Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 685

"Who are you, boy?".

Tuoba cloud looked coldly at Lin Feng.

"Maple, let him go.".

Sikong grabbed Lin Feng\'s hand and said.

Now, they really can\'t afford to offend the Tuoba family.

Sikong doesn\'t want to implicate Lin Feng because of his own affairs.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Know what Sikong caiyue is worried about.

He nodded, loosened Tuoba Yun\'s hand and said faintly, "Sikong family doesn\'t welcome you.".

"Grass, where did you come from? Dare to take care of our Tuoba family? Don\'t want to live?".

A friar of the Tuoba family cursed arrogantly.


The next moment.

He just felt a flash in front of him.

Lin Feng came to him.


He slapped it.


The powerful and heavy slap hit each other in the face.

Directly fly the friar of the Tuoba family out tens of meters away.


The monk of the Tuoba family fell to the ground and his face was rotten by Lin Feng.

Just pass out.


The rest were furious.

Tuoba cloud looked very gloomy. He said coldly, "boy, do you dare to do it?".

"Disrespectful to me, ignorant of life and death".

Lin Feng sneered.

"Come together and kill the boy.".

"Those who dare to hurt my Tuoba family simply don\'t know whether to live or die. This boy must die.".

These people of Tuoba family are extremely arrogant. They sneer and want to do it.

But they were stopped by Tuoba Yun.

Because Tuoba Yun is a little uncertain about Lin Feng\'s origin.

He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "boy, this thing won\'t end so easily.".

Then, Tuoba Yun led the people of Tuoba family to leave.

Lin Feng didn\'t take the threat of Tuoba cloud seriously.

If not for taking care of Sikong picking the moon, Sikong Xinyan.

Just now, these people of the Tuoba family are dead.

Kill them and leave.

However, Sikong picks the moon, Sikong Xinyan, two old servants, rui\'er, will still live here.

Lin Feng suppressed the killing intention in his heart.

"Maple, I\'m the one who bothered you.".

Sikong picked the moon with a sigh and said, "now hurry up and leave Aolai city. I\'m worried that the people of the Tuoba family will hold a grudge against you.".

Lin Feng said, "you and my brother experienced life and death together in the ancient demon battlefield. It was a friendship of sharing weal and woe. At this time, would I leave?".

Sikong Jieyue was moved and worried about Lin Feng\'s safety, but he knew Lin Feng\'s character. If Lin Feng didn\'t want to go.

No matter how he advised, Lin Feng would not leave.

"I hope the Tuoba family will not go too far during this period of time.".

Sikong said with a gloomy look.

Thank you, brother Lin.

Until this time, Sikong Xinyan\'s face recovered some blood color.

Lin Feng said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t let those people bully you with me.".

Sikong Xinyan nodded heavily, and tears fell down in her big eyes.

Lin Feng rubbed her head.

But his eyes grew colder.

He and Sikong pick the moon, experience life and death, brotherhood.

Sikong\'s sister picking the moon!

He is Lin Feng\'s sister!

That Tuoba cloud dares to threaten Sikong to pick the moon with Sikong Xinyan.

Lin Feng has killed Tuoba Yun.

It\'s just that this place is not suitable for hands-on.

So Lin Feng didn\'t do it.


Sikong family ancestral hall.

Sikong zhaiyue knelt in the ancestral hall and muttered to himself in front of his ancestors, "It\'s unfilial for the descendants of Sikong to pick the moon. Now the ancestral home inherited by the Sikong family for thousands of years will not be preserved. If it really can\'t be preserved, the unfilial descendants of Sikong pick the moon hope that their ancestors can forgive. The Sikong family is only left with the unfilial descendants of Sikong pick the moon and their sister Sikong Xinyan. My humble life is not a pity, but I hope that my sister can live well...".

Lin Feng, leaning against the column, looked at Sikong\'s slightly trembling body and shook his head with a sigh.

It\'s not easy for Sikong to pick the moon these years.

This ancestral home may be his last sustenance?

Now, in order to protect his sister, he seems to have wavered.

Tuoba Yun takes Sikong Xinyan and threatens Sikong to pick the moon, which obviously makes Sikong pick the moon very afraid.

If Sikong Xinyan is really sold to the brothel to receive guests.

Sikong caiyue didn\'t dare to think about such a thing.

He can die.

But Sikong Xinyan, nothing can happen.

Late at night.

A group of people of the Tuoba family left the Wanhua building.

The nightlife of the children of these aristocratic families is naturally very wonderful.

The Wanhua building is a gathering of the most beautiful beauties.

It is the favorite place for the children of these aristocratic families.

A dozen people are walking in the street.

It\'s only a street from the Tuoba family.

It\'s quiet here. It\'s totally different from the scene where other streets are still bustling.

Curfews are often imposed on the streets outside these big families to prevent them from being disturbed.

Tuoba Yun and others talked about the women in the Wanhua building while walking towards the Tuoba family, and made obscene laughter from time to time.

Suddenly a person said, "if I say, although the women in Wanhua building are beautiful, they have more dust smell. Sikong Xinyan, the sister of Sikong picking the moon, is called the best. Although she is young, she is tall and has a beautiful face. The key is tender water. She will be happy to play.".

"Ha ha, that\'s right. Sikong Xinyan is really a beauty. I feel like... Fire burning when I think of that girl."

Another monk of Sikong family said.

A group of people laughed and discussed Sikong Xinyan.

Tuoba Yun said, "it\'s not easy to want the boss Kong Xinyan? Can the waste of Sikong picking the moon stop us? We\'ll call Tuoba lie to go together in a few days. If Sikong picking the moon honestly cooperates with us, it\'s all right. If we don\'t know the current affairs, we\'ll catch the chick of Sikong Xinyan at night and have a good time.".

"Ha ha, I can\'t wait.".

"Me too. I really want to get on that chick now.".

A group of people from the Tuoba family laughed.

The wild laughter echoed in the open street.

A humanitarian said, "what if Sikong picks the moon and the boy cooperates? Won\'t we be unable to play Sikong Xinyan?".

"Hei hei, the Sikong\'s moon picking occupies the Sikong\'s residence. All parties pay attention to it. We have to take care of one or two when we deal with them. But if we don\'t even have the residence, who will pay attention to them? It\'s easier to do it at that time.".

Tuoba cloud sneered.

"Yun Shao means to kill Sikong and pick the moon? Let\'s swallow the money he sold his mansion? Then catch Sikong Xinyan? Let\'s have a good time?".

Said a friar of the Tuoba family.

Tuoba cloud smiled and said, "children can be taught. That\'s what I mean.".

"Yun Shao is really wise."

A group of people immediately flattered.

Suddenly, someone said, "Hey, look, there\'s a man coming in front?".

"Who is this guy? He dares to wander around the street where we Tuoba family curfew in the middle of the night. He doesn\'t want to live?".

Suddenly, people of the Tuoba family sneered and looked at the figure walking step by step to the distant street.