Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 705

The Deacon said, "yes, this is also the auction house of the Swire ginger family, but it is a little different from the tianwu mainland. In the auction house of the tianwu mainland, the Swire ginger family will occupy 70% of the interests, and the rest of the interests will be distributed to the major forces in the place of the auction house".

"However, in the East China Sea, although the auction house is also a major shareholder, it can only get 30% of the profits, and the remaining 70% of the profits are distributed by the East China Sea forces. Moreover, not all the auction houses are from the Jiang family, but also many people installed by the East China Sea forces.".

Lin Feng is not surprised that there is such a distribution method.

The influence of the Swire ginger family in the inland is enormous.

But in the sea area, the influence can only be regarded as general.

Therefore, it is not easy to get 30% profit.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I want to buy some things here. This is my list."

Then he gave a list to the Deacon named Li.

Deacon Li smiled when he saw the dense things on the list.

The more customers he receives and buys, the more rewards he will receive.

"Gentlemen, please have a rest in the VIP room.".

Deacon Li said with a smile, leading the way in front and invited Lin Feng and Sikong to the VIP room.

A beautiful maid poured tea for them.

Then deacon Li left and went out to prepare all kinds of things Lin Feng needed.

About an hour later.

Everything is collected.

There are 3700 kinds of array materials.

Fifteen thousand kinds of elixirs.

There are other things.

The total is 90 million spirit stones.

Lin Feng directly took out the crystal card and brushed off 90 million spirit stones.

He doesn\'t lack these ordinary spirit stones.

What is really missing is the "best spirit stone".

"By the way, does your auction house have Tianji array for sale?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Tianjie array?".

Deacon Li took a breath.

Heavenly level spirit array master.

At least they are the strong ones in the realm of creation.

Although deacon Li didn\'t know what Lin Feng was doing when he asked the Tianjie spirit array.

But he knew that if Lin Feng wanted to buy this level of soul array, it would be a big deal.

"The level of heaven level spirit array is too high. I can\'t touch it yet, but I can recommend the elder of the auction house for you.".

Deacon Li smiled.


Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"You\'re welcome, childe.".

When the voice fell, Deacon Li withdrew and went to invite the elder of the auction house.

Before long, footsteps came from outside.

A middle-aged monk entered the VIP room.

"Sir, this young master is the young master who inquired about the Tianjie formation".

Deacon Li pointed to Lin Feng and said.

The middle-aged monk obviously knew from deacon Li that the auction house had just completed a "huge deal" with Lin Feng.

So smile.

"I\'m Jiang Chao, the deacon of the auction house. I don\'t know what to call you, childe?".

Jiang Chao asked with a smile and a fist.

"Lin Feng."

"Sikong picks the moon".

After the introduction of the two sides, Jiang Chao said with a smile, "you are welcome, please sit down.".

Three people are seated.

Jiang Chao said straight to the point, "childe Lin asked about Tianjie array, but do you want to buy Tianjie array?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "yes, I really want to buy Tianji array. I don\'t know if there is one in the auction house?".

Jiang Chao smiled and said, "If you usually ask, there must be no such high-level array. After all, few people will take it out. But a few days ago, a mysterious monk came to the auction house to sell a Tianji array, which records 72 kinds of spiritual arrays. These 72 kinds of spiritual arrays are Tianji and primary arrays. The monk offered 300 pieces of the best spiritual stones. If it were Lord Lin If you want, I will visit the monk tomorrow. We will trade at the auction house at this time the next night.

"OK, see you later.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist and left with Sikong.

"I\'m really lucky to be able to buy Tianjie array".

Sikong picked the moon and said with a smile.

Although he is not a spirit array master.

But I also know how rare the Tianji array is.

The value of the heaven level array is no less than some ancient secret arts.

Lin Feng nodded excitedly and had the Tianjie array. After he broke through the realm of yin and Yang, his soul power increased greatly. It is estimated that he will soon break through to the level of Tianjie spiritual array master.

If you can break through to the spirit array master of heaven level.

Lin Feng believes that with his cultivation and the attainments of the spirit array.

Even high-level monks in the realm of yin and yang can kill them by themselves.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the agreed date.

Lin Feng and Si Kong came to the auction house again.

Deacon Li warmly invited Lin Feng and Si Kong to the VIP room.

When Lin Feng came to the VIP room, he found that there was a 26-year-old monk in the VIP room.

The man was dressed in white and handsome.

However, the man looked arrogant, which made Lin Feng quite unhappy.

Seeing Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon in, he just glanced at it, even if he didn\'t pay attention anymore.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon, and naturally they won\'t talk to such a stranger.

Before long, Jiang Chao came to the VIP room.

"I\'m sorry to have kept you waiting. I just went to get what you need.".

Jiang Chao hugged his fist.

All three responded politely.

The white friar named Wei Yifan said, "I wonder if elder Jiang has collected the purgatory blood grass and Kunming sword I need?".

"Mr. Wei, you have found both things you need.".

Jiang Chao smiled and took out two white jade boxes.

He opened it.

There is a blood red palm sized herb in the white jade box on the left.

This is purgatory blood grass.

Lin Feng has heard of this purgatory blood grass. It is said that it can only be formed where countless dead spirits gather.

And grow for 5000 years before you can pick.

This grass is absolutely valuable.

Kunming sword technique is also an extremely powerful inheritance.

It is said that it was created by the ancestor of Kunming in ancient times.

Practice to the peak.

The sword can communicate with God.

"This is the agreed 400 best spirit stones"

Wei Yifan took out a spirit stone bag and gave it to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao checked that there was no problem, smiled and nodded.

Then he took out an ancient book.

Seven words are written on this ancient book.

72 Atlas of sky array.

"Childe Lin, this is the sky level array you want!"

Jiang Chao said.

Lin Feng showed a trace of joy, took out the spirit stone and was about to give it to Jiang Chao.

At this time.

Wei Yifan, who was about to leave, suddenly brightened his eyes when he heard that it was a Tianjie array.

He took the book of the seventy-two Atlas of heaven steps in his hand.

"It turned out to be a Tianjie array. I didn\'t expect anyone to sell Tianjie array. I want it this day.".

Wei Yifan smiled.

Lin Feng\'s face sank and said, "this Taoist friend, I booked the sky level array this day. If you want the sky level array, you can also book it from elder Jiang in advance.".

When Wei Yifan heard Lin Feng\'s words, he looked a little heavy.

He turned to look at Lin Feng and found that Lin Feng was only the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm. He immediately showed an expression of disdain and contempt.

Wei Yifan sneered and said, "I said I\'d like this seventy-two Atlas of Tianjie. Can\'t you understand people?"