Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 683

The eastern region is adjacent to the East China Sea.

Aolai immortal kingdom is a famous ancient capital in the eastern region.

There have always been rumors of "Immortality" in Aolai fairy kingdom.

Of course, the most famous is the rumor of flower and fruit mountain in Aolai country.

At the junction of Aolai and the East China Sea, there is white fog.

There is a fairy mountain called Huaguo Mountain.

It is said that the creation of the world\'s top rocks is the beginning of the world\'s history, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, and the tides of the earth and the earth.

Strange stones give birth to divine thoughts.

For millions of years.

A stone monkey jumped out.

This stone monkey was even more famous in the past.

Known as the battle Saint ape.

battle with heaven and earth!

Who competes?

After endless years, the rumors of flower and fruit mountain in Aolai country are still famous in the world.

On the Bank of the East China Sea, countless people looked into the depths.

It is said that the deep part of the world shrouded in white fog is the location of Huaguo Mountain.

"Is there really a flower and fruit mountain?".

Asked the friar.

An old friar stroked his beard and said, "of course there are, so the old story will not be false.".

"Whether there is Huaguo Mountain, go and have a look.".

A friar said he wanted to fly to the white fog shrouded world.

The old friar said faintly, "the deep part of the world surrounded by white fog is Huaguo Mountain. Although it is not a death Jedi, it is said to be more terrible than a death Jedi".

Hearing the old monk\'s remarks, the monk who wanted to explore suddenly changed his face.

What happened at Luoshen cliff has already caused a sensation in 3000 states.

Let the world know how terrible death Jedi are.


A hundred miles around.

not even a blade of grass grows.

Countless monks.

ashes to ashes.

Countless creatures.

Turn into dust.

If it\'s more terrible than death Jedi.

Then, the horror of Huaguo Mountain is unimaginable.

"No one came out of Huaguo Mountain?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Over the years, no one really came out because they were said to have been cursed.".

Said the old friar.

"Curse? What curse?" someone asked curiously.

"It is said that the fighting Saint ape once made a big noise in the undead world and almost overturned the undead world. Therefore, there are seven ancient Buddhas in the undead world who cooperate with Buddhism to kill the fighting Saint ape and curse Huaguo Mountain. No matter how difficult it is for the descendants of Huaguo Mountain to get out of it, outsiders can\'t enter Huaguo Mountain.".

Said the old friar.

Lin Feng touched his chin and didn\'t know how credible the old Friar\'s words were.

If it\'s true.

In the past, the battle between the holy ape and the seven ancient Buddhas and the big men of the undead world, I\'m afraid it would shock the world and cry ghosts and gods?

"Little maple, is that you?".

At this time, a surprised voice came.

Lin Feng looked and saw a handsome young man looking at himself.


Seeing the young man, Lin Feng\'s face suddenly showed a happy look.

It was Sikong picking the moon.

The two met in the battlefield of ancient gods and demons.

At that time, they were only sixteen or seventeen years old.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than five years have passed.

"Good brother, I didn\'t expect you to come to the eastern region".

Sikong picked the moon and came up with a big bear hug with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also gave Sikong a bear hug.

Old friends meet.

Nature is a happy thing.

"Let\'s go back to Aolai city.".

Sikong picked up the moon.

Lin Feng nodded and went to Aolai city with Sikong to pick the moon.

Aolai city is not far away. It is more than twenty miles away and built by the sea.

Standing on the wall, you can see the magnificent sea.

Outside the taixuan building, there is a poem by Li taixuan, the Sword Fairy.

You don\'t see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky and running to the sea.

You don\'t see the bright mirror in the high hall, sad white hair, like green silk in the morning and snow in the evening.

When you are happy in life, don\'t make the golden cup empty to the moon.

I\'m born to be useful. I\'ll come back after I\'ve lost a thousand gold.

It is fun to cook sheep and kill cattle. You will have to drink 300 cups a day.

Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will bring wine. Don\'t stop.

A song with you, please listen to it for me.

The bells, drums and dishes are not expensive. I hope I\'ll be drunk for a long time.

In ancient times, sages were lonely, and only drinkers kept their names.

In the past, King Chen had a happy banquet and ten thousand wine fights.

What does the master mean by saying less money? You must sell and drink to you.

Five flower horses, thousands of gold fur, hu\'er will exchange wine and sell eternal sorrow with you.


Li taixuan is an alcoholic.

I lived in taixuan building for more than ten years.

Now taixuan building has become a hot restaurant.

Lin Feng and Sikong gather here to order wine and vegetables and talk while eating.

"Where are you now, maple? I went to Dongjun Shenzhou to find you a few years ago, but I found that Dongjun Shenzhou wanted you everywhere.".

Sikong picked up the moon.

"Is Aotian ancient capital wanted me?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a cold killing intention.

Sikong picked the moon, nodded and said, "yes, it\'s the proud ancient capital!"

Many things have happened in recent years. I left Dongjun Shenzhou and joined Qingyun sect.

Lin Feng Road.

"Qingyun sect? The Qingyun sect in the wasteland?".

Sikong asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s the Qingyun sect.".

"Now? What are you doing in the eastern region?".

Sikong asked curiously.

"The God market is about to open. I plan to go to the God market.".

Lin Feng Road.

"I\'ve heard about this. I\'m also preparing to go to the God ruins. You and I will go together then?".

Sikong picked the moon and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, our brothers can join hands again. Come on, cheers.".

Lin Feng raised his glass.

Sikong picked the moon and raised his glass and drank it all at once.


At night, Lin Feng went to the Sikong family with Sikong picking the moon.

Sikong family is located in the northwest of Aolai City, where there is a huge mansion covering an area of thousands of mu.

This surprised Lin Feng.

There is such a huge mansion in Aolai city.

The Sikong family is not simple.

Just entering the mansion, Lin Feng felt deserted.

A huge mansion.

It\'s quiet. I can\'t even see people.

"Sikong, where are your people?".

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Sikong picked the moon and said with a bitter smile, "now there are still me, my sister, two old servants and a servant girl left in the Sikong family.".

Lin Feng nodded and saw that Sikong picked the moon and looked lonely, so he didn\'t ask any more questions.

When entering an inner house, a 14-year-old servant girl saw Sikong caiyue and Lin Feng, and saluted Sikong caiyue.

"The young master is back".

Sikong picked the moon, nodded, pointed to the servant girl and said, "this is my sister\'s personal servant girl. Her name is rui\'er. This is childe Lin".

"Rui\'er has seen childe Lin".

The little servant girl saluted Lin Feng shyly.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"Rui\'er, go and clean up another room.".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

"Yes, young master, I\'ll go now.".

Rui\'er answered and retreated.

Sikong picked the moon and took Lin Feng to a living room.

Because there is no servant in the family who can instruct, they make their own tea.

Soon after, a girl of sixteen or seventeen came.

The girl is tall and has a delicate and beautiful face.

This is Sikong Xinyan, Sikong\'s sister picking the moon.

"Xinyan, you came just in time. This is Lin Feng I often talk to you about. This is my sister Xinyan.".

Sikong picked the moon and said with a smile.

Sikong Xinyan slightly saluted Lin Feng and said, "Xinyan has seen Lin\'s brother.".

Sikong Xinyan\'s voice is very soft and beautiful, giving people a delicate feeling.