Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 701

The flying sword radiated cold.

This is a flying sword of high treasure level.

would cut clean through iron as though it were mud! Cut people like hair!

"Well, someone attacked me?".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

In his eyes, he showed a cold idea.

The tin of swallowing heaven is still beside Lin Feng.

When the flying sword came.

The sky swallowing jar sent out an amazing wave, which directly shrouded the flying sword.


The flying sword was swallowed directly by the heaven swallowing pot.


A scream came.

Then three monks appeared.

It was a friar in blue who screamed.

He just attacked Lin Feng with a flying sword.

But Lin Feng offered up the heaven swallowing pot and forcibly swallowed each other\'s baby.

The connection between the blue Friar and the sky swallowing pot was forcibly cut off.

It was backfired.

His face turned pale.

"Boy, you dare to swallow my flying sword. Do you know who I am?"

The blue Friar\'s face was slightly twisted.

Lin Feng put away the four evil tripods.

Then, cold eyes swept at the three men.

The blue friar who spoke had a long face and a hooked nose, giving people a gloomy sense.

There is also a monk in blue, who is very handsome and chic.

The woman was dressed in purple and was somewhat beautiful.

These three people, each look proud and publicized.

Looking at this gesture, it is obvious that he was born extraordinary.

"People from Penglai ancient holy land?".

Sikong picked the moon and frowned slightly.

The three suddenly showed a proud look.

The nun said, "Yes, we are all deacons of Penglai ancient holy land. The abyssal evil Jiao you killed is the abyssal evil Jiao we hit hard before. We ran away by the soul of the abyssal evil Jiao. We were about to start, but you took the first step. We spent thousands of hardships to seriously hurt the abyssal evil Jiao. Would you forcibly plunder our prey?"

Hear what the nun said.

Lin Feng really wanted to slap him.

I\'ve seen shameless people.

But I have never seen such shameless goods.

This abyss evil Jiao has obviously been entrenched here for a long time.

And the three hid in the dark.

Just want the mantis to catch the cicada and the Yellow finch behind.

If you can\'t attack yourself, you\'ve compiled such an excuse now.

It\'s shameless.

Sikong picked the moon and said gloomily, "do you think we will believe your nonsense?".

The green friar sneered, "Believe it or not, but the maritime law enforcement alliance will believe our words and honestly hand over the origin of the evil Jiao, the four evil tripods and the residual soul mark of Dugu Yan. We can let you leave. If we don\'t cooperate, we will issue a wanted warrant to the maritime law enforcement Alliance and sue you for colluding with Dugu Yan to kill innocent people. You say, Hai Does the law enforcement alliance trust the two of you, or the three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land? ".


What a shame!

It was these people who failed in trying to kill and seize treasure.

Now it turns black into white.

Lin Feng and Sikong took off the moon and worked hard to kill Dugu Yan and the evil dragon in the abyss, and get rid of the evil thief who has harmed countless people.

Now, they are slandered by the three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land as collusion with Dugu Yan.

Who is it.

Who can not be angry?

"Penglai ancient holy land, as the top force in the East China Sea, is a good example. We have seen the style of Penglai ancient holy land today.".

Lin Feng sneered.

The deacon of Penglai ancient holy land proudly said, "the East China Sea World, I Penglai ancient holy land, is the king\'s law. The black can be said to be white, and the white can also be said to be black. If you collude with pirates to kill innocent people in the East China Sea, you collude with pirates and say you are an evil devil, you are an evil devil, isn\'t it?".

Lin Feng smiled angrily, "it\'s really overbearing. I think Penglai ancient holy land can cover the sky with one hand?".

"Now the leaders of the maritime law enforcement alliance are the supreme elders of Penglai ancient holy land. What\'s a cover up?".

The deacon of Penglai ancient holy land sneered.

The blue friar looked at Lin Feng coldly and smiled grimly. "Boy, you should not only hand over all the treasures, but also slap yourself in the face. This is the price for you to rob my flying sword with magic weapons. Now get down on your knees, smoke your face, hand over everything, and spare your dog\'s life.".

"Ridiculous, it\'s ridiculous.".

Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

The three people in Penglai ancient holy land looked coldly at Lin Feng, "boy, what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you. You just don\'t know how to live or die.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, and his eyes glittered with a sense of killing.

Lin Feng was the first time to see such an arrogant and domineering person who turned black and white upside down.

His heart has long been filled with murderous thoughts.

These people, whatever their identity.

Death is certain!

"Boy, you have committed a capital crime. No one can save you. Send a signal to the maritime law enforcement alliance to make these two boys wanted.".

Said the deacon of Penglai ancient holy land.

The friar in blue nodded and took out a jade amulet.

Obviously, this jade charm has the function of summoning.

As long as the maritime law enforcement alliance receives the news, it can quickly notify the East China Sea law enforcement team.

At that time, the three people only need to hold Lin Feng and Sikong to pick the moon.

Wait until the friars of the law enforcement team arrive.

You can kill Lin Feng and Sikong.

Because every law enforcement team has monks in the realm of yin and Yang and ten Heaven.

Meet a friar of this level.

Lin Feng and Sikong will die if they pick the moon.

Friar in blue activated the jade charm.

The jade talisman broke in an instant, and one talisman rose into the sky.

The three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land all wore sneer on their faces.

They also quickly separated and surrounded Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon to prevent Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon from escaping.

All three of them are accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang.

Although it is only the cultivation of yin and Yang.

But they believe that it is very easy to stop Lin Feng and Sikong from picking the moon.


Lin Feng sneered.

"How dare you scold us? When the law enforcement team comes, it depends on how you die.".

The three looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

"Has your message really been sent?".

Lin Feng waved his right hand.

A powerful suction gushed out.

I saw runes flying down from above and caught by Lin Feng.

This Rune contains the message they want to send.

As long as the information flies out of the sea.

Can be sensed by an ancient Taoist instrument at the headquarters of the maritime law enforcement alliance.

The headquarters of the maritime law enforcement alliance can contact the maritime law enforcement team across endless distances through Daoqi to support here.

"How is that possible?". The three deacons of Penglai ancient holy land were full of unbelievable expressions.

They don\'t understand.

How did these runes get intercepted?

"I forgot to tell you that I\'m still a spirit array master of the ground level. Although the prohibition here is broken, I secretly arranged hundreds of array patterns to activate the prohibition here. This place has been surrounded by many people, and no one can leave this place unless I can crack the prohibition here with rolling force. As for this simple rune, it only contains a mana. Want to Flying out is even more difficult.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. His right hand directly shattered these runes. He looked at the three people and didn\'t hide the killing intention in his eyes.