Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 682

"Look, it\'s manager Liu coming out.".

"Being able to serve as the chief manager of the eldest martial brother\'s qingtianfeng won the eldest martial brother\'s trust, and his status is naturally extraordinary.".

"If I can enter the Qingtian peak of the eldest martial brother as a guard, I can prosper.".

"Elder martial brother is a super genius that can\'t be produced for thousands of years. Sooner or later, he will become a strong man at the level of God".

Many people are talking about it.

Although Qingyun sect declined.

However, Qingyun sect has cultivated such peerless figures as "Huangfu Qingtian".

It\'s amazing.


And Lin Feng stared at the woman who came out.

He was slightly absent-minded.

Because in any case, Lin Feng didn\'t think it was this woman.

Liu mengyan!

Zhenwu kingdom! The master of Yunxuan Pavilion, the imperial capital!

Isn\'t this man from long Haori, the eighth prince?

Lin Feng clearly remembered that he and Shangguan Feier went to Yunxuan Pavilion for dinner.

Then long Yuxiao, the son of Lord taixuan, was bold and wanted to flirt with Shangguan Feier.

Lin Feng gave him a good lesson.

Later, Liu mengyan came forward.

Even the twelve Eagle guards sent by the eighth prince to protect her were called out to deal with Lin Feng.

But the twelve Eagle guards were defeated by Lin Feng, and her Yunxuan pavilion was torn down by Lin Feng.

In Lin Feng\'s opinion, Liu mengyan is just a clown.

This woman, although she looks good.

Call it a beauty.

But so what?

Beauty is the most indispensable thing in this world.

Now, Liu mengyan has become the chief manager of qingtianfeng?

Can people like Liu mengyan climb up Huangfu Qingtian?

Lin Feng couldn\'t understand this.

"Manager Liu, go slowly..."

Several elders of the inner disciple Temple smiled and hugged.

Very polite.

Because they know that Liu mengyan is valued by Huangfu Qingtian.

Huangfu Qingtian is bound to become a peerless strong man in the future, and may even become a "God".

That\'s why these elders flatter.

Liu mengyan nodded slightly.

Although she is still the cultivation of King Wu realm.

But in front of these sect elders, they even have a high attitude.

And those elders don\'t feel humiliated.

This is the identity of the chief manager of qingtianfeng.

Anyone should take a high look.

Liu mengyan walked outside.

In the distance, the sound of cranes came.

A huge crane came and circled over the sky.

This is the golden crane in captivity on Qingtian peak.

It is a very rare crane.

This kind of crane not only flies fast.

And extremely psychic.

And very fierce.

Much more ferocious than many fierce birds.

A pair of eyes swept down coldly.

Many disciples looked at Jinyu crane\'s eyes and felt cold all over.

"Elder martial sister Liu, please go up to the crane".

A disciple said respectfully.

Liu mengyan nodded and waved his hand. The golden feather crane with extremely fierce temperament flew down and landed on the ground.

Liu mengyan is about to leave by crane.

Suddenly, her eyes suddenly coagulated.

She looked at the crowd.

It seems incredible.

"Lin Feng......".

The sound of Liu mengyan became ethereal.

"I didn\'t expect to see you here."

Lin Feng glanced at Liu mengyan lightly.

Liu mengyan obviously didn\'t think of it.

She smiled and said, "find a place and talk to me.".

Lin Feng nodded.

Together with Liu mengyan, I found a quiet place.

"You are wanted everywhere in Dongjun Shenzhou, but you ran to the wasteland. It\'s really unexpected.".

Liu mengyan smiled and looked at Lin Feng.

There is a strong wind.

But Lin Feng was unmoved.

He asked curiously, "aren\'t you from long Haori, the eighth prince? Why did you run to Qingyun sect now? And become the manager of Qingtian peak?".

"Don\'t you know that the eighth Prince long Haori was killed for rebellion?".

Liu Meng.

Lin Feng shook his head.

He was not interested in knowing about the eighth prince.

Liu Meng said, "although you and I had some unhappiness in the past, it\'s not a big grudge. It\'s fate to meet again in Qingyun sect. Lin Feng, I\'ll give you a chance to prosper and see if you can grasp it.".

Liu mengyan said faintly. Lin Feng was not happy with a high attitude.

However, before Liu mengyan thought of it, he had a high attitude towards the elders of the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of a word.

A sparrow becomes a Phoenix.

Liu mengyan used to stay in the secular world.

Although with the eighth prince.

But in the face of really powerful forces, don\'t say only eight princes.

Even what is Zhenwu?

Now he has joined a big sect like Qingyun sect and has become an important person of Huangfu Qingtian.

This Liu mengyan seems to have changed from a poor man to a billionaire.

So it\'s not surprising that it\'s always that high up now.

Lin Feng asked, "what is it?".

"Now the eldest martial brother is setting up a team of 36 people in qingtianwei. I think you have potential. How about recommending you to join qingtianwei?".

Liu Meng.

"Qingtianwei? What\'s this?". Lin Feng frowned.

"It\'s equivalent to only serving the dead who are loyal to the eldest martial brother".

Liu Meng.

Lin Feng said faintly, "dead man? Isn\'t that a slave? Sorry, I\'m not interested.".

It\'s not a good job at all.

The dead man Lin Feng has also seen many.

Even worse than a slave.

For a command of the master, even if you pay your life, this is a dead man.

Lin Feng will not be a martyr to anyone.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s refusal, Liu mengyan\'s face was a little ugly.

She said, "many people want this opportunity, but younger martial brother Lin refused?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "so please leave such a good position to others. Younger martial brother, I have something else to do, so I\'ll leave first.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist and then walked towards the inner disciple temple.

"Toast without penalty". Liu mengyan glanced at Lin Feng coldly.

An elite disciple of the inner gate named Sun Tzu Zhou came out of the dark. It was obvious that he had just heard a dialogue between Lin Feng and Liu mengyan.

Sun Tzu Zhou glanced coldly at Lin Feng\'s back and said, "dare you refuse to be the dead man of the eldest martial brother? Is this boy shameless?"

Liu mengyan sneered and said, "there are always some people who don\'t know the height of heaven and earth."

Then he rode the golden crane and rose into the sky.



Now Lin Feng can wander outside.

So when he left, he left a thought in place.

I heard a few conversations between Liu mengyan and sunzizhou.

Lin Feng knew that because he refused to become a martyr of Huangfu Qingtian.

Liu mengyan and Sun Tzu Zhou have become hostile to themselves.

"It\'s ridiculous! There must be many powerful disciples in qingtianfeng. Why not choose among them? Instead, recruit outside? Obviously, everyone knows that becoming a dead man is equivalent to becoming someone else\'s dog. The owner can\'t refuse to commit suicide and completely lose his freedom and self"

"As a disciple of a large sect, the future is bright. Who would like to become a martyr?"

"Liu mengyan and sun Zizhou hate me because I refuse to be the dead man of Huangfu Qingtian. It\'s really self righteous. You\'d better not provoke me, otherwise you will die."

Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

He strode towards the inner disciple\'s temple.


A month later, Lin Feng left Qingyun sect and went to the East China Sea.

"God ruins, the tree of the world".

Lin Feng took a deep breath and showed a hopeful look in his eyes.

If you can really get the fragments of the tree of the world.


Future achievements.

Maybe it can really reach the height of the ancient gods and even surpass the height of the ancient gods.