Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 708

Lin Feng and Sikong leave together.

And this time.

In front of the VIP room.

people are hurrying to and fro.

Many people gathered here.


"No, it\'s elder martial brother Wei"

At this time, several monks from Xingluo Island crowded into the crowd and saw Wei Yifan kneeling on the ground. Their faces changed greatly.

"Elder martial brother Wei, what happened?".

Asked a disciple.

"Go and ask the sect elder to help me break this damn prohibition.".

Wei Yifan\'s face twisted.

And this time.

Lin Feng and Sikong Jieyue have returned to their residence.

Lin Feng accepted the 72 map of the sky array.

He opened the book.

He saw that the 72 Atlas of the sky array recorded seven kinds of large arrays.

65 kinds of spirit array.

The seven basic arrays are "devouring God", "blood wolf", "sword sea", "axe shadow", "turning magic", "nine evils" and "evil law".

These seven kinds of large arrays have their own miracles.

And every big array is extremely powerful.

Once arranged, it can show the power of destroying heaven and earth.

You can even easily trap and kill monks at the peak of Yin-Yang realm.

In addition, the power of these sky level spirit array is also very complicated.

For example, it records the spirit array technique of killing demons.

It is to condense the power of demons and turn them into evil demons.

This evil demon not only can bewitch people, but also has extremely powerful attack power.

Lin Feng carefully read the contents of the 72 Atlas of Tianzhen.

This is the array and spirit array recorded above.

Sure enough, it is not comparable to the earth order array.

While Lin Feng was reading the 72 Atlas of Tianzhen quietly.

A soul array master in the realm of yin and Yang in Xingluo island came to the auction house.

"Get out of the way! It\'s Xue Yongyuan.".

Then someone shouted.

Suddenly there were bursts of exclamations.

Xue Yongyuan is not a simple character.

This man is the top spirit array master of xuanjie level.

And only thirty.

The future of such a young xuanjie peak spirit array master is limitless.

"It is said that Xue Yongyuan is about to be promoted to the level of the earth spiritual array master. The 30-year-old level of the earth spiritual array master is a demon like talent."

"Yes, I don\'t know how many spiritual array masters have spent their whole lives and can\'t break through the ground level spiritual array masters. Now Xue Yongyuan is about to break through at the age of 30. He is also famous among the spiritual array masters in the East China Sea World, which is said to have attracted the attention of the senior leaders of the spiritual array masters\' trade union."

Many people talked about it.

He looked at Xue Yongyuan with envy.

Spiritual array master is the most noble profession.

It is a great probability that a formal spirit array master can appear among thousands of monks.

Being able to become a spirit array master is only the first step.

90% of the spirit array masters are difficult to break through the mysterious level spirit array masters.

It is even more difficult for the mysterious level spirit array master to break through the earth level spirit array master.

It\'s not just your own talent to be a powerful spirit array master.

It also requires understanding.

Some people\'s soul power has clearly reached the level that can break through the mysterious level spirit array master.

Why can\'t we break through?

Because of lack of understanding.

Talent is one thing!

Savvy is another aspect!

not a single one can be omitted.

Lin Feng\'s talent and understanding can be called a monster like figure. It\'s too rare.

Xue Yongyuan obviously enjoyed the envy and admiration around him.

The man came proudly.

When I came to the door of the VIP room, I saw Wei Yifan kneeling on the ground.

Xue Yongyuan\'s face sank slightly.

"Younger martial brother Wei, what\'s going on?".

Xue Yongyuan asked with a frown.

"Elder martial brother Xue, it\'s very nice of you to come and save me quickly. I was banned by a boy and my body was out of control.".

As Wei Yifan spoke, he also smoked his face.

Now, his face has long been blurred by his own blood.

Wei Yifan wants to stop.


Can\'t stop at all.

"You mean a boy? Is it a young monk who shot you?".

Xue Yongyuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Look at your face, about 20 years old.".

Wei Yifan said with a sad face, "elder martial brother Xue, help me quickly. I don\'t want to stay in this place for a moment.".

"Young people in their twenties?".

A disdainful expression suddenly appeared on Xue Yongyuan\'s face.

In his opinion.

Although the opponent is a spirit array master.

But he\'s only about twenty.

What kind of powerful spirit array master can he be?

Xue Yongyuan said, "younger martial brother Wei, you are also a monk in the realm of yin and Yang. You will be suppressed here by prohibition. I will save you now, but you kneel here today and smoke your face, which has shamed Xingluo island. At that time, the sect will lower the responsibility. You should also be prepared.".

Wei Yifan naturally knows this.

But he doesn\'t care.

His grandfather was the great elder of the moral temple.

Deep background.

Although he disgraced zongmen.

But there was grandfather.

Wei Yifan believes he won\'t have anything.

Now what Wei Yifan wants to do most is to find Lin Feng.

Then cut Lin Feng.

Only in this way can we wash away the shame in our hearts.

And this time.

Xue Yongyuan has begun to crack Lin Feng\'s array.

Xue Yongyuan stood proudly.

He saw his hands changing again and again, and the array patterns formed by the condensation of energy wrapped around his fingertips.

"Look! It\'s the void condensation array! Indeed, it deserves to be the talent of the spirit array master like a peerless demon. It\'s so skilled that even many local level spirit array masters can\'t compare with it?".

When many monks saw Xue Yongyuan in the void, they cried out in surprise.

A proud expression appeared at the corners of Xue Yongyuan\'s mouth.

"Get back quickly! Otherwise, even you will suppress it.".

When Xue Yongyuan was about to crack the big array on Wei Yifan.


A pattern is distorted.

Lin Feng\'s voice came out.

Lin Feng left a mark on the array pattern.

I feel that Xue Yongyuan is gathering array patterns to crack the prohibition of suppressing Wei Yifan.

Then sound a warning.

Xue Yongyuan sneered and said, "boy, what are you? Dare you leave your mind to warn me? Now I\'ll break your ban and catch you. I won\'t kill you. I\'ll use the same method to make you kneel at the door of the VIP room and smoke your face."

"It\'s worthy of being the top spirit array master. It\'s so domineering.".

"It seems that the boy is going to be unlucky. Xue Yongyuan shot, and the boy is doomed.".

Many people immediately talked about it.

Many nuns, in particular, saw Xue Yongyuan with his domineering appearance.

One by one, they look at Venus and worship them incomparably.


Xue Yongyuan gave a low cry.

Slap it.

The array patterns are intertwined.


Those array patterns swept to suppress Wei Yifan\'s prohibition.

At this time, twisted array patterns suddenly swept out of Wei Yifan\'s body.

This is the array pattern arranged by Lin Feng.

Those array patterns instantly collided with the array patterns arranged by Xue Yongyuan.

The array pattern arranged by Xue Yongyuan was destroyed in an instant.

Then the array pattern arranged by Lin Feng swept to Xue Yongyuan.

"It\'s impossible.".

Xue Yongyuan growled in disbelief.

He couldn\'t accept what he saw.

How could the array pattern arranged by yourself be broken in an instant?


At this time, the array pattern arranged by Lin Feng also swept on Xue Yongyuan.

Xue Yongyuan couldn\'t bear it.

A splash!

Xue Yongyuan was also killed; The array pattern arranged by Lin Feng was suppressed on the ground.


Like Wei Yifan.

Xue Yongyuan raised his hands.

make love.

Slap and then slap.

"God, what the hell happened?".

Everyone shouted in disbelief.

Xue Yongyuan.

Xuanjie peak spirit array master!

Such a terrible spirit array master.

Why was it suppressed by the array pattern arranged by the young man?

Who the hell is that young man? The array pattern left is terrible, isn\'t it? What level of spirit array master is he?

Deep shock surged in everyone\'s heart.