Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 687

Aolai city!

There was an angry roar from the top of the Tuoba family.

"Who? Who is it? Who killed so many experts of my Tuoba family? Check it for me. Whoever it is, it will cost the other party a lot of blood.".

The top of the Tuoba family is going crazy.

Just across the street from the family.

A monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

More than a dozen friars at the peak of King Wu\'s realm.

So he was killed.

Tuoba Yun in the realm of yin and Yang was executed by lingchi.

Is this a provocation to the Tuoba family?

Tuoba Yun\'s execution by lingchi soon spread all over Aolai city.

This incident has caused an uproar.

However, this matter has also made many people applaud.

Tuoba Yun acted arrogantly.

In Aolai City, I don\'t know how many people have been bullied by Tuoba Yun.

But Tuoba cloud is the cultivation of yin and Yang.

Behind it are such great forces as the Tuoba family.

Who dares to offend Tuoba Yun?

We can only swallow it.

Now Tuo Bayun was executed by lingchi.

It\'s very gratifying.

Everyone is talking about it.

Just across the street from the Tuoba family, so many experts of the Tuoba family were killed.

And didn\'t disturb the Tuoba family.

How terrible is the strength of the person who makes the move?

"Young master, young lady, something big has happened outside.".

Rui\'er looked happy when she bought vegetables in the morning.

Sikong Xinyan asked, "what happened?".

"The hateful Tuoba Yun and more than a dozen experts of the Tuoba family were killed last night. It is said that Tuoba Yun was executed by lingchi. Many people are talking about it.".

Rui\'er said.

"Ah... What else?".

Sikong Xinyan exclaimed in surprise, covering her red lips with her small hand, hiding her inner shock.

Sikong\'s heart was also very shocked.

Who killed Tuoba cloud?

Sikong picked the moon\'s eyes and suddenly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Sikong, come with me.".

Sikong picked the moon and nodded.

"What does brother Lin want to say to his brother?"

Sikong Xinyan has some doubts.

When he came to Lin Feng\'s room, Sikong couldn\'t wait to pick the moon and asked, "Maple, did you make it?".

Lin Feng nodded.

Sikong picked the moon with a shocked and moving expression.

He did not expect that Lin Feng\'s strength had been so strong.

Lin Feng took out a golden flame fruit.

This was originally obtained in the fog magnetic lake.

At that time, Lin Feng got three golden flame fruits.

Golden Flame fruit, Tiancai Dibao!

It can help monks break through the realm of yin and Yang!

This is the crazy baby of countless people.

Good stuff.

Is to share it with your relatives and friends.

"Sikong, I think your heaven is overflowing with essence. It seems that you have reached the edge of breakthrough. It\'s not easy to break through the realm of yin and Yang. You can take this golden flame fruit and refine it to help you break through the realm of yin and Yang".

Lin Feng said.

"Is this the legendary golden flame fruit?".

Sikong picked the moon full with a shocked expression.

Golden Flame fruit!

Of course he heard of it.

But I\'ve never seen it.

Now, there is a golden flame fruit in front of his eyes.

The inner shock is naturally indescribable.

"You also need golden flame fruit when you break through. I can\'t have this golden flame fruit."

Sikong picked the moon and shook his head.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I still have two here.".

"You boy, there are a lot of good things"

Sikong picked the moon and stared.

Then he hammered Lin Feng\'s chest.

But then, Sikong picked the moon, looked at Lin Feng sincerely and gratefully, and said, "brother, thank you, I can\'t say it, because it\'s too hypocritical.".

Lin Feng knows what kind of pressure Sikong bears when picking the moon.

The tragic death of the people.

a blood feud.

My sister\'s safety.

Persecuted by the Tuoba family.

Everything was on his shoulder.

He is really eager to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng said, "you, my brother, don\'t need to say more. You can refine the golden flame fruit.".


Sikong picked the moon and nodded heavily.

Then he went back to his room to refine the golden flame fruit.

A day later.

An amazing wave came out of Sikong\'s room.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through, and finally broke through to the realm of yin and Yang.".

The excited voice of Sikong picking the moon came out.

"It\'s great that my brother broke through!"

Sikong Xinyan clapped her hands excitedly.

Lin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Sikong has also broken through the realm of yin and Yang. I should wait and hope to find the fragments of the world tree. I activate the fragments of the world tree, plant them in the Dantian, and break through with the help of the world tree. In that way, the increased combat power will be more than ten times higher than that of the current breakthrough.".

Lin Feng touched his chin and thought in secret.

In the evening, Sikong Xinyan prepared a sumptuous dinner to celebrate Sikong picking the moon and breaking through the realm of yin and Yang.

And at this time, there is a messenger outside.

It is said that the youth Tianjiao of Aolai city will be held in Wanhua building three days later.

"This kind of party is held once a year, but I haven\'t been there for many years.".

Sikong picked up the moon.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "such a party is still quite interesting. We can go and have a look this year."

Sikong picked the moon and nodded.

Time flies.

In the twinkling of an eye, three days have passed.

Lin Feng, Sikong zhaiyue and Sikong Xinyan go to the Wanhua building together.

The whole street was blocked and many people crowded around it.

Everyone looked enviously at the animal cars that drove past from the street and talked about who was sitting in the animal cars.

Those who can attend the gathering of the young generation in Aolai city are naturally the children of a distinguished family.

Lin Feng\'s animal cart stopped on the square in front of the Wanhua building. The three came down and walked towards the Wanhua building.

In the Wanhua building, people come and go. They are the legitimate children of major forces. Even if they are not the legitimate children, they are also the geniuses among the collateral branches.

"Tuoba lie is coming."

Someone shouted outside, which immediately caused a commotion. Tuoba lie, 28, has broken through the triple heaven of yin and Yang.

The talent is amazing, and it is possible to become powerful in the future.

His arrival will naturally attract the attention of many people. Many monks came forward to greet Tuoba lie.

And Tuoba lie entered the Wanhua building among the stars and the moon.

A younger generation of Tianjiao figures have come one after another. Every Tianjiao in the realm of yin and yang can often cause cheers and exclamations.

"Yan Ruyu is coming.".

There was a great commotion outside, and many people rushed out.

"Yan Ruyu? Who is this? Has caused such a big stir?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yan Ruyu is one of the top ten beauties in the eastern region and the princess of Aolai country".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

Aolai city is the country of Aolai country.

Nowadays, even Yan Ruyu has arrived at the gathering of the younger generation, which will obviously make the gathering more eye-catching.