Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 702

I heard that Lin Feng is a ground level spirit array master.

The faces of the three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land changed again and again.

They naturally know what a ground level spirit array master represents.

And the prohibition here is terrible.

Since Lin Feng can urge the prohibition here.

If Lin Feng urges us to ban them here.

At that time, there must be only a dead end.

"We are the people of Penglai ancient holy land. If you kill us, we will be able to find out what happened here through the mirror of Penglai ancient holy land and insight into the sky. At that time, you will die.".

The deacon of Penglai ancient holy land shrieked.

"Zhou Tianjing? And such a baby?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Sikong nodded and said, "I\'ve also heard that this week\'s Tianjing is said to be a peak Taoist weapon with extremely terrible power. Even many forces have imitated similar treasures according to the appearance and ability of Zhou Tianjing, but it\'s a hundred thousand miles worse than the real Tianjing.".

The friar in blue shouted, "it seems that you also know the power of Zhou Tianjing. Since you know, you should honestly let us out. This is a win-win situation for you and us.".

Lin Feng sneered, "let you go? Didn\'t you just say to let me kneel on the ground and slap myself ten times? OK, now you get down on your knees and slap yourself ten times, and I\'ll consider letting you go?".

"Boy, how dare you humiliate me?". The blue Friar\'s face was very gloomy, and his eyes twinkled with dark eyes.

He is the deacon of Penglai ancient holy land.

Cultivation of yin and Yang realm.

A high status.

He always humiliated others.

Who dares to humiliate him?

But now.

Someone let him kneel on the ground and smoke himself.

The blue friar was completely angered.

"No? I really don\'t think I dare to kill you? I\'ll let you know the power of a land level spirit array master today.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He waved his right hand.


The smell of terror filled the air.

The big array here has been activated.

In the void, a chain condensed and swept towards the friar in blue.

It\'s like a chain of order.

The friar in blue roared, "boy, dare you do it? Aren\'t you afraid to offend our Penglai ancient holy land?".

Lin Feng sneered, "fool, if you\'re afraid, will you do it?".

The voice fell.

The chain had been swept in front of the blue friar.


The blow swept the blue friar.

Directly swept the friar in blue out.


The friar in blue suffered this attack and was seriously injured. He spit out a mouthful of blood directly.

His face turned pale.

Facing the attack of the prohibition here, the friar in blue doesn\'t have much power to resist.

"Is your mind clearer now?".

Lin Feng looked coldly at the friar in blue.

The friar in blue was scared out of his wits.

"Spare my life, spare my life, it\'s all my fault. I apologize to you. I slap my face myself.".

The friar in blue begged.


Raise your hands.

He pulled it in his face.

make love!

Slap and slap in the face.

The blue friar was filled with endless humiliation.

He is the deacon of Penglai ancient holy land.

Now I was forced to kneel on the ground and smoke my face.

How can the blue friar accept this?

The friar in blue hates the sky.

But he knows.

You must be patient.

It\'s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Villains don\'t revenge overnight.

The friar in blue swore secretly.

Just get out of here.

Call the law enforcement team immediately.

At that time, Lin Feng will die without loss.

Pop pop

Ten slaps in the face in a row.

The friar in blue stopped.

"Can you let us go now?".

Asked the friar in blue.


In the void, if the powerful array pattern of order chain appears again.

Once again, he swept at the friar in blue.

The friar in blue was appalled.

His face turned pale.

He cried in horror, "you said you would let me go!"

"Did I ever say I would let you go? I just said I would consider it. Now I have considered it well, that is, I accept your life.".

Lin Feng sneered.

These three must die.

Because hatred has ended.

Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon and released the three people.

Will these three people be grateful not to trouble them?

Of course not!

These three people can do such a thing as reversing black and white.

It can be seen how shameless, despicable and insidious it is.

If you let them go.

These three people will surely recruit the maritime law enforcement team immediately.

Lin Feng of the maritime law enforcement alliance and maritime law enforcement team has also heard of it.

This is an alliance formed by many major forces.

The purpose is to protect the interests of many major forces, maintain the security of major trading areas, and deter powerful pirate groups.

But now, the maritime law enforcement alliance has long become the biggest backer for major forces to seek interests.

The world of cultivators is so cruel.

Either you die or I live.

These three people in Penglai ancient holy land will not die.

It may be yourself and Sikong picking the moon.

Lin Feng will not leave such a scourge to threaten himself.

The powerful power of prohibition severely killed the friar in blue.


A muffled sound came out.

The friar in blue was swept out again.

The flesh explodes directly.

Died on the spot.

The other two were pale with fear.

They didn\'t expect that Lin Feng really dared to kill them.

"You really dare to do it, you are bold.".

They trembled with fear.

"You die together.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Now that the blue friar has been killed.

The other two won\'t show mercy.

Chains swept towards the second monk in Tsing Yi.

The second green friar roared.

But he can\'t resist the attacks prohibited here.

"I curse you to death.".

The green friar cursed bitterly.

"Don\'t worry, we\'ll live well.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.


The next moment.

Friar Tsing Yi was killed.

The nun cried, "spare me, I am willing to serve the two CHILDES.".

The nun was going to sell her flesh.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "I don\'t know how many men have had sex and dare to say such words?".


The prohibition is swept out again.


The nun was also bombed, her body exploded, and her form and spirit were destroyed.

Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon without any stop and left quickly.


Deep in the East China Sea.

There was a white fog.

There is an island in the white fog, the spirit deer on the island gallop, and the crane leisurely steps.


It is the famous ancient holy land of Penglai.

Penglai ancient holy land "Yuanshen lamp hall".

Here are the Yuanshen lamps.

When cultivation breaks through the realm of yin and Yang and condenses the yuan God.

You can light the yuan magic lamp.

Yuan magic lamp burns.

That means the friar is still alive.

The Yuanshen lamp goes out, indicating that the friar is dead.

Two disciples in the temple are cleaning.


The original flame of the three yuan magic lamps.

All extinguished.

"No, the Yuanshen lamp of the three sect deacons went out.".

The faces of the two disciples suddenly turned pale.

They know how noble the status of monks in the realm of yin and Yang in the ancient holy land is.

Now three deacons of the realm of yin and Yang have died at one time.

"Something big happened..."

The two disciples were pale and staggered to the main hall to report to the high level.