Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 686

That vague figure, from far to near.


Tuoba Yun and others saw his appearance clearly.

"It\'s you...".

Tuoba Yun\'s eyes narrowed and twinkled with cold.

He recognized Lin Feng\'s identity.

The rest of the Tuoba family recognized it.

Isn\'t this the boy in the Sikong family?

How did you show up here?

But then these people sneered.

The boy ran to the residence of the Tuoba family.

Is this to die?

Tuoba Yun waved, and a dozen monks of Tuoba family quickly dispersed and surrounded Lin Feng.

"I dare to come to my Tuoba family. I really don\'t know how to live or die.".

Tuoba Yun\'s eyes were cold, and his eyes twinkled with a sense of killing.

Lin Feng raised his eyelids.

He did not speak, but walked towards Tuoba cloud.

"Kill this boy".

Tuoba cloud coldly ordered.

These friars of the Tuoba family know that Lin Feng\'s cultivation is not simple.

So they chose a long-range attack.

They sacrificed powerful magic weapons one by one.


Violent waves swept the world and surged out.

I saw powerful babies flying towards Lin Feng.

Flying sword! Jade ruler! Han Yue! Wait, wait.

Every kind of weapon has amazing power and comes from bombardment.

The faces of these people were cold and gloomy.

In their opinion.

Although Lin Feng has good strength.

But so what?

No matter how good the strength is.

Under the siege of a group of them, they will also die.

What\'s more, there is a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

Seeing that the magic weapons with amazing power will be blown to death on Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng cut out the sky together.


Violent fluctuations, surging out, sweeping the world, destroying the power of heaven and earth, suddenly broke out.

A hundred feet of sabre awn swept out.

Keng Keng.

The sound of violent collisions was transmitted.

I saw that under the attack of the hundred Zhang sword.

One magic weapon after another was torn and destroyed in an instant.


The terrible blade swept around the friars of the Tuoba family.


With the sound of tearing.

A monk of the Tuoba family died miserably on the spot.

The other people\'s faces suddenly changed. No one thought that Lin Feng was so strong.

Tuoba Yun shouted in a deep voice, "this son is ferocious. Send a signal to let the patrol guard of Tuoba family know that when the master comes and catches the boy alive, he must die without a place to die.".


When even the friars of the Tuoba family sent a signal.

A fireworks burst into the sky.

However, the fireworks went out in an instant.

"Big array?".

Tuoba Yun\'s face was very gloomy.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "yes, it\'s the big array. I forgot to tell you that I\'m still a ground level spirit array master.".

"What? Earth level spirit array master?".

Tuoba Yun and others were almost scared to death by Lin Feng\'s words.

Earth level spirit array master, that is at least the soul level of the realm of creation.

Does this guy have the soul level of the realm of creation?

This is unbelievable.


Everyone seems to have a voice telling them that everything Lin Feng said is true.

And Tuoba Yun and others also know what the earth level spirit array master represents.

Even the friars of yin and Yang will be tired of dealing with the large array arranged by the spiritual array master of the earth level.

Tuoba Yun felt it for a while and then breathed a little relieved.

Although a large array is arranged here.

But Tuoba Yun found that the big array here is just a simple magic array.

Without a kill array.

If it\'s just a magic array, the winner is not certain.

Tuoba Yun said coldly, "boy, are you fighting against us for the sake of Sikong family? What benefits did Sikong family give you? How about we give you double from Tuoba family?".


Lin Feng\'s face was full of cold expression. "Sikong picking the moon is my brother and Sikong Xinyan is my sister. You bitches dare to bully my brother and my sister. There will be only one way out.".

"Come on, kill him together.".

When Tuoba Yun saw that Lin Feng\'s oil and salt didn\'t enter, he suddenly drank coldly.

Boom, boom


A group of experts shot one after another.

All kinds of magic weapons came towards Lin Feng.


Lin Feng looked indifferent. It was easy to deal with these people.

Cut out the sky together.


An expert of the famous Tuoba family was directly killed.

And Tuoba cloud was shaken back and forth.

Tuoba Yun is a monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

But after all, he is only a heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

It can\'t be Lin Feng\'s opponent at all.

"Wu soul open"

Tuoba Yun shouted coldly.

Then, the Dantian was filled with cold light.

Purple thunder interwoven.

In the thunder, a thunder sword came out.

The sword of thunder.

He came to Lin Feng quickly.

"Boy, my thunder sword has the most violent attack power. See how you can resist it.".

Tuoba Yun was obviously very confident in his martial spirit and sneered.

Lin Feng looked indifferent, "just a garbage ghost".

The voice fell, and the five devoured the soul of the martial arts.

Five twisted black holes appeared, and the thunder sword was swallowed up in an instant.

"No, how is that possible?".

Tuoba cloud roared in disbelief.


Lin Feng swept towards Tuoba cloud.

Tuoba cloud was shocked and turned pale.

Go back quickly.

However, Tuoba Yun suddenly found that his body seemed to be imprisoned by some terrible force.

Can\'t move.

The next moment.

Tuoba cloud felt the severe pain of Dantian.

He screamed and flew out upside down.

He flopped to the ground.

The body twitched violently.

Tuoba Yun vomited blood.

His face turned pale.

He was horrified to find out.

Own Dantian.

It was destroyed.

"Ah, you abandoned me. You abandoned my Dantian. Boy, you must die. I Tuoba family will not let you go.".

Tuoba Yun\'s face was gray.


Is endless resentment.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "the Tuoba family is just an ancient family. If I break through the realm of yin and Yang, I can uproot the Tuoba family.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, raised his right hand and cut out with a sword.


A piece of meat on Tuoba cloud was torn down in an instant.

Tuoba cloud screamed repeatedly.

Poop poop.

The dense sword Qi cut out.

Tuoba Yun\'s flesh was torn off piece by piece.

"Kill me.". Tuoba Yun\'s whole body was twitching and pleaded loudly.

"Kill you? Didn\'t it make you cheap?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were extremely cold.

For the enemy.

Lin Feng never pity.

His means.

Ruthless and ruthless.

The dense sword Qi cuts towards Tuoba cloud.

The shrill screams kept coming out.

Another street is the residence of the Tuoba family.

But this place is blocked by magic array.

Tuoba Yun is doomed to be unable to ask for help from the family.

Tuoba Yun looked at Lin Feng in horror.

He regretted very much why he provoked such a demon.

In endless fear and regret.

Tuo Bayun was executed by Lin Feng lingchi.