Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 681

"Is there anything wrong?"

Lin Feng looks at fire Qilin and asks suspiciously.

He always felt that Huo Qilin was a little strange when he faced "Li Mingxi".

Huo Qilin quickly shook his head and said, "there is nothing wrong with nature.".

Lin Feng asked, "last time you went to the Guman mining area and said you had something important to tell me. Why did you leave again? What important things to say?".

"The God ruins are about to open"

Fire Qilin road.

"Shenxu? What is this place?".

Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"Deep in the East China Sea, there are endless God ruins, where gods fell. It is even said that there is a channel leading to the immortal world. It is a channel smashed by an extremely powerful race in the past. Countless people will go to look for that mysterious channel."

Fire Qilin yearns.

"To the undead?".

Lin Feng was shocked.

Huo Qilin nodded, "the top strong will go. If you really have the opportunity to enter that channel, it will be a great opportunity."

Lin Feng touched his chin and could understand the madness of those extremely strong.

These extremely strong people are as difficult as heaven to break through the "divine realm".

Because the world has changed.

Since ancient times, it has been very difficult for tianwu to become a God.

But if you can enter the undead world.

Don\'t say God.

It is even possible to break through the shackles of Shinto.

Break through the Empire!

"Is there anything useful for you in the God ruins?".

Lin Feng asked.

"Spring of life, I want to find this thing. If I can find it, the dried up divine power in my body can be restored.".

Fire Qilin is looking forward to it.

He then said, "there is another treasure in the God ruins. I hope you can find it.".

"Oh? What?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

"The tree of the world, to be exact, is a fragment of the tree of the world".

Fire Kirin\'s eyes are faint.

"Tree of the world, what is this?".

Lin Feng wondered.

"At the beginning of the founding of the world, heaven and earth gave birth to two sacred trees, namely, the tree of life and the tree of the world".

"The tree of life breeds the spring of life. The spring of life has the ability to bring people back to life.".

"The tree of the world absorbs the purest energy in the world. Your savings are too strong. It will be more and more difficult to improve your cultivation in the future. If you can find the fragments of the tree of the world, cultivate them into seedlings of the tree of the world and plant them in the Dantian, the seedlings of the tree of the world can absorb the purest energy in the world day and night, and your cultivation will be rapid Promotion ".

"So good?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"Twenty years ago, I met a young man who planted a seedling cultivated from the fragments of the world tree, and he became the first person to enter the immortal world in 100000 years."

Huoqilin\'s eyes are long.

"Who is this man?". Lin Feng asked in shock.


The man Huo Qilin said was able to break the shackles of heaven and earth.

Enter the undead world.

Does it have anything to do with the seedlings of the world tree?

Huo Qilin said meaningfully, "you will know who that person is sooner or later. Therefore, when the relic is opened this time, you must find the fragments of the world tree, activate it and cultivate it into the seedlings of the world tree. As long as you can succeed, your future will achieve unimaginable achievements.".

"But how can we find the fragments of the world tree? The God ruins must be huge. It\'s as difficult as heaven to find them?".

Lin Feng asked.

"This leaf is the leaf of the tree of the world"

Fire Kirin took out a leaf.

Palm size.

Lin Feng looked carefully and saw that there were dense lines on this green look.

These lines are like divine lines.

Look a little longer.

Let Lin Feng have a painful feeling that his head is about to crack.

"This leaf is so strange.".

Lin Feng quickly moved away his eyes.

The pain in the head.

It just disappeared.

"Take the leaves of the world tree. If you can really find the fragments of the world tree, you can feel it.".

Huo Qilin said.

Lin Feng nodded and put the leaf away.

"Here you are, too. I should go.".

The fire Unicorn waved its claws.

"Won\'t you go together?".

Lin Feng asked.

"It will take more than half a year to open the God ruins, and during this time, I have to deal with one thing. If we meet in the God ruins, you can also go to the East China Sea World in advance and get familiar with it.".

Fire Qilin road.


Lin Feng nodded and then said, "be careful.".

"Rest assured".

Huo Qilin left immediately.

"God ruins! Fragments of the world tree!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Now Lin Feng is carrying the hatred of the family.

Mother was also suppressed in the depths of the starry world by the nine day funeral coffin.

The father\'s rescue of his mother seems to be gone forever.

Time is pressing.

I must improve my accomplishments quickly.

It\'s not easy to improve accomplishments quickly?

But now fire Qilin has let Lin Feng see the hope of rapidly improving his cultivation.

Fragments of the tree of the world!

World tree seedlings!

This time, I must get the seedlings of the tree of the world.

The inner courtyard has not been calm during this period, because the inner courtyard Dabi will be opened again in a year.

In the inner courtyard, there is no Xiaobi.

Only Dabi.

Once every three years.

Test disciples\' accomplishments.

And Dabi\'s reward is extremely rich.

Big than first.

Will reward the "Yin Yang nature pill".

This pill can help friars break through the realm of yin and Yang.

Only this effect.

It\'s enough to drive anyone crazy.


Big than the first, will also get the reward of 10000 best spirit stones!

You can also get the opportunity to practice in the "small world in a moment".

In a moment, small world!!

It is the holy land of Qingyun sect.

It is said that there is a law of time in that place.

That\'s great.

In a moment, a day of cultivation in the small world may be equivalent to a month of cultivation outside.

Practice in the small world for a month, maybe a few years outside.

Lin Feng needs to kill the sky now.

Therefore, Lin Feng is looking forward to this big match.

Lin Feng estimated the time.

There is still about half a year to open the God ruins.

Zongmen Dabi is a year.

Just stagger.

Even if you come back from the God ruins.

And you won\'t miss the inner door contest.

Lin Feng had planned to invite Tanaka road to go to the God ruins.

But Tanaka had something to deal with and left zongmen.

Lin Feng decided to go to the East China Sea alone.

That day, the elder Guo Yan sent someone to inform Lin Feng.

Let him go to the inner disciple temple.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know what Guo Yan calls himself.

He went to the inner disciples\' temple.

When I came here, I found many disciples gathered.

Dozens of disciples even stopped outside the inner disciples\' temple, as if some big man had arrived.

"What happened?". Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

"The woman brought by elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian is here.". Some disciples sneered.

"Elder martial brother Huangfu Qingtian?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Huangfu Qingtian is not an ordinary person.

His reputation is not limited to the 72 northern states.

Even among the younger generation of the whole tianwu continent can be ranked in the top three.

Because, only 25-year-old Huangfu Qingtian.

But it is already the cultivation of ten Heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

This kind of cultivation is terrible.

"This woman was brought back to the sect by elder martial brother Huangfu from outside three years ago. Now she is the manager of qingtianfeng in Qingtian, the eldest martial brother Huangfu. Relying on the reputation of elder martial brother Huangfu, this woman can be said to be superior in the sect. When she goes out, someone opens up. She is more ostentatious than many core disciples in the realm of yin and Yang.".

Another disciple said.

At this time, several elders and more than a dozen deacons were surrounded by the stars and the moon.

A tall woman in a blue skirt came out of the hall.

Seeing the woman, Lin Feng\'s face showed an incredible expression.

How could it be her?