Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 688

Yan Ruyu is dressed in white.

The stars hold the moon and walk into the Wanhua building.

I don\'t know how much Tianjiao\'s attention is attracted.

Hot eyes looked at Yan Ruyu.

One of the top ten beauties in the eastern region.

Its name is the best in the world.

Moreover, Yan Ruyu\'s talent is also extremely powerful, and has already entered the realm of yin and Yang.

It can be said impolitely that Yan Ruyu is definitely a goddess like figure in the hearts of countless peers.

It is not surprising that her arrival caused such a sensation.

"Like a jade Princess".

The top Tianjiao of many big families saluted Yan Ruyu.

"We don\'t need to be so formal about our peers."

Yan Ruyu smiled.

This is a woman so beautiful that people suffocate and dare not look directly at her.

Her every move exudes a noble smell.

It\'s not too much to use the goddess of heaven to describe Yan Ruyu.

Facing Yan Ruyu, Lin Feng\'s eyes were quite indifferent.

He has seen too many beautiful women, such as Nangong ningyue, enchanting wind, Liu Piaomiao and so on.

"Among the young generation in Aolai country, Yan Ruyu can be regarded as one of the leading figures. Her appeal is very strong, and there are many extreme arrogants around her.".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

"Ruyu, you\'re here too.".

At this time, a man in gold came.

This man is unusually handsome and comes like a son of God with extraordinary temperament.

Many people exclaimed.

Go up and say hello.

Obviously, this person\'s identity is also extremely extraordinary.

"Who is this?". Lin Feng asked.

"It\'s Jinjia Tianjiao jintianlong, who ranks first in the top ten families. This person awakens the Tianlong martial spirit among the animal martial spirits, which is extremely terrible.".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

"Brother Jin".

Yan Ruyu smiled, neither too unfamiliar nor too close.

"This year is much more lively than before"

A clamor came.

A woman curled up.

The woman\'s figure is enchanting and moving. Her front, convex, back and warped body perfectly shows her hot figure in front of everyone.

This is also a beautiful woman.

Different from Yan Ruyu\'s noble and cold temperament.

This woman gives the impression that she is as enthusiastic as fire.

Of course, another word is "coquettish".

"Huoqianjiao, this is the eldest lady of the fire family of the top ten families".

Sikong picked the moon and whispered.

Huoqianjiao is also one of the top ten beauties in the eastern region.

She and Yan Ruyu are known as the "double beads" of Aolai country.

Both of them have excellent posture.

Although the temperament is different.

But they all have high popularity.

Some people like Yan Ruyu, a noble and cold woman.

Naturally, some people like huoqianjiao, an enchanting and charming woman.

Many people gathered around them.

"I didn\'t expect the princess to come to the party. It\'s really rare. Is this the first time for the princess? I don\'t know what attracted the princess this year?".

Huoqianjiao looked at Yan Ruyu with a smile.

Yan Ruyu smiled and said, "I was enjoying flowers in the imperial palace. I suddenly thought of a party today, so I came out and hope to get closer to you.".

"It\'s a great honor for the princess to want to be close to us laymen.".

Huoqianjiao smiled quietly.

Lin Feng said, "these two people don\'t seem to deal with very well?".

Sikong nodded and said, "I fell in love with my sisters in the early years. Later, I don\'t know what happened, which made the relationship between the two people go to the freezing point. Once we meet, there will inevitably be some disputes.".

The rest of the people naturally know that they can\'t let Yan Ruyu and huoqianjiao quarrel like this.

A young childe named LAN Xu smiled and changed the subject and said, "the God ruins will open soon. Do you have any plans to go to the God ruins?"

This topic really attracted many people\'s attention and interest.

A woman named tuobaqian beside Tuoba lie said, "the opening of the divine ruins is an opportunity for anyone, and naturally can\'t be missed".

A young childe named Xu Wei shook his head and said, "Shenxu is a battlefield of gods. There are many opportunities, but it is also dangerous. We must know what happened at Luoshen cliff, so before entering such a dangerous place, we should think about whether we have the strength to take risks".

Many people nodded.

The matter of Luoshen cliff has had a great impact on everyone.

"I heard that those ancient forces are investigating Luoshen cliff. I don\'t know how the investigation is going?".

Said a proud man.

"Do you still need to investigate? Something terrible must have happened in the depths of the death Jedi. I only heard that the death Jedi was terrible before, but I have never experienced it. Now I know how terrible the death Jedi is in the battle of Luoshen cliff".

Some people sigh.

"Many places in the ruins are more dangerous than the death Jedi.".

Someone said so.

Many people frowned slightly and had to think about whether they should take risks in the God ruins.

"Eh, Sikong, are you here too?". A surprised voice came.

A young man in green clothes looked this way and saw Sikong picking the moon.

This young master in Qingyi is called Tang Xingyao.

He comes from the Tang family of ten families.

Sikong picked the moon, nodded and had a brief chat with Tang Xingyao.

Yan Ruyu, huoqianjiao, Jin Tianlong, Tuoba lie and others not far away also noticed here.

After seeing Sikong picking the moon, they all looked strange. Some were indifferent, some were indifferent, some sneered, and some disdained.

The Sikong family declined.

Naturally, there is no shortage of people who look down on others.

"Sister Xinyan is here too. Haven\'t we met for three or four years?".

Huoqianjiao smiled and looked at Sikong Xinyan.

"Sister QIANJIAO".

Sikong Xinyan saluted slightly.

"Come on, let\'s go to the accord on the third floor. There will be a small fair there soon. Maybe there will be a lot of good things.".

Tuoba lie smiled.

The party walked towards the third floor.

Naturally, not everyone is qualified.

At the entrance of the stairs, Tuoba gave Lin Feng a faint glance and said, "Sikong, is this your friend?".

Sikong picked the moon, nodded and said, "yes, what\'s up?".

Tuoba lie smiled, "not everyone is qualified to go to the elegant Pavilion on the third floor. You and Sikong Xinyan can go, or we can sell you Sikong ancestors a face. As for your friend, it seems that you have no qualification to step into the third floor, so you should know how to deal with this matter?".

The corners of Tuoba lie\'s mouth evoked a smile of ridicule.

He naturally felt Lin Feng\'s cultivation.

The realm of King Wu is just ten Heaven.

Such a person is not even qualified to talk to his Tuoba lie.

And Tuoba lie obviously wants to deliberately humiliate Sikong and pick the moon through Lin Feng.

The others frowned slightly, but said nothing more.

After all, it\'s not worth it to offend Tuoba lie for Sikong to pick the moon.

As for Lin Feng, the others also didn\'t pay attention.

King Wu\'s ten Heaven cultivation accomplishments are quite good.

But in front of their ten families, they are nothing.

Don\'t go too far. The look of Sikong picking the moon was extremely gloomy, and his fists were suddenly clenched together.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Either the children of the top ten families can go up to the third floor, or the Tianjiao of the realm of yin and Yang. Not all cats and dogs can go up casually.".

Tuoba lie laughed.

"Why don\'t you come up yet?".

At this time, a soft voice suddenly came from the third floor.

When they looked, they saw a woman in white with a veil.

"God, Bai Shengyi!"

When the woman appeared, the whole Wanhua building was a sensation.

Wanhua building is not an ordinary force.

Wanhua building is all over tianwu continent.

Although he did not participate in the dispute between tianwu and the mainland.

But everyone knows how terrible the Wanhua building is.

I don\'t know how many strong people this force has won over.

I\'m afraid that some ancient forces can\'t match the strength of this force.

Bai Shengyi, one of the twelve saints in Wanhua building, has a high status.

Comparable to the direct descendant of the Taigu forces.

It is comparable to the long Princess of the ancient imperial power of the Zhou empire.

In the future, Bai Shengyi may become the helmsman of Wanhua building.

Aolai immortal kingdom is just an ancient force. It\'s nothing in front of Wanhua building.

No one thought that Bai Shengyi appeared in the Wanhua building of Aolai city.

After seeing Bai Shengyi, even Yan Ruyu, Jin Tianlong, huoqianjiao and other top Tianjiao saluted Yan Ruyu slightly.

Their accomplishments may be able to compete with Bai Shengyi.

But the power behind them is much worse than Bai Shengyi.

Identity naturally can\'t compare with Bai Shengyi.

Seeing these people salute, Bai Shengyi just nodded slightly.

She said, "let\'s go. Two more Taoist friends are coming.".

All Tianjiao are refreshed, which can make Bai Shengyi call them "Taoist friends".

Is it also a descendant of the Taigu forces?

These Tianjiao in Aolai immortal country are quite excited.

Of course, they also want to make more friends with the heirs of the top forces.

Many people looked enviously at the more than 30 children of the top ten families on the second floor.

They also want to go to the accord on the third floor.

But I don\'t have the qualification.

At this time, Bai Shengyi, who was about to leave, suddenly paused.

She looked at the crowd with surprise.

"Young master Lin, you have come to the eastern regions too? Are you going to the God ruins?".

Bai Shengyi looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile.


Everyone\'s eyes followed Bai Shengyi\'s eyes.

Everyone saw the young friar standing next to Sikong caiyue.

Many people\'s expressions are very wonderful.

Tuoba lie just satirized that not all cats and dogs are qualified to enter the accord on the third floor.

But in the twinkling of an eye.

Bai Shengyi appeared high above.

These proud sons of heaven say hello to Bai Shengyi, but they just let Bai Shengyi nod.

But when Bai Shengyi saw Lin Feng, Bai Shengyi suddenly changed into a person.

Lin Feng was so enthusiastic.

"White fairy, I haven\'t seen her for more than a year, and her style is still the same.". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

In Beihuang City, Lin Feng met Bai Shengyi.

Bai Shengyi said, "the other two Taoist friends have long wanted to get to know childe Lin, but today they didn\'t expect to meet childe Lin. it seems that we have some fate."

See Bai Shengyi and Lin Feng talking warmly.

Yan Ruyu, Jin Tianlong, huoqianjiao and others looked suspicious.

Who is this person? Let Bai Shengyi be so enthusiastic?

Bai Shengyi didn\'t pay much attention to them.

Tuoba\'s face was even more green and white.

Just now he satirized Lin Feng that he was not qualified to enter the accord on the third floor.

Now, it\'s like being beaten in the face.