Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 684

Not seen for many years, Lin Feng and Sikong naturally have a lot to say.

After Sikong Xinyan left, they sat on the roof, drinking and talking about many things they had experienced over the years.

Late at night.

be dead drunk.

Lin Feng carried Sikong to pick the moon back to his room.

Lin Feng often drinks with old drinkers, and his drinking capacity has long been tempered.

But obviously, Sikong\'s drinking capacity is much worse.

Sikong picked the moon and lay in bed, snoring and sleeping.

Lin Feng sat cross legged, running the Taigu dragon elephant formula.

Thirty six weeks later.

Drunk at all.

Then Lin Feng began to watch the operation of 90000 stars.

The first morning, Lin Feng got up.

"Brother Lin, is my brother here? After cooking some soup and drinking it, your body will be much more comfortable.".

Sikong Xinyan said softly.

Your brother hasn\'t woke up yet. Let him sleep a little longer.

Lin Feng Road.

"Brother Lin, please follow me.".

Sikong Xinyan blushed.

Lin Feng nodded and followed Sikong Xinyan to the dining room.

Sikong Xinyan served Lin Feng a bowl of soup.

After Lin Feng drank it, he felt warm.

He couldn\'t help feeling.

This Sikong Xinyan is not only beautiful, but also gentle.

"Xinyan\'s cooking is really good. I haven\'t had such a delicious thick soup for many years.".

Lin Feng put down the dishes and chopsticks and said with a smile.

Praised by Lin Feng, Sikong Xinyan blushed slightly and said, "it\'s good if brother Lin likes it.".

Sikong Xinyan didn\'t stay long.

As a girl, she was also embarrassed to stay with Lin Feng for too long.

Lin Feng came outside.

The warm sunshine fell.

He walked in the huge courtyard.

The area occupied by Sikong family is too large.

I\'m afraid this mansion is also valuable.

In front of a small courtyard, Lin Feng saw an old servant sitting in front of the stone steps in the sun.

Lin Feng went over and said hello to the old servant.

The old servant smiled and said, "young and polite young students like you are rare.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue.".

The old servant smiled and said, "even so, who still remembers these virtues now? Is this childe the childe Lin mentioned by Ruier\'s girl?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s the younger generation.".

The old servant said happily, "I haven\'t seen you bring your friends home for many years. In fact, I haven\'t seen you make friends for many years.".

Lin Feng moved in his heart and said, "old man, the Sikong family residence is so huge that it should be prosperous. Why are there only so few people left in the Sikong family now?".

The old servant sighed and said, "in the early years, the Sikong family was a big family in Aolai City, one of the top ten families, but ten years ago, the Sikong family suffered a disaster.".

"Disaster of destruction?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The old servant nodded and said, "the Sikong family didn\'t know what curse they had been cursed. The people died one by one. Even the ancestors of the great power level couldn\'t escape the disaster. The gatekeepers and guards attached to the Sikong family fled one after another."

"The slaves also began to escape. Originally, the slaves fled and their sins should be punished, but the master was kind and ordered to let all the slaves go.".

"In the end, only master Yue and miss Xinyan survived among the Sikong family. As for the slaves, they have run away. Such a big Sikong family has declined.".

Lin Feng could almost guess what happened later.

Only two loyal old servants and the helpless servant girl Ruier didn\'t leave.

Under the care of two old servants, Sikong caiyue and Sikong Xinyan grow up.

"Why did this happen? Why did such a powerful family die one after another?".

Lin Feng frowned.

He felt it was too unusual.

Such a huge family, there are powerful people at the level of power.

But because of being cursed, the people died miserably.

Is it really a curse?

Or something else?

The Revenge of extermination.

No wonder Sikong worked so hard to pick the moon!

Carrying such a massacre.

When Sikong picked the moon, he naturally had to practice hard.

At noon, Sikong picked the moon and woke up.

He has been for a long time.

I didn\'t sleep so safely.

Lin Feng came to the depths, and Sikong picked the moon. Finally, he could rest assured and have a good sleep.

Because Sikong Jieyue knows.

No matter what happens.

Lin Feng will notice it for the first time.

In the afternoon, a group of more than 20 people came to Sikong mansion.

The leader was a 26-year-old childe.

This person is called "Tuoba cloud".

A cocky look.

Lin Feng found that the man\'s cultivation was not simple.

It turned out to be a monk in the realm of yin and Yang.

Seeing these people coming, Sikong Xinyan obviously hid behind Sikong caiyue in fear.

"Tuoba Yun, what are you doing in Sikong\'s house again? I already said that the ancestral house of Sikong family is not for sale.".

Sikong picked the moon and said in a deep voice.

"Sikong picks up the moon. All the members of your Sikong family are dead. What\'s the use of guarding this ancestral house? Do you think the Sikong family was one of the top ten families in Aolai city in those years?",

"Stop daydreaming. Your Sikong family has long declined. Now, my Tuoba family has replaced your Sikong family, and this residence is also in line with my current identity. If you honestly sell it to us, your brothers and sisters can be safe. I don\'t think you want to see your sister being wheeled by a group of men in a brothel one day Go ahead? "

The evil eyes of Tuoba looked at Sikong Xinyan.

"Ha ha, this little girl is Shuiling. I want to fuck her.".

The rest of the Tuoba family laughed.

Sikong Xinyan trembled with fear.

"Asshole, you want to die.".

Sikong took off the moon with a roar and hit the other party with a fist.

Tuoba Yun\'s accomplishments obviously exceeded that of Sikong picking the moon too much. With a sneer, he shook his body and came to Sikong picking the moon with a palm.

Sikong picked the moon and turned white.

With this blow, he found that he couldn\'t escape at all.

After the decline of the Sikong family.

There is only such a mansion left.

The rest has long been looted by major forces.

I don\'t even have cultivation resources.

At the age of twenty-one, Sikong caiyue was able to cultivate ten Heaven in the realm of King Wu.

It has been extremely difficult.

But what about King Wu\'s ten Heaven?

Compared with Tuoba cloud in the realm of yin and Yang, it is still much worse.

"How dare you fight with me if you\'re a waste?".

Tuoba Yun\'s face was full of disdain.


Sikong Xinyan looks pale.


Seeing that Tuoba Yun\'s blow was about to split on Sikong\'s body.

Suddenly, Tuoba Yun\'s wrist was caught.