Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 703

Outside the main hall of Yuanshen lamp.

Two disciples hurried over.

A splash.

Kneel on the ground.

"Report to the elder, something\'s wrong.".

The two disciples cried with trembling voices.

A majestic voice came from the main hall, "what happened? How could you be so flustered?".

"Report back to your excellency that the Yuanshen lamps of Nangong Xi, Xiao Tianyang and song Jianhai have gone out".

The two disciples said in a trembling voice.


In the hall, an incredible voice came out.


After hearing the news, the elder of yuanshendeng temple.

I can\'t believe it\'s true.

East China Sea World.

Now Penglai ancient holy land is the leader of the East China Sea law enforcement alliance.

It can be said that the sun is at its zenith.

Who dares to kill the deacon of Penglai ancient holy land?

Even the nine pirate kings!

Will also sell Penglai ancient holy land to save face.

But now it is.

Monks in Yin Yang realm of Penglai ancient holy land were killed.

Who dares.

So provocative to the dignity of Penglai ancient holy land?

Endless anger!

Endless killing intention!

It broke out in the heart of the elder of Yuanshen lamp hall.

The terrible smell made the two disciples kneeling on the ground tremble.


The elder of Yuanshen lantern hall quickly flew out.

He flew towards the heavenly palace.

In the temple of Zhou Tian.

There is "Zhou Tianjing".

This baby can explore Sunday.


The elder of yuanshendeng temple came to the Zhoutian temple.

"What brings elder martial brother Ge?".

Zhao Gua, the elder of Zhoutian temple, asked with a smile.

Ge Tianjun said, "brother Zhao, three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land were killed.".

"What? Is there such a thing? Who is so bold?".

Zhao Kuo\'s face suddenly changed.

Monks in the realm of yin and Yang, even in Penglai Fairy Island!

It also has a high status.

This is the backbone of Penglai Fairy Island.

Moreover, training a monk in the realm of yin and Yang will spend countless resources.

Every death of a monk in the realm of yin and Yang is a huge loss.

Today, three monks from the realm of yin and Yang have died in Penglai ancient holy land at one time.

These high-level, completely angry.

"Younger martial brother, please use Zhou Tianjing to explore and see who is so ignorant of life and death that he dares to provoke the majesty of our Penglai ancient holy land. No matter who it is, it will be broken into the purgatory world by our Penglai ancient holy land, and there will be no rebirth forever".

Ge Tianjun\'s eyes twinkled with dark eyes.

"Elder martial brother Ge, please follow me"

Zhao Kuo said.

They walked towards the depths.

They entered a great hall.

In this hall, eighteen monks sat cross legged.

Each breath is strong.

See Zhao Kuo and Ge Tianjun coming.

Eighteen monks saluted slightly.

"Open the sky mirror and have an insight into the sky. I want to see who dares to kill us in Penglai ancient holy land.".

Zhao Kuo gave three yuan magic lamps to an elder.


The elder answered and put the yuan magic lamp on an altar deep in the hall.

Then eighteen elders work together.

Powerful mana poured into the altar.


It surged out with an amazing wave.

A mysterious mirror appeared on the altar.

When the mirror looked at it slightly, the void twisted.

That mirror is the heavenly mirror.

Zhou Tianjing, shining towards the three yuan magic lamps.

Then, dense pictures appeared in the Zhou Tianjing.

Finally, the picture is locked in a hazy space.

In that space.

Only the backs of two monks can be seen.

But I can\'t see my face.

"It\'s these two people, but something interferes with Zhou Tianjing. Zhou Tianjing can\'t detect their shadow."

Zhao Kuo pointed to the two figures appearing in Zhou Tianjing.

"So it seems likely that the large array interfered with the exploration of Zhou Tianjing?".

Ge Tianjun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it\'s possible. Now issue a maritime arrest warrant. As long as the maritime arrest warrant is issued, the two boys will be found out."

Zhao Kuo said in a gloomy voice.

And an hour later.

The East China Sea is over the gathering place of the world\'s major monks.

A loud and low voice came out.

"The East China Sea law enforcement alliance issued a maritime arrest warrant offering a reward for colluding with the maritime thieves to kill two evil demons of the three deacons of Penglai Fairy Island. If they can catch them, they will be rewarded with a billion star stones".

As the sound fell.

Then a picture emerged from the void.

Impressively, it is the back of two monks.

It is the back of Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon.

"Only the back?"

"It\'s too difficult to find someone just by virtue of two backs.".

"Difficulties also need to be found. If you can catch these two people, you can prosper.".

"Brother, don\'t you have some friendship with a deep-sea beast? Let\'s ask the deep-sea beast.".

"That\'s a good idea. Deep sea beasts can communicate with creatures in the sea. Maybe no one has seen the two wanted guys, but the creatures in the East China Sea must have seen them.".

After the issuance of the maritime arrest warrant.

The whole East China Sea World.

It\'s all lively.

Monks of various forces.

Of course, there are countless casual repairs.

Let\'s move.

A reward for a billion spirit stones.

Can make people from a poor man.

Get rich directly.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know that he and Sikong Jieyue have been wanted.

Now they found a quiet place to refine the origin of the soul of the abyss evil Jiao.

The soul origin of the evil Jiao in the abyss is extremely powerful.

If Lin Feng didn\'t have Buddhist relics such as "relic son".

He and Sikong can\'t deal with the evil Jiaos in the abyss.

After swallowing the soul origin of the evil Jiao in the abyss.

Lin Feng\'s soul power.

Began to improve gradually.

Originally, Lin Feng\'s soul power has been raised to the level of double heaven in the realm of creation.

Now, Lin Feng has begun to try to break through the triple heaven of nature.

If the soul level can break through again.

Then Lin Feng\'s soul secret skill "soul villain comes out with a sword" will be more powerful.



A strong breath surged out.

Lin Feng\'s soul power began to rise crazily.


Lin Feng opened his eyes and showed a happy expression.

After an hour, Sikong zhaiyue also woke up from his practice.

He is also smiling.

Obviously, Sikong also got great benefits from picking the moon.

They took a break.

Soon he continued to fly deep.

Ten days later.

A huge Island appeared in sight.

From a distance.

Ten thousand meter ships sailed from all directions to the huge island.

Lin Feng even saw some ships with flags such as "Dali Empire" and "Datang Empire".

Those ships were sent by the kings of inland secular countries.

Carrying a large number of treasures, he went to sea to look for the legendary Fairy Island.

I want to exchange all kinds of treasures for the elixir of immortality.

"Look, ahead is the monk gathering area.".

Sikong picked the moon and pointed to the island.

"What a huge island".

Looking at the boundless Island, Lin Feng was shocked in his heart.

On the island, people come and go.


Lin Feng and Sikong quickly flew over and landed on the island.