach such a powerful level. At least, Lin Feng is a medium level or even high-level spirit array master."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chao\'s eyes flashed with fine Mans. Naturally, he knew what the meaning of a twenty-year-old middle-level and living high-level spirit array master represented.

"I\'ll see the president.".

Jiang Chao quickly left and came to a room on the fifth floor of the auction house.

Then Jiang Chao said respectfully, "Jiang Chao asks for a meeting.".

"Come in.".

An old voice came out.

Jiang Chao pushed open the door, and then walked in respectfully.

When I entered the room, I found two old people in the room.

The two old men are drinking tea.

The old man on the left is wearing a gray robe.

The beard and hair are gray.

This is the top person in charge of the auction house.

President Jiang Tiandou.

The old man beside Jiang Tiandou was wearing a spirit array master robe.

This person is Murong Baichuan, the general director of the overseas spiritual array division trade union.

"I\'ve seen the president! I\'ve seen senior Murong!"

Jiang Chao saluted respectfully.

"It\'s Xiao Jiang. We haven\'t seen each other for many years."

Murong Baichuan smiled.

"The younger generation should pay more visits to the elder, but the elder is busy with the things of the spiritual array master\'s Union, and the younger generation dare not bother.".

Jiang Chao said.

"Ha ha, you little fellow, are a little more smooth than when you were young.".

Murong Baichuan smiled.

Jiang Tiandou asked, "but what\'s the matter?".

"Report back to the president, there is a conflict below, that is, the young monk who wants to auction the golden flame fruit has a conflict with Wei Yifan of Xingluo island. He defeated Wei Yifan and suppressed Wei Yifan with prohibition. Now Wei Yifan is still kneeling outside the VIP room.".

Jiang Chao said.

"Oh? Isn\'t that boy the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm? He defeated Wei Yifan? Is he still a spirit array master?".

Jiang Tiandou was slightly surprised.

He heard Jiang Chao mention Lin Feng\'s accomplishments before.

Jiang Chao said with a bitter smile, "who says not? The boy is strong and abnormal. He may have suppressed his evil characters. Of course, he may have practiced secret skills and hidden his real accomplishments".

At this time, Murong Baichuan was also interested.

Because he heard that Lin Feng was also a spirit array master.

"You mean that boy suppressed Wei Yifan with spirit array?".

Murong Baichuan asked.

Jiang Chao nodded, looked dignified and said, "the most terrible thing is that Xue Yongyuan, who came to rescue Wei Yifan, was suppressed together."

"What? Xue Yongyuan has also been suppressed? Xue Yongyuan is about to break through the earth level spirit array division. Will he be suppressed?".

Murong Baichuan said incredulously.

Mysterious level peak spirit array master.

Even in the spiritual array division union, it also has a high status.

Earth level spirit array master.

In the spirit array division trade union, you can hold the position of big elder.

As for the heavenly level spirit array master.

In the spiritual array division trade union, he can directly serve as the vice president of the Federation of trade unions.

Maybe choose an outside tune.

For example, he was transferred to 72 northern states to serve as the general head of the Lingxian trade union in 72 northern states.

Or in a place like the East China Sea World, serve as the general director of the spiritual array division trade union.


Xue Yongyuan, who was about to break through the spiritual array division of the earth level, was also suppressed.

It\'s hard to believe.

No wonder Murong Baichuan was so surprised.

Jiang Tiandou said, "how was Xue Yongyuan suppressed? Or was it suppressed by the boy named Lin Feng?".

"No, it\'s not Lin Feng\'s automatic hand.".

Jiang Chao said.


At this time, Murong Baichuan and Jiang Tiandou took a breath.

If Lin Feng, a 20-year-old spiritual array master, suppressed Xue Yongyuan, the spiritual array master who was about to break through the earth level.

That\'s too bad.

It was someone else

At this time, Jiang Chao said, "it was the array pattern left by Lin Feng that suppressed Xue Yongyuan.".

Hear this sentence behind Jiang Chao.

Jiang Tiandou and Murong Baichuan\'s hands trembled suddenly.

The spirit array master himself suppressed others.

It\'s totally different from the array pattern left by the spirit array master to suppress others.

It\'s much easier for the spiritual array master himself to suppress someone.

If the left array pattern suppresses the same person, the difficulty will increase tenfold or even more.


Jiang Chao even said that Lin Feng left the array pattern and suppressed Xue Yongyuan, who was about to break through the earth level spirit array division.

Who can not be shocked?

Jiang Tiandou is better.

Because he\'s not a psychic.

Murong Baichuan grabbed Jiang Chao\'s arm and said excitedly, "what you said is true?".

Murong Baichuan naturally knows that what Jiang Chao said is true.

So, what is the meaning of a 20-year-old medium or even high-level spiritual array master.

If you can get into the spiritual array division union.

Then the spirit array division trade union must have a great increase in strength.

Jiang Chao said, "of course it\'s true. Many people are still watching.".

Murong Baichuan ran downstairs when he heard the speech.

"Old man, pay attention to your image as the general director of the East China Sea World spiritual array division trade union.".

Jiang Tiandou smiled bitterly.

But I also understand the excitement of my old friend at this moment.

Jiang Tiandou is also very curious.

Is the young man named Lin Feng really against the sky as Jiang Chao said?

He followed and walked quickly downstairs.

When Murong Baichuan, Jiang Tiandou and Jiang Chao came to the first floor, they saw the crowd in front of the VIP room, which was very crowded.

Two monks knelt in front of the VIP room, raised their hands and kept pumping their faces.

These two people are Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan.

"This... Is actually true.".

Murong Baichuan and Jiang Tiandou were both skeptical.

Now, seeing Wei Yifan and Xue Yongyuan kneeling on the ground and constantly pumping their faces, they have no doubt.

The hearts of the two great figures were filled with deep shock.

It\'s hard to imagine how a young man of about 20 could have such profound spiritual array attainments?