Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 706

Wei Yifan asked Lin Feng, "can\'t you understand people?".

This is obviously humiliating Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s face was suddenly gloomy.

Who is Lin Feng?

He doesn\'t bully others.

Others should burn Gao Xiang.

Can you still be bullied?

He glanced at Wei Yifan coldly and said with a sneer, "what are you? How dare you speak to me like this?".

On one side, Sikong picked the moon and looked at Wei Yifan with pity.

Although Wei Yifan\'s strength is not vulgar, he has also reached the triple heaven of yin and Yang.

But compared with Lin Feng.

Too bad!

Although Lin Feng has not broken through the realm of yin and Yang.

His savings are too strong.

Sikong picked the moon.

With Lin Feng\'s current combat power, even the monks who deal with the five or six heaven of yin and Yang have no problem.

It\'s easy to deal with Wei Yifan.

Wei Yifan jumped in front of Lin Feng.

I don\'t know what to do.

But Jiang Chao doesn\'t think so.

Although Lin Feng is rich and powerful.

But being rich doesn\'t mean being strong.

Jiang Chao naturally saw Lin Feng\'s accomplishments.

King Wu\'s realm is ten Heaven.

Maybe it\'s the son of some big power.

But it should not be the power of the East China Sea.

It\'s probably an inland force.

During this time, because the God ruins were opened, many monks from inland forces came to the God ruins.

In Jiang Chao\'s opinion, Lin Feng came from great power, so he was so rich and powerful.

When we were inland, we could go our own way because of the protection of great forces.

But you can\'t be so willful in the East China Sea.

Inland forces.

As powerful as the Swire ginger family, its influence in the East China Sea is also very general.

Not to mention other forces.

The East China Sea world has its own rules.


See Lin Feng offend Wei Yifan.

Jiang Chao felt that something was going to happen.

Wei Yifan is from Xingluo island.

Xingluo island is an ancient power.

Experts are like clouds.


The most important thing is that Xingluo island has a deep relationship with Penglai ancient holy land.

It is said that the first generation of ancestors of Xingluo island once practiced in Penglai ancient holy land.

Therefore, Xingluo island is a very powerful force regardless of its own strength or background.

Lin Feng offends a descendant of such a force. Isn\'t it to cause great trouble?

And Wei Yifan\'s identity is not simple.

His grandfather was the great elder of the moral temple on Xingluo island.

Sure enough.

What Jiang Chao was worried about happened.

After hearing Lin Feng\'s words.

Wei Yifan\'s face was extremely gloomy.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly, and a gloomy voice came out, "boy, do you know who I am? Dare you speak to me like this?".

Jiang Chao said, "both of you are my guests. Give me a face today. How about everyone take a step back in this matter?"

"OK! Since deacon Jiang spoke, I can\'t refute deacon Jiang\'s face. Boy, now get out of the VIP room, kneel in front of the VIP room, slap yourself in the face, and if you smoke enough for three hours, I\'ll spare your life.".

Wei Yifan has a lofty expression.

"Arrogant, ridiculous and stupid".

Lin Feng glanced coldly at Wei Yifan, full of disdain.

Wei Yifan smiled grimly, "boy, toast and don\'t drink.".

The voice fell.

Wei Yifan struck Lin Feng with his palm.

"Split water palm".

This palm split, and a strange force shrouded it.

That force shrouded Lin Feng in it.

Lin Feng felt that his body was squeezed by that force and seemed difficult to move.

I can only watch Wei Yifan\'s palm split on my body.

"It\'s a good move to split the water palm. This palm integrates the power of the road of water. Although the water is gentle, it also has a strong oppressive force. There is water in all directions. People are trapped by water, just like trapped animals, so Lin Feng is trapped and can\'t move. Lin Feng\'s generous hand is not ordinary people and things. It seems that I need to stop Wei Yifan. Otherwise, this matter will become more and more serious The more intense the performance, if it can\'t end, maybe I will be involved in it. ".

Thoughts flashed through Jiang Chao\'s mind.

He will stop Wei Yifan.

But at this time.

Lin Feng has already shot.


Sword spirit!

Dao mang!

Sweep out.

In an instant, he tore the oppression of the road of water around him.

The sword Qi and the blade and awn merge instantly.

Beheaded Wei Yifan.

After feeling the power of the sword Qi, Wei Yifan\'s face suddenly changed.

He didn\'t expect Lin Feng to make such a terrible attack.

Wei Yifan\'s palm is full of mana. This move splits the water palm.

Directly changed direction.

He went towards the sword Qi and Dao mang after fusion.


The two sides immediately collided with each other.

Jiang Chao saw it.

Wei Yifan was blown out.

He knocked over three or four tables in a row and fell to the ground.

Very embarrassed.

"How is that possible?".

Jiang Chao was completely shocked.

He knows Wei Yifan\'s strength.

The powerful cultivation of the triple heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng is just the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm.

Why is Wei Yifan in Lin Feng\'s hands.

Can\'t catch a move?

Jiang Chao even thought he was dazzled.

He rubbed his eyes.

Look again.

you \'re right!

Indeed, Wei Yifan was blown out.

"No way, how can I lose in your hands?".

Wei Yifan\'s face twisted.

He was defeated by a monk in the realm of King Wu.

What a shame.

Wei Yifan wanted to cut Lin Feng to wash away the shame Lin Feng brought to him.

"Wu Soul: Blood dragon!"

Wei Yifan roared.

He unleashed his most powerful attack.

In the Dantian.

Strong fluctuations.



Blood light escaped.

In the blood light, a blood dragon condensed.

The blood dragon, with open teeth and claws, rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Boy, look how you can resist my blood dragon!"

Wei Yifan smiled grimly.

He seems to have seen Lin Feng defeated, kneeling on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy, but being directly trampled under his feet.

"The guy who doesn\'t even understand the" spirit "is as weak as an ant in front of me.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He hit the blood dragon with a punch.

Lin Feng\'s fist was surrounded by the power of thunder.


The punch was mercilessly killed on the blood dragon.

The blood dragon exploded directly.

The power of Lin Feng\'s fist is not reduced.

Then he bombarded Wei Yifan.

Wei Yifan was blown out for more than 30 meters and fell directly outside the VIP room.

"What happened?".

"Look, it\'s Wei Yifan. He was thrown out."

"How dare someone throw Wei Yifan out? Who is this? How dare you be so bold.".

Around, a lot of comments came out.

Wei Yifan\'s face was twisted and he wanted to get up and find Lin Feng desperately.

But by this time, Lin Feng had come out of the VIP room.

He waved his right hand.

Array lines flew out.

Those array patterns were suppressed on Wei Yifan.


Wei Yifan, who just got up, knelt directly in front of the VIP room.

"You told me to kneel in front of the VIP room and slap myself before you spared me from dying? I really doubt how a waste like you dare to say such arrogant words. Well, I\'ll give it back to you. Now you kneel in front of the VIP room and slap yourself for three hours. After three hours, you will spare me from dying.".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng pointed to Wei Yifan.

All the array patterns originally applied to Wei Yifan were activated.

Wei Yifan seems to have been enchanted.

He raised his hands.

Pop pop

A slap followed by a slap in his face.