Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 704

The gathering place of monks is bustling.

Countless monks came and left.

The gathering place of monks is as large as a small continent.

There are 18 large-scale friars gathering places in the East China Sea World.

In the monk gathering place, many law enforcement teams patrol back and forth.

Just to prevent trouble.

Or prevent pirates from lurking to the gathering place.

"Go to the square and have a look. Song Hu, the thief with a reward of 200 million, is going to be hanged.".

Someone shouted.

Many people rushed to the central square after hearing the news.

"A sea robber caught alive will be hanged.".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

Lin Feng said, "let\'s go and have a look.".

Sikong picked the moon and nodded. He and Lin Feng came to the square where the hanging was carried out.

There are a lot of people here.

It\'s very lively.

There are even many monks floating in the air.

In the middle of the square.

A robber was tied up.

The robber shouted, "the era of great navigation must belong to the glory of pirates. Join the era of great navigation and look for the countless treasures buried at the end of the sea by the emperor of pirates. It is said that there is also the secret of becoming God, emperor and even eternal life.".

The pirate who shouted like a fanatical believer was song Hu, a pirate who was offered a reward of $200 million.

Many people simply watch the excitement and hate pirates.

But some people twinkle in their eyes.

I\'m afraid I\'ll be bewitched by song Hu.

Pirates are rampant in the East China Sea.

It\'s also good to say that it\'s the age of great navigation.

First, it is rich in marine resources.

The easiest way to get resources is to plunder.

Kill and seize treasure.

Just like Dugu Yan.

There are many such pirates.

Second, because of the legend of the pirate emperor.

The great pirate emperor found the treasure handed down by the ancient gods.

But the pirate emperor was besieged and fell by many forces in the East China Sea 30000 years ago.

It is said that the treasure of the pirate emperor was buried at the end of the sea by the pirate emperor.

These attracted countless monks and became pirates.

"Shut him up.".

The elder of the law enforcement alliance who executed the hanging roared angrily.

Even if a monk rushed forward and broke the pirate song Hu\'s mouth.

Then plug it with a dirty, smelly cloth that doesn\'t know what to wipe.

Then song Hu was sent to the gallows.

His head was caught in a rope.

That\'s not an ordinary rope.

Ordinary ropes can\'t strangle these powerful pirates at all.

The rope used by the law enforcement Alliance for hanging is specially made of Jiaolong tendon.

Song Hu was suspended in mid air.

"Hang this damn pirate.".

Many people shouted excitedly.

Song Hu struggled violently.

But obviously.

It\'s just a struggle before death.

Let\'s go.

Took a look at Song Hu, who was about to die.

Lin Feng no longer had the mind to look at it. He turned to Sikong to pick the moon and said.

Sikong picked the moon and nodded. They left together.

"Hey, look, wanted.".

Sikong suddenly pointed to a bulletin board next to the street.

Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon and walked past.

I saw the wanted notice issued by Penglai ancient holy land.

And it\'s a wanted warrant for him and Sikong.

The reward amount reached one billion.

"Look, do these two guys look like the two people on the wanted notice?".

Someone pointed to the back of Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon and said.

"It\'s really a little similar. Is it just these two guys?".

A friar responded immediately.

Many people pointed to Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon and talked about it one after another.

Someone even wants to do it.

"You should be mistaken.".

Lin Feng waved his hand and ran away with Sikong to pick the moon.

"It\'s probably them. Go after them."

Cried many monks.

After getting rid of the chaser, Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon and put on broad robes.

They found an inn to stay temporarily.

They are going to have a rest at the monks\' gathering place.

Then consider going to the God ruins.

Come to such a large gathering place on the sea.

Lin Feng plans to collect some things he needs here.

Such as array materials, elixir, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is the "Heaven level spirit array".

Lin Feng has twelve volumes of ground steps here.

With the gradual improvement of the power of the soul.

Lin Feng\'s spirit array master level will also improve quickly.

If you wait until Lin Feng breaks through to the realm of yin and Yang.

The power of the soul is bound to increase significantly.

At that time, the level of the spirit array master will continue to break through.


Lin Feng needs to find the "Tianjie spirit array" in advance.

However, it is not so easy to find the heaven level spirit array.

Spirit array at this level.

Extremely precious.

Few people take it out.

However, this maritime gathering place is one of the places where countless monks enter and leave the East China Sea.

people are hurrying to and fro.

There are many good things.

Maybe you can find the heaven level spirit array.

At night.

Lin Feng and Sikong go to the maritime law enforcement alliance first.

They are going to collect Dugu Yan\'s reward.

500 million spirit stone reward.

These bounties are calculated according to the inferior spirit stone.

500 million spirit stone reward.

Even if it is converted into the best spirit stone.

It can also be exchanged for "five hundred top spiritual stones".

This is a great wealth.

Within the maritime law enforcement alliance, when Lin Feng took out Dugu Yan\'s divine sense mark, it caused a big shock.

I don\'t know how many people failed to kill Dugu Yan.

And Dugu Yan\'s soul imprint was brought by two young friars.

It\'s incredible.

"There are 500 million spirit stones in this crystal card. You can check it to make sure there is no problem.".

Said a deacon of the law enforcement alliance.

Lin Feng took the card and scanned it. He found that it was really a 500 million spirit stone.

He nodded and said, "no problem, but can you exchange it for the best spirit stone here?".

"If you want to exchange the best spirit stone, you can\'t help it. According to the exchange ratio of the law enforcement alliance, 500 million lower spirit stones can beat 400 best spirit stones.".

The elder said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "change it into 400 top-grade spirit stones.".

The elder smiled and said, "OK, please wait a moment.".

Looking at his smiling face, it is obvious that he can get a lot of kickbacks from this exchange.

But Lin Feng also knows.

It\'s normal to take kickbacks.

In many places, the inferior spirit stone cannot be exchanged for the best spirit stone.

It\'s good that the maritime law enforcement alliance can exchange it.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick each person\'s 200 Best spiritual stones every month.

Then they went to the auction.

The auction is divided into nine floors.

The next six floors are the chamber of Commerce.

Peddle all kinds of things.

The upper three floors are auction houses.

"Gentlemen, what can I do for you?".

A deacon of the auction saw that Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon with extraordinary temperament, so he walked over with a smile on his face.

Looking at the deacon, Lin Feng suddenly thought that the power behind the auction house in the inland of tianwu mainland was the Taigu Jiang family.

He couldn\'t help asking, "does the auction house in this maritime monk gathering place belong to the auction house of the yuan family or the auction house built by many forces on the sea?".